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He brushed her hair away from her face and sifted his fingers through the silky strands. “The first person to fuck you there-really fuck you there-is going to be me. Okay?”

“Of course, it’s okay.” She burrowed harder against him. “I’ve never…I mean, I want…”

“It’s okay. Me, too.” He sat up, bringing her upright with him. “We should probably go back and join the others. I’m not usually gone like this.”

“Oh?” She tilted her head. “Don’t you bring other women into this room?”

He cupped her face and held her with his gaze. “You can believe this or not, but I confine my activities to the main rooms in this house. When I want a one on one with a woman, I pick a place away from here.” He saw the puzzled look in her eyes. “And you want to know why.”

She nodded. “Yes.”

He sighed. “How to explain this? This club has been my entire social life. The women I fuck alone are usually one of them. Doing it here would give them a false sense of the situation.”

A slow smile tilted her lips. “Ownership.”

“You got it. I want them to know it’s just sex.”

She wound her arms around his neck. “And what is it with me, Cody? Not just sex?”

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “That’s what I had in mind originally. But somehow there’s…I don’t know…a different element. Not that I don’t want the sex. And plenty of it. Any woman in my life has to know what they’re getting into.”

“I know that, Cody. I would never expect you to change your lifestyle or your sexual activities.”

“But I want a chance to see if the chemistry between us works out of bed as well as it does in it,” he went on. “How about you?”

“Me, too.”

He smacked her rear end lightly. “Let’s finish tonight’s festivities and see what happens. But Lanie?”


“You will spend the night in my bed.”

She reached down and wrapped her fingers around his cock, nearly giving him a heart attack. “No problem. As long as I get to call some of the shots.”

Hell! I think my kitten just unsheathed her claws.

Chapter Five

By the time they finished brunch on Sunday, it was a given that something special was brewing between the two of them. The routine they established fell into place almost by silent agreement. During the day, while Cody was at his office or in meetings, Lanie spent the hours at home reading or writing her reviews. But the nights were a different thing altogether. The sex was as varied as the meals he served her.

“If I’d known you were such an insatiable wildcat,” Cody told her, “I wouldn’t have waited so long to do this.”

She lowered her lashes, suddenly shy. “I didn’t know myself.”

As the week progressed and she became more and more comfortable with him, any misgivings she still harboured disappearing like so much smoke. There wasn’t anything two people could do sexually that they didn’t try. Cody was a patient, caring teacher, leading her down erotic pathways she never dreamed she’d follow.

He’d fucked her in the shower, in the pool, on the kitchen table. One night after a swim when they were lying naked by the pool, she’d knelt on a pillow between his thighs and played with his balls and sucked his cock, teasing him with her mouth the way she’d discovered he liked, until his orgasm erupted like a geyser.

But the weekend was coming, and they hadn’t really talked about her role in the activities. They discussed some of the things she’d seen but nothing specific regarding her. Cody had been very clear about one thing-he made the rules, and he could break them. That meant where she was concerned he could set whatever limits he wanted, and he’d make sure everyone knew that.

But he still hadn’t told her exactly what he expected of her. How much he expected. Would she have to perform like Sheila and the others? Would he simply give her to one of the men, maybe his friend Mark? The worst part-or the best-was none of it really terrified her or turned her off. From someone who had experienced almost nothing, she was now hungry to taste everything.

Finally, she asked him to tell her outright what he wanted, given the new nature of their relationship.

“We’ll get to that,” he teased. “When the time is right.”

“And when will that be?” Shivers of anticipation skated up and down her spine.

The more they’d talked about it, the more she wanted to be a part of it. Although maybe not all at once. She knew that whatever Cody asked of her, it would ultimately be for her own pleasure. That much he stressed over and over.

He bought her a butt plug, which he inserted every morning, showing her how to replace it during the day if she need to.

Tonight, he decided she was ready for the real thing. ”This will be better than fingers,” he told her, as he arranged her on the bed. “I promise.”

He’d placed her down, arms outstretched, pillows beneath her tummy. After making sure she was okay with it, Cody used silk handkerchiefs to bind her wrists lightly to the headboard. Then he lay down between her widespread thighs.

“I don’t think you can do it when you’re lying down,” she teased him, feeling his shoulders against the insides of her thighs.

“In a minute,” he assured her. “Like a good chef, I have prep work to do first.”


“Close your eyes,” he told her, “and don’t open them. Not until I tell you to. Okay?”

“All right.” She closed her eyes and sank into the soft covers on the bed.

In a moment, his fingers stroked the lips of her pussy, gathering the moisture already forming there. He opened them slowly and his tongue lapped at her, tasting every bit of her intimate flesh. But teasingly, darting here and there but never touching the places that demanded his attention.

“Please,” she breathed.

“Please what?”

“You know.”

“I want the words, Lanie. You can say them now. Come on.”

“Please…suck my clit.”

“And?” he prompted.

“And fuck me with your tongue.”

He continued licking in concentric circles, always close to those sensitive spots but never quite reaching them.

“What will you do for me if I give you want you want?”

“What do you want?” she asked, barely able to form coherent thoughts. “Not-”

“Not the games the others play. We talked about that, remember? No threesomes without me. No Race to the Orgasm contests for you. You get to decide what feels comfortable.”

“What would feel comfortable right now is for you to get on with this,” she urged him.

“After I get my answer.” He bit one cheek of her buttocks very lightly then soothed it with his tongue.

“Then what?” She wriggled her ass, trying to encourage him to stop tormenting her.

“I want you to do two things for me this Saturday night.”

“What? Just tell me.” She tried controlling her breathing. “Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”

“Be careful what you agree to, sugar.” He gave a quick swipe with his tongue.

“You told me it would be for my pleasure,” she reminded him.

“And for mine.” He blew into her pussy, his warm, breath tickling her throbbing flesh. “I want you to let Sheila suck you off while you sit on my cock.” He nipped at her skin. “I understand from the other women she’s the best at it, and it would really turn me on.” He nipped again. “Not that I need anything more where you’re concerned.”

“And?” She tried to thrust back at him, and he swatted her rear end.

“And I want you to let Mark fuck you while I have my cock in your ass. I’ve shared with Mark my entire adult life, and I can tell you he’s an expert.”

Lanie ran her tongue over her lips. “So, will you expect me to do that all the time?”

He teased at her opening with the tip of a finger. “Only when you want to.” He placed an open-mouthed kiss on her vaginal opening. “We’re exploring new areas of our relationship, Lanie. I think we’re going someplace here, or am I wrong?”