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“We’re going to move into murder if you don’t fuck me pretty soon,” she snapped at him.

He laughed. “Answer my question. Am I the only one who thinks we have something going here?”

Her heat thumped. He’d been talking about this a little at a time since the night of the party, but this was the first time he was laying it all out. “No. You’re not.”

“All right, then. We’re still figuring out what we both like. And while I retain the right of possession, I want you to experience everything so you can decide what you do and don’t like.”

And having two men fuck her at the same time aroused her more than she dared tell him. “I’ll do it if you’ll get serious here before I do you some serious damage.”

In answer, he thrust his tongue deep inside her channel, powering it in and out, scraping her delicate walls while his fingers pinched and pulled and tugged on her clit. The orgasm built in her, rushing up from her womb, her pulse throbbing harder and harder. Then he backed off, just as she knew he would. Just as he always did, damn him.

And began all over again. His tongue licked the length of her slit then traced the cleft of her buttocks while his fingers continued to tease and torment her burning clit. She had no idea how much time had passed, only that she was a seething mass of desire that needed satisfaction now! Finally, when she was crazed with lust, she felt the cool touch of lube at her anus and Cody’s fingers working it into her. One finger. Then two. Finally three, rubbing the gel into her dark tissues.

He untied her wrists and pulled her up so she was on her knees, her thighs still spread wide. A shiver of dark anticipation raced through her. She jumped, startled, when a metal wand slid into her vagina and immediately began buzzing.

“This makes it so much better, Lanie.” His voice was hoarse with lust.

He was right. Already fire heated her blood, and the walls of her pussy fluttered against the wand.

“Here we go, sugar.”

He spread the cheeks of her ass with his firm hands, and the tip of his cock pressed against her well-lubed anus. Harder, then harder still.

“Remember how you did it with Mark’s fingers? Breathe in, Lanie, then let it out slowly.”

She did as he told her. Each time she exhaled, his cock penetrated further, until every inch of it was in the clasp of her rectum. Between his penis and the vibrating wand, she had an overwhelming sense of fullness. He was right. This was much better than Mark’s fingers. She pushed back against him, trying to take him even deeper, although she didn’t think it was possible.

Then she couldn’t think it all. Cody set up a steady pace, in and out, his thick penis dragging against her tissues each time he pulled back then sliding into her again. She began to move with him in the rhythm he’d set, back and forth, in and out, the wand sending tremors through her entire body. There was nothing at all except Cody, his thick, heated cock, and the sensations that drove her up and into a place where only lust existed.

It was so much more than she’d ever expected. Even Mark’s fingers and the daily butt plug hadn’t fully prepared her for the riot of sensations that danced like fireflies through her body. Every nerve she owned fired, the muscles in her pussy and her rectum clenched rhythmically, and the orgasm rose up with the roaring of a fire, ready to burst over her.

“Pinch your clit, Lanie,” Cody order, his voice strained with the effort at control. “Do it now.”

She pinched the throbbing nub of flesh and dragged her fingernail over it. And just like that she convulsed. Cody’s release pulsed in her ass, shielded only by a thin layer of latex, and her pussy quivered around the vibrating wand. Jolts of pleasure stabbed through her as she spasmed with bone-shattering intensity. The fire had caught her, and it was burning her alive. If it hadn’t been for Cody’s strong arms wrapped around her middle she was sure she would have come apart completely, flying in a million different directions.

They collapsed on the bed together, oxygen-starved lungs rasping for air, hearts thundering like runaway trains, bodies slick with sweat. Cody managed to reach between her legs and turn off the vibrator, sliding it from her cunt, before collapsing completely. It seemed forever to her before he roused himself and carefully slid his sheathed cock from her ass. She heard him running water in the bathroom. When he returned, he had a warm cloth that he used to gently clean her, wiping away the traces of lube and her orgasm.

Lying down next to her, he rolled her into his arms and cuddled her against his chest, stroking her hair, her shoulders, her back, and trailing light kisses over her face. Finally, he tilted up her chin so he could see her eyes.

“Well?” he asked. “What did you think?”

She knew she was blushing as she answered him, but she didn’t care. “I loved it.”

He brushed his hand lightly over the globes of her buttocks. “You okay down here? Not too sore?”

Against his chest she shook her head. “You were right. Wearing the butt plug helped get me ready.” She paused for the length of one heartbeat. “Cody?”

“Yeah, sugar?”

“When can we do it again?”

He burst out laughing, the sound rumbling through his chest against her. “Don’t tell me I’ve created a monster.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Soon, sugar. Very soon. We have to practise for the weekend.”


It was Saturday night again. This time, Lanie didn’t ring the doorbell because she was already there, setting out the bowls of condoms, stacking the brand new boxes of toys on the counter, chilling the wine and beer in tubs of ice.

Cody came up behind her as she dumped a box of multicoloured condoms in another bowl, brushed her hair aside and kissed the nape of her neck.

“You look like you’re right at home,” he teased.

Her stomach knotted. Was she behaving too settled for him? Taking too much for granted. What he’d said and what he really meant could be two different things.

“Cody, I didn’t mean-”

“Hush.” He licked the tender spot behind her ear. “It looks good. It feels good. I like it.”

She turned around, studying his face. “Are you sure?”

“Sugar, in my life, I don’t like to waste time. I’m just worried I’m rushing you too much. Pushing too fast.”

She dropped the empty box and wound her arms around his neck. “A week ago, I would have run like crazy. Now, you should be warned you might not be able to get rid of me.”

“Just the way I want it.” His kiss was so hot, so carnal, it stole every bit of her breath. “Are you sure you’re okay with everything tonight? What we talked about?”

She nodded, one corner of her mouth turned up in a half grin. “I’m ready. I know you want me to experience the same pleasures you do.” She shook her head. “I just have a hard time believing how much I’ve changed in one week.”

“I don’t think it’s so drastic. I think the real Lanie was hiding underneath all this time just waiting for the right person to come along with the key.” He ran his hand up the curve of her ass, squeezing the firm globe. “I’m glad I’m the one who had it.”

“Me, too.”

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted whatever else she might have said.

“Go, go, go.” She shooed him away. “Your guests are arriving.”


Cody sat in the big armchair he favoured, watching the redhead named Nancy in the middle of the floor on her knees. Brent’s cock was buried in her ass while Paul’s filled her mouth. As she rocked back and forth, her heavy breasts swayed with the motion. Brent reached around to cup her breasts, pinching the nipples as he pistoned in and out of her rear tunnel.