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Dante pressed his hard body against her back.

Madison looked into Tom’s eyes before once again she glanced behind her. “I…”

She didn’t get any further before Tom’s mouth covered hers. Madison was taken by surprise, her mouth opening before she realised it.

Tom’s tongue invaded her mouth, massaging her tongue and drawing her deeply into pleasure. Her hands went to his shoulders as she used him as an anchor.

When he pulled away, Madison only had a second before a hand under her chin turned her head, and she tasted Dante. Madison shook with need by the time Dante withdrew from her. With confusion and lust clouding her mind, she looked from one man to the other.

“What are you doing?” She whispered the question.

“Taking the decision away from you,” Tom told her before kissing her again.

Madison couldn’t fight the desire. Not standing there naked, pressed between them. It didn’t matter who had possession of her mouth, whose hands cupped her breasts, and whose erection was teasing her where.

She lost the ability to tell the difference between their touch as she felt herself drift. Her body overly sensitive as lips covered one hard plump nipple, Madison moaned into the mouth that covered hers. Somehow she found herself being pushed onto her bed. Opening her eyes, she saw Tom kneeling on the mattress, spreading her legs.

He pulled his shirt over his head, and Madison wanted to pinch herself to make sure this wasn’t just another dream. Looking to the side, she watched as Dante also had his shirt removed and had his hands on his belt.

He smiled at her, and Madison forgot all of her worries. In that moment, she didn’t care about what she should feel. This just felt right.

Dante winked at her and pulled the belt from his pants. Madison couldn’t hold back a sigh as he dropped it to the ground. She turned her head in time to see Tom slide his pants down.

His cock stood out from his body. Madison licked her lips in appreciation. He was long and hard, and Madison wanted it inside her. Tom bent and placed a soft kiss against her lips. Madison nipped at him, and he chuckled before moving his lips lower. His tongue trailed down her chin to her neck.

She felt him breathe in against her and knew he was scenting her. No matter how much man he was at this moment, he was still a wolf shifter. And the wolf was never buried too deep.

A hand in her hair took her attention away from Tom and on a naked Dante. His body was everything that had been in her dreams. She lifted a hand and stroked his hard erection. Dante moaned, and his head fell back. Madison continued sliding her hand up and down as Tom sucked patches of her skin into his mouth.

As she felt him at her heated core, she arched on the bed. Tom shifted between her thighs, pushing them farther apart, and Madison gladly moved to accommodate him, never faltering from the cock in her hand.

The first swipe of tongue over her folds had her bucking off the bed. Tom caught her hips and buried his face into her. His tongue separated then penetrated her. Madison cried out, and her hand tightened around Dante. He groaned in arousal and thrust harder in her hand.

Tom added first one finger then a second as she lifted her hips to ride his hand. When his lips covered and sucked her clit, she exploded, her release catching her off guard.

Madison rode out her orgasm with Tom licking up her juices and Dante’s hips whipping faster. Tom moved up her body, kissing as he went. When he lifted his head, his face showed how much he wanted her.

“I hope you’re ready for this, baby, because we are done waiting.”

Madison nodded, unable to form words. Dante pulled out of her grasp, and she reached for him again.

“Not yet, sweetheart,” he told her, leaning down to kiss her.

She started to protest, but Tom stole her attention once again as he settled fully against her, and his cock teased her opening. With his eyes locked on hers, he started to push in. Madison could feel her body start to accommodate his size. Neither looked away while he rocked himself inside.

When he was fully seated, Madison would have sworn she had never felt so filled in her life. Tom started thrusting in and out making each stroke harder than the last. Madison could only gasp as he rode her.

Dante touched her head and she looked over to him. He knelt on the bed beside her. With one hand on Tom’s shoulder, she used the other to bring Dante closer.

The first taste of Dante’s cock burst in her mouth. She greedily engulfed him, twirling her tongue around the tip and massaging while sucking. It didn’t take long before his movements matched Tom’s. Together, they filled her with so much pleasure she had tears in her eyes.

Tom grunted above her while Dante’s soft voice spoke nonsense to her ears. Pounding into her harder, Tom raised her legs over his shoulders and pushed in deeper. Madison cried out around Dante, her mouth full, but Tom never let up. At full speed, he continued to take her until her second release took over.

Dante removed himself from her mouth as Madison ’s head jerked back, and she arched. She felt Tom stiffen a moment before his hot seed filled her. Madison didn’t have time to think when Tom moved off her. Dante, still kneeling, pulled her to him. She straddled his waist and was immediately invaded.

Dante plunged into her at such a fast speed Madison knew no normal man could ever reach it. Grabbing hold of his shoulders, she wrapped her body around his.

Dante gripped her hips tightly as he moved. Madison wasn’t expecting the third climax, didn’t even think it was possible, but when it came, she screamed.

Hand in her hair, Dante yanked her head back and attacked her throat. His vampire teeth sank deep into her flesh, and he released inside her at the same time.

Madison ’s body shook as he pulled her blood into his mouth. Erotic sensations coursed through her, and she whimpered when he stopped drinking from her and licked the bite. Dante held her in his arms as she fought to get her breath back. Tom moved up behind her and kissed the back of her neck.

Heaven, she thought as her sated body relaxed.

Chapter Four

Madison woke up shortly after the sun rose. She had always been an early riser, and even after the activities of the night before, this morning was no different.

Tom and Dante had laid her between them, where she had quickly fallen asleep. Some time during the night, they’d woken and made love to her all over again. This time slower with Dante having her first.

As she stretched her arms over her head, she realised she was alone in her bed. Madison sat up and looked around, but no one was in the room with her. The bathroom door was open and that room looked empty also.

Madison rose and grabbed her robe. As she walked out of her bedroom, she worried her lip. She wasn’t sure what would happen now. The only thing she was sure of was that there was no way after last night she could give up either man. They both had gone out of their way to make her feel loved and wanted. Her feelings had only increased.

She was surprised to see Tom sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and reading the paper.

“Good morning,” he greeted as she walked in. He folded the paper and sent her a stunning smile.

“Um…hi.” She didn’t know what to say.

The smile stayed in place as he gestured to the coffeepot. “It’s fresh. Why don’t you grab you a cup and come sit with me?”

Madison nodded and did what he asked. She started to take the seat next to him, but he reached out and pulled her into his lap. Coffee tipped over the edge of her cup, but she didn’t mind when his scent enfolded her.

“I’m much more comfortable than that chair,” he told her, kissing her check.

Madison looked around, but didn’t see Dante. “Where’s Dante?” She had to ask.