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Madison blinked up at him after that statement. Wolves were normally possessive-she knew that from experience-but so were vamps. Madison ’s gaze found Dante in the corner.

He was watching her dance, and he wasn’t smiling. Seeing he had her attention, he nodded once before backing into the darkness.

Madison felt a tightening in her stomach.

Later that evening, Tom left quickly after getting a call about a downed power line. With a soft kiss on her lips and a promise he’d see her soon, he left the party. Madison stayed another hour, laughing and visiting with her friends.

Ready to call it a night, she kissed both Angie and Chad and said her good-byes. Her coat was no protection against the elements, and she hurried to her truck. The lean body leaning against the side of her vehicle had her stopping suddenly.

“I thought you’d left.”

Dante shook his head and straightened. “Hanging back.”

Madison stood in front of him, forgetting about the snow swirling around her.

“What’s going on between you and the wolf?”

Madison wasn’t surprised by the question. Dante was an honourable man, and if he thought she was taken, he’d step away. It was one of the things she admired about him. He’d been friends with her grandparents and had covered her with his protection when she was born. She gave him the only answer she could. “I don’t know.”

Dante didn’t say anything as he seemed to search her face for the answer. “I believe you.”

She should have probably been insulted, but instead she was relieved. “I don’t understand my feelings. For him…or for you.”

Dante nodded. She didn’t see him move, but suddenly she was wrapped in his arms.

“Just wanted to know where I stand.” Then his lips were on hers. He licked and nibbled until she opened then he thrust his tongue inside.

His tongue massaged hers as his hands pressed her body to his. Madison returned the kiss, her tongue invading his mouth, running over his teeth. The snow and the thought of people who could come around left her mind as he consumed her.

She moaned when his mouth left her and travelled down her neck. He dazzled her with licks and nibbles that had wetness pooling inside her panties. When he lifted her off her feet, she naturally wrapped her legs around his narrow waist, pressing intimately against him.

He turned and trapped her between his body and her truck. Madison rubbed herself against him as her arousal spiked. This wasn’t the civilised man she’d thought. This was a man who wanted and needed a woman.

And she would gladly give herself to him.

Dante pulled his head up. “This is not the time or place.”

Madison nodded, trying to regain her senses.

“You need to choose soon, Madison. I want you, and I get what I want.” With that said, he retrieved her keys from the ground, where she had dropped them without realising it, and unlocked the door.

Once she was inside, he grabbed her chin and gave her one more kiss. “You know where to find me.”

Confused, aroused, and frustrated, Madison drove carefully back to her house. A mile out of town, she saw lights in her rear view mirror. Dread weighed down her spirits as she pulled her vehicle to the side of the road.

Tom’s vehicle pulled up behind hers. He got out and stomped towards her. Guilt flooded her as she remembered ten minutes earlier.

Madison rolled down her window but Tom yanked her door open. He leaned over her, caging her body in as he looked down at her so she saw his anger shining bright in his eyes.

“Enjoy the rest of the party?” he taunted.


She didn’t get any further as his mouth swooped down on hers. The kiss was brutal and so were the hands that held her head to him. As his tongue invaded her mouth, Madison tried to fight, telling herself it was wrong, but she couldn’t fight her or him. She wanted him too. Her body and mind wouldn’t cooperate, and she kissed him back just as forcefully.

He growled in the back of his throat and nipped her bottom lip. She tasted blood before his mouth covered hers again.

His hand travelled up the inside of her thigh, and she tried to open her legs farther, but she still had her seatbelt on. When his fingers pushed against her sex through the material, her hips bucked.

He laughed against her mouth before his hands reached the seatbelt. He released the seatbelt before he unhooked her pants with only two fingers. He pushed the material aside until he was touching her wet bare mound.

The first touch of his fingers had her gasping and moaning as his mouth lowered from her mouth to her neck. He quickly penetrated her throbbing pussy, causing her to grab his arms and throw her head back.

How long had it been since someone had touched her? She couldn’t remember, couldn’t think, as Tom’s fingers plunged in and out in short strokes.

Her body tightened as her hips moved in rhythm with his hand. “Tom…”

His mouth left her neck and returned to hers. He thrust his tongue inside matching the same tempo as his fingers.

Pulling and grabbing at him, Madison let him finger fuck her until she exploded. Her climax came hard and powerful, making her cry out his name over and over.

Opening her eyes, she saw him watching her.

“You’ll only come for me Madison, do you hear me?”

She nodded, drained and spent.

He removed his hand from her pants and brought it to his mouth. As he licked his fingers clean, his eyes held hers. “Drive carefully,” he warned before shutting her door and stomping back to his own car.

Madison sat in her truck, her breathing laboured and tears stinging her eyes. What in the hell was she going to do now?

Chapter Two

Madison woke up tired and cranky. Dreams of Dante and Tom had followed her all night. She was with one then the other, or she’d be with Dante and he’d turn into Tom. A headache throbbing in her temple caused her to get up to take two aspirins and make a pot of strong coffee.

The dogs scratched at the door, and she opened it, letting cold air in. They took off, snow flying under their feet as they ran into the woods. Madison laughed and watched her babies. They could always bring a smile to her face.

Leaving the door cracked, she paced restlessly and waited for the coffeepot to fill. The first sip relaxed her shoulders, and by the time the first cup was gone, her headache had dulled.

After refilling the cup, she stepped in front of the big picture window and looked over the snow covered ground.

Belle came bounding out of the woods. Taz quickly jumped her, sending her rolling in the cold white mess. The two played-jumping on each other’s backs, chasing, and wrestling. Finally tired, they started back towards the house. Before they reached the stairs, their ears perked up and they ran back into the woods, barking.

Madison stuck her head out the door and called them back, but they ignored her and went farther into the trees. Sighing, she pulled on her snow boots and jacket over her pyjamas.

Continuing to call her dogs, Madison followed their tracks deep into the woods. She found them circling and sniffing footprints in the snow. Madison frowned at them, feeling her temper raise.

There was no hunting in these woods. She would have to call Tom and have him check them out to make sure traps weren’t set. She’d go crazy if one of her dogs got caught in a trap from illegal hunting.

Thinking of calling Tom brought flashes back of last night. His mouth on hers and his hands in her pants on the side of the road. What had they been thinking?

Madison could only contribute her behaviour to going without sex for too long. She’d decided that was what was messing with her-not the two men. You couldn’t have the exact feelings for two different men. Angie was right; she needed to get laid.