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Both men pulled away from her, and she collapsed against the bed, stretching her limbs. The sound of water running came from behind her, telling her Gabe was cleaning up, since Roarke still lay beside her.

Reaching out, she slid a single hand through the coarse hairs that dotted his chest as a small smile curled her lips. Even the slightest of touches, was like kindling to flame as liquid heat gathered between her thighs once again.

Gabe sauntered out of the bathroom then, the moonlight slipping through the curtains to bathe him in its silver rays. She shivered as she held his intense gaze, her body now completely on fire.

When he lowered himself onto the bed, she reached for him, and once again, they all fell into a tangle of arms and legs, soft caresses and heated kisses.

For several hours, she was insatiable, and both men eagerly fed her hungry beast, until finally she slipped into a fitful sleep at the first light of dawn.

Collette groaned as her eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting against the thin rays of sunlight that streaked through her window.

“How are you feeling?”

A lazy smile spread across her face as she rolled over to face Gabe.

“Fine. How are you feeling?” She purred softly, inching her way closer to the warmth of his body, her hand reaching out to gently caress the rippled muscles of his abdomen.

“I thought you said you were fine,” he said shortly, his lips bending into a frown as he scooted away from her and sat up.

“I am but-hey, where are you going?”

His body was taut with tension as he moved towards the edge of the bed, and she scrambled atop him, straddling him with her body before he could get up.

“What’s up with you?” She stared down at him, puzzled by the strained expression on his face. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was nervous, but that was impossible, not after last night.

“Collette, get up. I need to get going.” His hands closed around her hips, but she clenched her thighs together, drawing upon her lycan strength to keep him imprisoned beneath her, at least temporarily. When Gabe was ready to go, he’d have no trouble disentangling himself, but she counted on the fact that he wouldn’t use his own strength for fear of her hurting her.

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

She didn’t believe him for one second, especially since he kept avoiding her eyes, and there was also one small thing that was odd about last night which convinced her that he was definitely lying.

“How come you didn’t take me last night,” she asked softly, as she let her hands glide across the rough skin of his shoulders.

“What are you talking about?”

“Last night, Roarke took me several times, but not you, why?”

“I took you, Collette, many times, if you remember.” He wore a dark scowl, but his eyes gave him away. He wasn’t shocked or puzzled by her question, and that’s why she knew he understood exactly what she’d meant.

“But not there,” she whispered, as sharp tingles skated across her flesh, tempting her to arousal. Images from the night before teased her, as she recalled every wicked way he and Roarke had pleasured her, but Gabe had never once slid between her thighs and claimed her as a woman.

“Why, Gabe? Why are you so afraid to take me there?”

“I’m not afraid,” he said, his hand clutching her hips tighter, but she knew he was still lying, she read it there on his face.

He tried to push her away, but she clamped her thighs tighter, her hands pressing him against the bed, as she leaned over him, her unbound hair brushing his cheek.

“Get up, Collette,” he growled, the blue pupils of his eyes flashing red as his incisors lengthened. But his attempt at intimidation did not frighten her, because she knew Gabe would die before he ever hurt her.

“Not until you take me there. If you’re not afraid then do it,” she taunted, her voice husky with need, and she released her hold on him just long enough to lift her hips, shift the few inches down the length of his body and settle the mouth of her pussy against the tip of his cock.

“Collette,” he ground out in warning, but it was too late. She slid down hard, impaling herself fully on his cock, burying his hard length deep inside her sheath.

As soon as he was inside her she understood the reason for his hesitation, and she was furious, but it was too late. Tiny explosions ricocheted in her head, and she closed her eyes trying to ease the sharp crack of fireworks that seemed to burst all around her as a scorching bolt of heat sliced through her heart, marking it for eternity. She cursed herself and her damn impulsiveness. Although, the sun was now out, the moon was still full until it entered the waning phase an hour from now. It was too late.

Yet, even though she realised it was futile, she still tried to scramble off Gabe. Maybe if she got off now-

It’s too late. Now, you will finish what you started.

She closed off her mind completely to Gabe. She was furious with him. He’d known, but he hadn’t told her, and he knew she’d deserved to know.

Oh, when she was done, she was going to kill him. Right now, her body didn’t care how angry she was as her channel filled with slick, sticky warmth, and her hips instinctively rocked against him, setting a lazy rhythm.

He rose up to meet her on each stroke, driving deep into her pussy until she swore she could feel him in every corner of her body. His hands slid along her skin, teasing her smooth back, before moving around to cup her breasts that bobbed before him. Taking them within his hands, he massaged them gently, tugging on her nipples until they rewarded him by hardening to tight buds. She faltered, losing her rhythm for just a moment when he drew one nipple into his hot, wet mouth and sucked gently.

She clung to him, her hands clutching the back of his head as he moved between both nipples, sucking and nipping gently until she was nearly mindless with pleasure. Lost in his erotic torture, and distracted by his hot mouth, her movements became erratic as her hips jerked wildly.

“I think you need some help there.”

Roarke.She’d forgotten all about him, but it must have been impossible for him to stay asleep beside them, with them writhing and panting like wild animals.

She wasn’t sure if he thought she needed help with the pace of her strokes, or if Gabe needed help handling her, but she didn’t protest when he moved behind her and pushed her against Gabe to settle the head of his dick against the pucker of her anus.

He surged forward at the same time Gabe shoved her hips back, and he slid into her on one smooth thrust.

Her body stretched to accommodate both men, as they slammed into her with urgent strokes.

She twisted her hands into Gabe’s hair, struggling against the tidal wave of emotion and pleasure that assaulted her senses. Closing her eyes, she knelt between them as they held her imprisoned between their hot, hard bodies, straining towards the pinnacle of climax.

Their hard lengths filled her with each desperate stroke, their hips moving wildly as they surged into her at a frenzied pace.

She unfurled a single hand from its tight grip on Gabe’s hair to slide between her thighs and stroke her engorged clit. She could feel them on the verge of climax. Their hard poles pounded furiously inside her, and she did not want to be left out of the wild volcano of bliss that was so close to erupting she could almost taste it.

She fingered her clit harder, faster, her fingers mimicking the fierce pace Gabe and Roarke had set.

Sweat dripped from their bodies, mingling together as the musk of sex permeated every single space in the room. She sniffed the air, losing herself to the primal, masculine scent of them, as their essence clung to her.