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A tiny gasp tumbled from her lips when Gabe nudged his hardening length against the cleft of her ass.

“Before this night is over, I plan to take you there,” he whispered against her neck, his tongue drawing lazy circles along her skin. “I plan to take you everywhere.”

She shivered at his words, which were so like him-insistent, erotic, possessive. The heat of both men wrapped around her, igniting a blaze of warmth deep within her belly. Her body was in need of both men, and the release they would give her, and she trembled with anticipation as her pussy swelled with moist heat, eagerly preparing her for the night to come.

She curled one arm behind Roarke’s neck, as she slipped her other hand behind her back, to curve around Gabe’s taut, firm ass. She held their bodies against her as she finally allowed herself to succumb to the onslaught of sensations that swirled inside her.

Gabe continued to nibble along her neck, as he wrapped his arms around her, but instead of touching her breasts, he teased her once again, by stroking his hands up and down the plain of her belly. Every nerve ending stood at attention as he skimmed his rough fingers across her sensitive skin, bringing her closer and closer to full arousal.

He drew a needy moan from her lips, and she tightened her arms around both men. Roarke seemed to sense the urgency within her, and she found herself tilting her head back when he tangled a single hand in her hair and lowered his head to her waiting mouth.

The pulsing flames of arousal leapt higher, and she closed her eyes as waves of heat gathered inside her.

Roarke’s tongue probed inside the hot cave of her mouth, and she slipped her own between his lips to taste him. Again, she found herself noticing the differences between the two men. Roarke was a skilled lover, adept in the knowledge of pleasing a woman, so he knew how to tempt her, tease her, nip her here and there to elicit a certain response, but he was always in control of his emotions, in control of his desire. Gabe was completely instinctive, giving and taking what he felt she needed, when she needed it. At times, he was in control, but there were other times, like now, when his desire raised the beast within him, and she could feel it crawling inside him, begging to be unleashed.

Let go. She whispered into his mind, giving him free reign to lose control, because in less than an hour, she was going to lose control, too.

Blood rushed to Gabe’s ears as Collette’s whispered command brushed against his mind like the most delicate of fingertips. She didn’t know what she was inviting with her innocent words, but she’d given him permission, and the primal being that lurked just beneath the civil façade he normally presented instantly broke free.

His incisors lengthened, and he stroked his tongue against her neck, trying to soothe her with his touch. She quaked in his arms, sensing the dangerous creature within him, but there was no fear in her, instead she arched her neck, openly surrendering to him.

He closed his eyes and dragged in her heady scent that hovered in the air, heavy from her arousal. The smell of her hardened his body, and he was driven to touch her more intimately, so he let his hands wander, sliding a single palm down her body to slip within the confines of her pants. Stroking through the soft hair of her mound, he easily found the wet treasure that awaited him, and he teased his fingers along the swollen folds of her sex until she was writhing and panting against him.

The soft, sensual dance she did against him was sweet torture, and he found himself drowning in her explosive heat. With his eyes still shut, he slid a single finger inside her at the same time he pierced her neck. The warm gush of blood flooded his mouth, and he drank deeper from her, at the same time he invaded the hollow spaces of her mind, lulling her into an erotic trance with the ancient song of the Vampese, used for centuries to mesmerize and seduce.

She rocked against Gabe, her sharp cry muffled by Roarke’s mouth, who’d deepened his kiss. Her legs buckled, and she probably would have collapsed had Gabe not tightened his grip on her. Gabe slowly retracted his fangs, and swiped his tongue across the tiny pinpricks that marred her silky skin as he gently withdrew his finger from the clenching warmth of her pussy. Still holding her against him, he gently lowered them both to the floor so that she sat with her back against his chest, and her legs spread.

Roarke, soon followed, dropping to his knees before her, and with the practiced hands of a modern day Casanova, he undid her pants and tugged them from her body within seconds, dragging her panties off in the process.

She bent her legs at the knees, and Gabe couldn’t resist stroking his hand once again through the slick heat of her sex.

“Open for Roarke,” he whispered against her ear, but he needn’t have said a word. She sat, nestled in the crook of Gabe’s body, her legs already spread, with his fingers parting the lips of her sex.

Roarke grasped her thighs with his large hands, spreading her even wider before he lowered his head to drink from her honeyed cunt.

“Roarke,” she hissed, her body arching against Gabe’s as she slid one arm behind her head, to wrap around his neck and tangle in his hair, while the other gripped Roarke’s head, clenching tight against his scalp until her knuckles reddened.

Gabe lowered his head to that small space at the base of her throat, but this time he didn’t bestow upon her the săruta d’vampese, the vampire’s kiss. With dusk just on the horizon, he could already feel her temperature climbing as she drew closer to her heat. He’d purposely awakened her arousal before the full moon, so when she entered full blown heat, she wouldn’t be quite so ravenous. But the more blood he siphoned from her before that time came, the more aggressive she would be when it happened, as her body fought to find its equilibrium.

She rocked against him, her hips thrusting upwards driving her closer and closer to Roarke’s hungry mouth.

“That’s it Collette, come for us. Come against Roarke’s mouth.”

His heated words seemed to set off a maelstrom within her, and she erupted like a geyser, her body jerking wildly as she let out a hoarse sob.

Roarke pinned her against Gabe, who held her tight, cradling her body as it shuddered violently until the waves of her orgasm eventually receded.

She slumped against Gabe, panting wildly as she sat there in a daze, and he lifted her into his arms and carried her into her bedroom with Roarke at his heels.

Pushing inside the master bedroom, he laid her atop the crisp golden comforter of her king-sized bed, resting her back against the fluffy white pillows. She was boneless and weak, and she wobbled slightly nearly tipping over, still riding the euphoria of her climax. But he steadied her, before gently coaxing her out of the rest her clothing.

From what he already knew, and the little pieces Collette had filled in about the entire process, he knew time was now of the essence. But still he took just a moment to rake his gaze over her lush body, drinking in the gentle flare of her hips, and her full breasts that openly teased him with their berry ripe nipples that jutted forward. He couldn’t resist tweaking one, and he grinned at the sound of her soft gasp.

The soft swish of clothing dropping to the floor dragged him back to the present, and he glanced out the window at the pale, silver moonlight, streaming through the parted curtains. Roarke padded across the room, stopping at the edge of the bed, the streaks of moonlight illuminating the muscled planes of his naked body.

“Hurry up, Gabe,” Roarke said.

He nodded at his friend as he quickly shrugged out of his own clothing, tossing his garments aside, before joining Collette atop the bed. He ran his hands along her smooth, brown thighs while the mattress shifted under Roarke’s weight as he lifted himself onto the bed with them.