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“You’ve got it, babe.” Dexter’s hips thumped the floor, and he ground into her so hard, she knew he was about to climax so she milked his cock, wishing his seed would shoot deep into her womb, to seep down her legs and coat her with their musky love.

“You’re so tight, Char.” Ben’s fingers dug into her hips as he drove his cock into her without mercy. “God, this is the best sex I’ve had in ages. Are you two sure we can’t do this again?”

Char gazed deeply into Dexter’s eyes, letting it be his decision as she bucked on his wild cock.

Perspiration trickling down his face and his body, Dexter panted. His hands moulded around her waist and one drifted to her clit where he caught it between his fingers and gave it a little tweak, driving her insane. “I don’t know…”

“But it’ll be good to change things up so we won’t get bored.” Speaking of staying off boredom, she remembered her BDSM equipment in the next room.

“Does that mean I get to fuck her pussy next?” Ben gave one last, wild shove into her and exploded. His body quivered for a long time and he fell on top of her.

With Ben’s weight, she was sandwiched between her two lovers. Their cocks still squirmed inside her, their heat infused her. When Dex kissed her, she parted her lips and curled her arms around her man, never wanting to let go.

Ben finally climbed off her and her lungs filled back up with air. But she didn’t want to release Dex. She was exactly where she belonged, in his arms, cradled against his heart.

“Not yet,” she said to Ben, wanting to make sure her number one man was well taken care of. To Dexter, she said, “Fuck me while I suck his cock.”

Dexter narrowed his eyes and she was sure he was going to say, “No way,” but he surprised her. “How can I refuse an offer like that? If it makes you happy, go for it. I can guaran-damn-tee it won’t taste as good as mine.”

Ben slid off his condom and dumped it in the trash. Then he swaggered over to the strawberries and wine and rubbed them on his cock. “Are you sure? Have you tasted it?”

“No way in hell would I want to.” Dexter rolled his eyes.

Char remembered something in the other room Ben just might like. Dexter, too. She extricated herself from Dexter’s arms and helped him up. “I have a surprise for you two I think you might like very much.”

“What is it?” the men asked in unison, looking at each other and then her.

“I think seeing is better than being told.” She sashayed her hips and jiggled her boobs and crooked her finger at them. “This way, big boys. I hope at least one of you likes to take control. I like to be dominated.”

She threw open the door to the room where the BDSM whips, chains, and leather gear was and swept wide her arm in an arc. “Voila! Would anyone like to handcuff me and tie me to the bed? Make me your sex slave for the night?”

God, she hoped so. She hoped at least one of them knew what to do with it.

Dexter put his hand in the small of her back and tented his brows. “You’re into this stuff? I had no clue.”

She rubbed against his cock that was already erect and throbbing again, and she wound her fingers around it and gently tugged him to her. “I haven’t been, but tonight is a first in a lot of ways. I thought this would be fun.”

Ben bounded into the room and fingered the wide array of BDSM goodies. “Cool! And I was afraid you two would be boresville. I think I found my perfect threesome.”

Chapter Four

Char caught Dexter’s gaze and held it. Together, they heartily laughed as he pulled her once again into his arms and possessed her lips, leaving her with no doubt as to who was the master. When they came up for air, Dexter leaned his forehead against hers, and his lips crooked into a sexy, seductive smile that made her want to jump him again that very second.

Char linked her fingers through Dex’s and gave a gentle tug into the second room, following the excited younger doctor. “I’m game if you are. We have the suite for the night, the equipment and we’re all together.”

On the threshold of a new lifestyle, she stopped and gulped. Leather, pungent and raw, singed her nostrils. She could already hear the jangle of handcuffs and chains on the bed.

She remembered the burns of a BDSM patient, whose partner had taken things too far. They hadn’t been pretty but not too serious, thank God, but the recollection made her pause. “We need a safe word.”

When both men turned quizzical gazes on her, she knew they were BDSM virgins, too. “You know. A word we agree upon ahead of time which we say to bring an immediate cease and desist to our, ah, activities.”

Dex folded his arms across his chest and his toes. Dryly he asked, “Something out of the ordinary like ‘Pippi Longstocking’ that we normally wouldn’t call out in the heat of passion?”

She choked trying to hold back her giggles. When she could speak, she said, “Exactly.”

Ben swaggered to the cattle prod, switched it on and tested it against his arm. He yowled, jumped, and dropped it to the floor. “That’s barbaric! Are you mad?”

Dex scowled. “So who’s the Dom? There can only be one master.”

She sized them up feeling the sizzle of their fierce competition anew. “You could fight for the honour. For me.”

Ben grabbed the whip and snapped it within an inch of them. “Get on the bed slaves. Now!”


Dexter wasn’t about to take orders from the upstart. He still wasn’t one hundred percent kosher with letting Ben make love to his woman, and he damned sure wasn’t going to let the guy boss him around.

He looked around for a weapon and snatched up the electric prod. Feeling silly, but doing this for Char, he jumped into sparring stance. He switched on the appliance and jousted. “On guard, slave. I am the Master.”

With a rapt, wide-eyed gaze, Char watched. Her nipples perked and she chewed her lip.

You think you scare me with that toy?” Ben sidestepped the parry with a laugh and a bawdy wink to Char.

“Watch this, lady fair.” With a flick of his wrist, he lashed out at the prod and tore it from Dex’s hand.

Char clapped then stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled, and her breasts jiggled as she jumped up and down. Then she crossed her hands over her heart and batted her lashes. “My heroes.”

Growling, and more than a little pissed, Dex grabbed the first thing his hand landed on. When he thrust forward a giant hot pink feather, he flung it down in disgust to the chorus of chuckles.

He backed up and this time, he checked out the array of weapons, grimacing when the only threatening thing was a chain. So he wrapped the end of it around his hand so his opponent couldn’t easily snatch it away, and he twirled it over his head. “My chain trumps your whip. Concede defeat, junior.”

“Never, old man! I shall fight to the death for my lady.”

Dex rolled his eyes and then lashed the chain a few inches from Ben’s feet. “Oh, yeah? I’m the white knight in shining armour.”

Feral-eyed, snarling and hunched over, the two men circled each other. Dex wouldn’t dare give in and look weak in front of his woman.

He narrowed his eyes, dropped his weapon and cracked his knuckles. “Let’s fight like men. You got the guts? Or are you only big and bad when you’re hiding behind you’re macho toy?”

Ben squared his shoulders and stood tall. He opened his hand and let the whip slither to the floor. “Don’t bother, pops. I’m a third degree black belt and I could kick your ass with my little toe, but I don’t wrestle naked with dudes.” A challenge lit Ben’s eyes. “Are you into nude wrestling with other men?”

This was war!

Dex scooped up his lady and carried her to the bed. Against her lips, he murmured, “Possession is nine-tenths of the law.”