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God, she was so horny, she was about to drag both their cocks out of their pants and spread her legs so she nodded. “Have mercy. You’re making me so hot I’m going to go up in flames. But I only want to do this as long as you know I love you with all my heart and it’s only purely physical with him. I don’t want to ruin things between us. Not ever.”

Dexter cracked a grin that stole her breath. Whether it was due to the alcohol or her words, she wasn’t sure, but it was breathtaking. “I want to make you happy. Every woman deserves one night of wild sex in her life. You might as well get it out of your system now because soon, you’ll be all mine. Got it?”

Joy flooded her, and she threw her arms around him and plundered his mouth. She squirmed uncontrollably and against his lips. “Oh yes. Yes, yes, and yes! And you’ll be all mine.”

When she twisted around to make sure it was okay with Ben, his pants were off and he was fondling his swollen cock. Although it wasn’t as long as Dexter’s, it was almost as thick, and it was super hard.

In lust, she gulped and blinked. Hardly able to speak around the clog in her throat, she finally said, “I’ve always fantasised about having two cocks in me at once. Do you think we could try that?”

“Is that the ultimate woman’s fantasy?” Dexter asked as if amused. He was much mellower with the liquor in him, and he favoured her with a loving, indulgent smile. “Would you like for both of us to lick you all over? To suckle your breasts? You did buy us so tell us what you want.”

Ben threw off the rest of his clothes and walked over to them as he licked chocolate off his lips. He eyed her naked breast. “You have very suckable, kissable breasts. Do you mind if I taste?”

Overcome with desire, she nodded and unbelted her wrap and let it sag to the floor. She removed her nightie, and she was completely nude and vulnerable. Feeling dramatic and more than a little bit mischievous, she threw her arms wide and spread her legs wider. “Take me. Have your wicked way with me. I’m all yours.”

Then she squinted up at Dexter. “Aren’t you going to get naked again? Please! I love to look at your big cock.”

Dex stripped, but instead of immediately joining her, he grabbed the chocolate syrup and drizzled it over her breasts. Then he lowered himself to the floor by her side. His throbbing cock grazed her leg then teased her stomach. Around her breast, he murmured, “Anything for my baby. Does this make you happy?”

Emotions rioted deep inside and flew to her extremities. She was one huge squirming mass, a conduit of pleasure. And the chocolate felt so very decadent. “Oh yeah.”

When Ben latched onto her other breast with very eager, erotic lips and rubbed his cock along her side, the earth quaked. She’d never really thought this would happen, that the men would make love to her together, so she felt as if she was in a dream. God, she was such a slut, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She wondered how many women actually lived out their fantasies. How many had men as wonderful as Dex who loved them so much they wanted to see them happy?

Again she thanked God for Dexter and vowed to be the best lover he could ever have, even if it meant repaying the favour and letting him have two women in his bed at once. She’d do anything for him. Her devotion knew no bounds.

“Is this your first time in a ménage?” She didn’t ask either man in particular nor did she hold her breath so she was surprised when both chuckled and confessed, “No.”

Any trace of guilt she’d felt fled. “Male-male-female? Or male-female-female?” Curious minds wanted to know, especially about Dexter. There was so very much she yearned to know about him. She wanted to know everything, to be one with him.

Again, the men replied together. “Both.”

Ben went further. “We work for a very cosmopolitan hospital in a very contemporary city.”

Feeling like a good girl losing her virginity for the first time, she did a double take. “Am I the only one who’s only had vanilla sex? Is everybody into ménages?”

Dexter licked and nibbled his way down to her pussy and buried his face in it. Against her clit, he murmured, “Not everyone and not all the time, but most of us have sowed our wild oats. In my case, it was a very, very long time ago, when I was just an intern.”

When Dexter’s tongue slipped inside and his thumb massaged her clit, molten hot desire slammed into her and she thrust her pussy deeper against his face. She wound her fingers through his silky hair and gave herself up to the exquisite pleasure. Breathless, she asked, “Is that why you’re allowing me my turn?”

Dexter’s voice drifted to her, muffled. “This way you know and won’t always wonder what it’s like.”

“What if I get addicted?”

Dexter growled and lifted his head. His eyes were groggy and glazed with passion. “We’ll work it out if it comes to that. Agreed?”

Shocked, she blinked but was happy that they were able to talk things out, whatever they were. “Agreed.”

“You two talk too much. I’m ready to do some serious fucking.” Ben moved up to her lips and drank deeply. When he pulled back, he gazed deeply into her eyes. “Are you ready to be fucked good and hard? To realise your fantasy? To get what you paid for?”

“First you have to wear a condom.” That’s when she remembered that Dexter hadn’t worn one when they’d made love earlier. She gasped and checked her mental calendar. This was the time of month she was ripe and ovulating. What if…

It was too late to think about that now, but she quivered all over. What if Dexter’s baby was already incubating inside her? What if her tummy soon started to swell and his child began to flutter around inside? People would know they’d made love tonight. Did she care? Hell no! She’d be proud and thrilled to carry Dexter’s child.

Ben rolled on one of the condoms she plucked off the table and handed to him and then stood on his knees over her. “Get ready for the best fuck of your life, babe.”

Shivering without the men’s body heat, she squirmed with impatience.

Dexter lay on the floor and crooked his finger at her. He grabbed his cock and wagged it at her, too, amusing her. “Uh uh. Don’t listen to his hype. The best fuck of your life is right here. Climb aboard.”

Her pussy clenched and unclenched so ready to be fucked, to be one with him, she straddled him and slid down his cock. She leaned over him so that her tits grazed his hairy chest and sent tingles all the way to her fingertips. “Like this, Dr. Graham?”

“Whoa! Not so fast you two. Wait for me.” Ben sidled up behind her and rubbed his cock along the crack of her butt even as she rode Dexter’s big, hot dick. “Slow down a minute and let me climb aboard.”

Char felt so good already it was almost impossible to stop pumping Dexter’s cock, but she squeezed it and pushed her hands on the floor to hold her weight off her lover.

First, Ben worked his finger inside her ass, then two. Gently and slowly, he stretched and prepared her. “How’s that? Are you ready for more?”

She was ready to come, that’s what. Still, she wondered if two huge cocks would fit inside, if they would feel each other, if it would be like they were all three fucking each other. “Ooh, yeah. Give it to me. I can’t wait to feel both of you inside me. Ravage me.”

Dexter’s hands massaged her breasts and squeezed. “God, you’re gorgeous, baby. You’re glowing. You’re made to be loved. I’ll have to fuck you all the time.”

Ben replaced his finger with his cock, pushing it slowly in. His fingers bit into her thighs as he steadied himself and drove in further.

The two cocks rollicked inside her, impossibly stretching her, giving her such pleasure she couldn’t help but moan and scream. She could barely think a coherent thought except, “Yeah, fuck me all the time. All day. All night.”