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Reaction times, 156-57

Rebek, Julius, 143-44, 151

Religion, 59-61, 95, 104-5, 132-33. See also Utility function

Replication bomb:

cells in, 154-57;

data-handling units in, 157;

DNA and, 144;

information processing in, 156;

molecular heredity and, 139, 142-43, 149-50;

nervous systems in, 156-57;

radio and, 158; {171}

reverberations from, 144-45;

space travel and communications, 159-61;

technology in, 158;

templates and, 140;

thresholds of, 151-60;

time course of, 135-36, 145-46;

triggering event, 137, 138, 139, 146;

types of, 158.

See also Earth

Replicators, xi, 146-50, 151, 152, 153-54, 157

Reproduction. See Mitochondria; Sexual reproduction

Reproductions. See Copying


expenditure of, 109-12, 115-16, 126, 130-31;

exponential growth and, 146-47;

replication bombs and, 151-52

Reverse engineering. See Engineering, reverse

RNA (Ribonucleic acid), 144, 150-51

Royal jelly, 115

Space travel, 160-61

Speciation, 6-11, 41


differences in cytochrome c, 42-43;

diversity of, xii;

division of, 6-11, 25;

DNA and, 41-42;

extinction of, 8, 83;

family trees of, 42;

genetic differences, 5-11, 41-42;

survival of, 8.

See also Genes

Sphexish, 67

Squirrels, 6-7. See also Mammals


burning of, 135;

pulsars, 159-60;

radio frequencies and, 145;

the sun, 135, 136.

See also Replication bomb; Supernovas

Sterility, 3-4

Sticklebacks, 62-63. See also Fishes

Sun. See Stars

Sunday Telegraph, The,132

Supernovas, 135, 137. See also Stars


ancestors and, 1-2;