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genetics of, 12, 124-25;

natural deception of, 59-60, 65-70, 71-72, 74, 75;

provisioning behavior, 68-69;

sex ratios of, 113-16;

similarities with vertebrates, 12;

stages in life history of, 124-25;

sterility of, 3-4;

sun and, 90-91.

See also Flower colors; individual insects

Language, 157-58

Life, xi, 136. See also Replication bomb

Light, 74

Living creatures, 104-6

McGavin, George, 74

Male. See Sex


differences in cytochrome c, 42-43, 49;

division of species, 6-7, 8-11;

natural deception of, 71, 72;

purpose of, 105-6;

sex ratios of, 106-13.

See also individual mammals

Margulis, Lynn, 45 {170}

Marlowe, Christopher, 160

Marriage of cousins, 34-35

Mash, Robert, 63-64

Mattiessen's ratio, 81

Mayflies, 125. See also Insects

Maynard Smith, John, 108-9

Medawar, Peter, 128, 129

Mimicry. See Nature

Mitochondria, 45-49

Mitochondrial Eve. See African Eve

Molecular biology, 11, 16-17, 39

Molecular clock hypothesis, 42, 43-44, 52


changes in, 44;

competition for atoms, 141;

in crystals, 140;

mirror images of, 139-43;

mutations of, 143;

numbers of, 138;

protein, 153;

reproduction and replication of, 139-44, 146, 149-50;

structure of, 22-23;

successful, 150;

templates for, 141, 143, 144.

See also DNA

Monensin, 142

Monkeys, 8. See also Mammals

Mortality, 110-12, 114, 126-28

Motoo Kimura, 43

Moulay Ishmael the Bloodthirsty, 55-56

Music, 159


effects of, 130-31;

hallmarks, 149;

genetic copying and, 19;

mitochondrial DNA, 47-48, 52;

rate of, 42, 43-44, 52, 79-83;