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pleiotropy in, 129-30;

reproduction and, 117-18;

river model of, 4, 5-10, 20, 28-29, 36, 39, 57, 154;

species differences, 5-11;

success and survival of, 2-3, 5, 27-29, 109, 120, 124-25;

switching on, 21, 23-25, 128, 129, 130.

See also Cytochrome c; DNA

Genesis, 53-54, 59, 161

Genetic code:

changes in, 42, 43-44;

as digital information, 17-20;

enzyme molecule assembly and, 22-23;

interpretation of, 11-12;

protein molecules and, 153;

species similarities of, 12.

See also DNA

Glucose, 139

God. See Religion; Utility function

Good and evil, 132-33

Goodenough, Oliver, 147

Gould, James L., 100-101, 102

Guanine, 144. See also DNA

Guinness Book of Records, The,55

Guthrie, Woody, 128

Hamilton, W. D., 114, 128

Happiness, 103-4

Harems, 106, 112-13, 116-17, 118

Hein, Piet, xi

Heredity/heritability, 81-82, 139, 141. See also Genes

Hofstadter, Douglas, 67

Homo sapiens,104, 157. See also Humans

Horses, 42, 43, 49. See also Mammals

Housman, A. E., 133


death of, 126-27;

deception and, 62;

evolution of, 53;

as a manifestation of the replication bomb, 136-37;

need for purpose, xii, 96-98, 101-2, 104-5, 133;

Utopian attitudes of, 121-22.

See also Homo Sapiens; Nature

Hume, David, xii

Humphrey, Nicholas, 122

Huntington's chorea, 128-29

Information bomb. See Replication bomb


cruelty and, 95-96;

eyes and eyesight, 65-66, 67-68, 90-91, 98-99;