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Adenine, 144. See also DNA

African Eve, 41, 44-57. See also Ancestors and descendants

Age effects, 127-31

Amino acids, 12, 23

Analog code, 12-16, 19

Ancestors and descendants:

cousin-ships, 34-35, 36, 41-42, 52;

family trees, 48-53;

focal ancestor, 55, 56;

genetic code in, 12, 42-43, 44;

mitochondrial DNA, 47-48, 49-50;

model of, 35-36;

most recent common ancestor, 54-56;

numbers of, 33-34, 35-36;

reproductive success and, 107-8;

role of genes in, 2-4, 28, 117-18, 131;

sharing of, 35, 36-38;

single or universal ancestor theory, 12, 38-39, 44-57;

survival of, 1-2, 3, 28, 127.

See also Generations

Angler fish, 71. See also Fishes

Antelopes, 105. See also Mammals

Ants. See Insects

Apes and gorillas. See Mammals

Argument from Design, 98

Argument from Personal Incredulity, 70, 77, 91-92

Asimov, Isaac, 138

Astatine 215, 138

Atkins, Peter, 97

Atoms, 138, 141