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[But fucking — its preliminaries, and sequences, was, is, and always will be the same.]

Next time as arranged Mrs. L**l*e was out — I waited, sent out for this and that, gave Agnes the change, got her to sip the liquor, and at last settled her down on a chair by the bed side opposite to me, as on the previous night. But I should say that before that, I had visited Nell that afternoon, and that Agnes then was sent to wait in the kitchen.

Nell then had told me that she was a lovely made girl, had a fair quantity of hair on her quim, knew about fucking, and had seen Nell twice fucked. But I thought that Agnes was funky and modest, and did not half like her place with a theatre dresser, for Nell kept up that farce. So did the girl tho she knew better. Now I praised Agnes' beauty till she grinned, and then I kissed her. “This is the second time you have come and found my Mrs. out,” said she.

Then I tried the old dodge, played so successfully with others, an infallible way of getting my hand near a cunt without scaring the lady. “I have brought you a pair of garters,” producing a handsome pair. — “Oh thank you, sir,” said she delighted. — “My pair is just like them.” — “Yours?” — “Yes, only they are old and dirty, my mistress gave them me when she had a new pair, she was married in the pair she gave me.” — I didn't believe it — Agnes became excited, and turning her back bent forward, and the next instant showed me a dirty garter of the same pattern as mine, which were gorgeous in colour, and with gilt clasps and buckles.

“They are yours if you let me put them on.” — “Certainly not.” — “What nonsense — what if I do see your legs — I have seen your ankles and boots. — What harm in showing a little bit higher up?” It was nearer her cunt what of that, I had seen hundreds of cunts. — A cunt was meant to be seen, and felt, and kissed — looked at what Nelly did, I remarked. At the word cunt she tossed her head, and when she'd got the shock I pulled her on to my knees, and said she would not let me because her thighs were not so clean. — That they were. — She had the bath always after Mrs. L**l*e. “Then why not let me?” — “I won't.” — “Then you shan't have the garters, tho I meant to give you half a crown each garter I put on.” — She laughed, I put them on the mantel piece and changed the subject — every minute or so, she then looked up at the mantel piece whilst we were talking.

“I shall go, Nelly's very late” — and I put the garters in my pocket. — “Mrs. won't be long, she'll be angry if you go — it's not my fault is it?” — “Yes, I'll go unless you let me put on the garters.” — She hesitated. — I got close to her where she was standing. — “Now you goose, let me sit you on the bed.” — She half sat on it and I lifted her on to it, she laughing nervously as I did so. — “Don't be rude now.” — Then was the game I have played over and over again with females, both young and full grown, and rarely have failed. — A little variety in the attack, a little in their defense, but virtually all was the same. — Vanity, the desire for the garters, flattery of feet and ankles, pave the way. — Thus it was with Agnes — slightly struggling, refusing but acceding, bit by bit I lifted her clothes, put on both garters, and whilst she hollowed and resisted, got my hand on her cunt. — “Oh — don't — you beast — leave off.” She escaped me and sat down crying, making indeed such a very loud noise that I ceased, but stood before her with a cockstand showing, begging her in plainest language to let me fuck her pretty little cunt. How stimulating to the passions of a woman, is that desire when expressed by a man in lewed language.

After a time she was pacified — I kept my prick out tho it was now hanging down, and stopped her going to the door. — “I will go if you keep on showing it” — so I put my prick out of sight. Then I praised her cunt, how hairy it was for her age, and what a nice smell it had, what fat thighs she had. — For a quarter of an hour I gave license to my tongue to stimulate her lust. She never made a reply or a remark. — “Come to the bed and I'll give you three sovereigns.” — I kissed her again and she scarcely struggled, but sat sulkily looking at the fire and thinking over I suppose what had taken place; staggered but half lewed by the knowledge that I had felt her privates, and had got the aroma of her quim on my fingers.

“Another night you'll let me, won't you?” and I promised I expect all that I could to tempt her, and in my rutting furor meant it. “Who will know if you don't tell? all girls do it but don't tell — let me.” — So I talked on, so long, standing by her side. — she I saw irresolute, — kissing her at intervals, and every now and then pulling out my staff, then pushing it back again, persuading, and offering money. She at last was sitting silent, sulky, shrugging her shoulders each time she heard lewed words.

Three hours had slipped away, so deliciously absorbing is a cunt hunt. — How I kept in my sperm I don't know — Nelly came in, and Agnes went to the kitchen: Nell when she'd heard me, said she'd talk to her again in bed. — “Perhaps she'd have let you tho had you tried to do it, as she sat still, try her well on Monday” — (it was Saturday). Then she asked me part payment, for services. “Not so green, my dear, not yet — no fuck, no money — no virgin, half price, — I tip you each night I'm here just as if I fucked you, and you ought to be satisfied.” — “Come on Monday, there is more noise in the house and street that day, bring champagne, and try her.”

I restrained myself from fucking Nell, wanting Agnes to have it all, and went away concupiscent. — On the Monday by arrangement Nell met me in the street, said she had called Agnes a fool not to get three sovereigns and a good friend. — “Make her let you, she'll be frightened I think to make a noise, and she's curious to know if it hurts. I've told her that that's nonsense, that pleasure comes quickly, the pain is nothing, the pleasure great.” — So with a determination to have the girl, I knocked at the door on the Monday night.

Nell had moved an old wardrobe across the lobby door of the bed room, so as to shut out sound, and had told me to close the folding doors — I did that directly, saying how cold the room was — Agnes sat herself in the front room, but there was no fire there, and the lass with a little persuasion came and sat near me. She looked anxious, kept moving her legs and hands about, and then got up and began dusting.

I opened my champagne. “I mustn't have any,” said she. “For Mrs. L. gave me some gin and water before she went out.” — I saw Nell's little game. — But Agnes persuaded took the first, then a second glass, and then began to laugh, and looked lovely — I got furiously lewed, took the pot, and pulling out my prick so stiff that I could scarcely piss thro it, ostentatiously for her to see, emptied my bladder. — “Do you want to piddle?” — A toss of her head. — “Now you're beginning again sir.” — It little matters what remark you begin a baudy conversation with, so long as it leads to thinking of prick joining cunt, which makes both sexes lewed — Dukes and Duchesses, Peasants and Beggars it is all the same. Suggestive conversation must be begun, to heat the imagination and make lewedness creep into the generative organs. Then when it does, the battle is half won. — A randy wench, her cunt sweating with lust, longing for the unknown pleasure, curious about coition which she has so much heard of, and seen dogs, and cocks and hens doing, can scarcely long resist trying it, when a man is soliciting.

She finished the glass, then a third, and soon after began to laugh at my talk but in a shamefaced way. — It was all about Nell and the men she'd seen fucking. — She'd the new garters on for I had left them her. — “Let me see them, you haven't.” — She refused, I began pulling up her clothes, she resisting, and at length said she'd kiss me if I desisted. I did, was kissed but recommenced. — “Oh that's not fair.” — She'd show me one garter, then turning round she took one off quickly. I would feel the other, got my hand on to it, then on to her cunt. — She rose up and dislodged my hand, but I pushed her to the bedside unbuttoning my trowsers as I did so.