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As I can no longer reckon upon unlimited stiff standers, I satisfied myself that night with feeling Nell's privates, and went away with ballocks unemptied, and as arranged, on the following night called. — Agnes opened the door. — Mrs. L**l*e was not in she said. — “I will call again.” — “Oh if you please sir, Mrs. told me if you are the gentleman she expected, I was to ask you to wait till she returned. She'll be back soon.” I went in and sat by the fire, my heart a little beating, cock a little beating, at the sight of the girl, and the anticipation of uncovering her nakedness, for I had a strong desire for her the instant I saw her.

Agnes was shortish, had dark brown hair, hazel eyes and thick eye brows, a fresh complexion and good features, tho the nose was snubbish. She was so plump and fully developed that I thought her seventeen till I looked into her face. — Oh if she be virgin! — and I felt wild to be at her. — “For God's sake don't be too hurried, don't have a noise,” — Nell had said. “Because if any one's at the doors (there were two) he could hear.” — Besides I had better try a little freedom first

— she might if alarmed tell her mother, thought Nell.

I stood by the fire in the bed room. The girl began to dust the poor furniture — never looking at me — she was nervous and dusted things over and over again. I stood wondering what sort of thighs she had, guessing at her quim, and balancing the chances of her being virgin or not. — “What's your name?” “Agnes, sir.”

— “You're very pretty, can you fetch me some seltzer water?” — “Yes sir.” — She'd been told where to go. She fetched it and I gave her the change. — She opened it, letting it fly all over me, and was in a funk.

— “Now you must dry me,” and I made her rub me with a towel, my trowsers were wet just about my prick level. “Rub it dry here,” said I pointing. She obeyed innocently. — I sent for more, gave her the change again, and she broke into a smile. — “If you let a drop run over you shall give me a kiss.” — None was spilt and again she set to work dusting. — Then I made her fetch whiskey. — “Now hot water, and sugar.” A kettle was on the hob and I mixed grog. She would take none. The change from the whiskey was on the table. “Give me a kiss and you shall have that.” — “No,” said she bolting to the other end of the room. — “Never mind, here it is.” — She came, I put it into her hand, and caught and kissed her.

The fire in the parlour where she sat had gone out as soon did her candle, but she sat down there whilst I sat smoking by the bed. “Come to the warm,” said I, and with a little persuasion she came. I praised her beauty, said I had never enjoyed a kiss so much before, that I did not believe she was only sixteen, she was more. She wasn't sixteen she burst out. — I didn't believe it. — “Why sir I'm really not quite sixteen.” She had been a year in service as nursemaid to a little boy. The master kept a shop, and she imagined he failed, for she had heard them saying business did not go on. They had packed up several large trunks, and a week before that, had given Agnes notice. One night they told her to pack up her things, early next morning a cart was at the door, her box was put into it with their own, they drove to the railway and came to London. There they put her into a cab, paid her her wages, and gave her a written character. That was about ten days before this. She fetched the character to show me from her box in the kitchen.

Beyond the kiss I had made no progress. I got her to have whiskey and water, sent for more, and a lemon because she said she liked it with lemon, and her late mistress used to give her a wine glass full, made so. — I gave her the change again — “Mrs. L**l*e said you were a kind gentleman,” said she. — “Do you know you have given me so much,” — taking it all out of her pocket. “I'd give you three bright sovereigns to sleep with you” — plunging into business at once. — she looked glum, made no reply, and began dusting the things again. — “You'll dust the legs off at that rate, come here and make the kettle boil.” She did and we went on talking. She had no sweetheart and had never been out at night without her mistress, whose boy was two years old, — “How do you know it was not a girl?” said I. — She made no reply and looked queer. — “What's the difference between the two?” — No reply. “The difference is between the thighs, isn't it, Agnes?” — “I wonder whether my mistress is coming, I'll go and look.” Saying that she left the room, and after a few minutes I found her at the street door. — “I shall go if you don't come in,” said I.

In she came, and I recommenced chaffing. “Tell me the difference between a boy and a girl.” — “I shan't.” — “Tell me.” — She burst into a laugh then stopped' herself. Did she ever see her master and mistress in bed together, how did they lay? Was her mistress fat or lean? — Where did Agnes wear her garters? — “You garter below knee.” — What a lot of women I've trapped into a reply by that remark. — “That I don't” said she sharply. She was then sitting near me, and I put my hand rapidly above her knee and felt the garter outside her clothes. “That's it, I wish I were the garter, then I should see if you were a boy or a girl.” — I pinched her thigh again and gave her another kiss, then praised her feet, (she was well booted). She lifted her clothes slightly to show her boots — but every thing was done in a modest way by her.

At last I got to fucking heat, and felt that I must talk baudily, although Nelly had earnesly cautioned me not to do so. — “Has any gentleman been here today with Mrs. L” — “Not that I know of sir.” — “Has she been fucked today?” — The girl rose up with face blood red, I never saw such a red face or such confusion, and tried to walk away, but I sat just between her and the bed room door, so she was obliged to pass me, and I caught her. — “Let me go sir.” — “Has any man been on the bed with her and put his cock into her cunt?” — “Let me go sir now.” — “You know what I mean.” — She burst into tears. — “I'll tell Mrs. L**l*e. — I'll tell my mother.” — I thought I'd gone too far. “Don't be so foolish, you know Mrs. L**l*e has men to fuck her.” — Then I let her go, but felt outside her quim as she passed me, and saying, “I'd give a good sum to fuck you.” She left the room, and soon after I found her standing at the street door looking up and down the street. I got her back and went on chaffing baudily, she then sitting in the dark front room, silent.

Nell came in soon after, and sent the girl to fetch something from the public house. I told what I had done. She thought I'd gone too far, said the girl should sleep with her, and she'd talk her over. When Agnes returned, I threw Nell on the bed and lifted her petticoats to her navel. Agnes turned away her head. Nell sent her to the sitting room and closed the folding door, intentionally leaving it ajar, and winking at me. Then Nelly stripped, I unbuttoned, we got on to the bed, and with much lasciviousness and murmurs of pleasure fucked. — “Agnes, Agnes,” cried Nell when we had finished. — After calling her several times, in came the girl saying she had been asleep, but she looked so con-fused that we knew it was a lie. — Said Nell to me quietly, — “Nothing makes a girl want it so much, as seeing a man and woman doing it, I and Sophy often saw them doing it in the fields, and used to talk about it.” — [Sarah F**z*r and other resorted to this de-vice, and it is of all time no doubt.]

Two days after I intentionally met Nell out. She had slept with Agnes, and was going to let the girl peep when another man was doing it to her. She was pretty certain the girl was virgin. She had been talking that day of leaving and going home to her mother. — “Do her tonight if you can, but don't make a noise, there are always people going up and down stairs, and they pass the doors to go to the back yard as well.” She advised me to offer her money. The girl had got hot and lewed enough when told a few things about fucking, Nelly was sure. How like this is to previous similar adventures.