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— I haven't had it for a week,” and kneeling down at once, she took my cock in her mouth; I had not hinted at such a thing. — The friction of her lips and tongue took effect, it stiffened, desire came, she rose up triumphantly smiling. “I'm so glad,” said she. Then we went to the bed, and her cunt received it. In copulation it seemed as nice as that of other women's, but I al-most wondered what I held in my hands as I recovered from my pleasure, and moved them over her skinny backside. She spent almost directly my prick went up her. “Oh, it's lovely,” said she “keep it in,” and twining her spidery limbs round mine she held me to her, clipped my cock well with her cunt, and then easing off from me slightly begging me to keep my cock in her which I did pretty well, she got her right hand between our bellies and frigged herself whilst I was still in her. Her eyes closed. — “Lovely prick, lovely prick,” she kept ejaculating to herself as if to excite herself till she spent again, and then her legs stretched out, and she laid tranquil. — My cock was actually stiffening in her, thro her cunt clipping as she spent, but I drew it out intending to leave her, her thinness displeased me so.

But she held me. “Don't go yet — wait and do it again.” — “I can't it's late.” — “Not very, you could do it now if you like — I haven't enjoyed a poke like it in I don't know how long — what a lot you have spent — shall I wash it?” — It was irresistible. — My penis had been getting more sensitive for some time, and a fresh washed cunt even hurt me sometimes, and if washed out with anything but water I could tell it directly. — I like them just as nature has made them when left untouched for some hours, moist, smooth, lubricious; to feel my prick gliding as if over oiled ivory. — “No don't wash.” — We talked for a time. She was from the country, of well to do parents, had been seduced, had a child now dead, was turned out by her parents, and turned gay. — The landlord knew all about her, and would tell me if I asked him, but not her real name, nor where her home was. She volunteered all this, and then to her seeming joy I fucked her again, after she had made me piddle, and wash it, and she had sucked it up to stiffness.

“I dare say you won't see me again will you?” — “I rarely see any strange ladies, there is a lady I see constantly who has all I can do.” — “Tell me what she is like.” — I did and lied eloquently. — “You don't like thin women — men don't, I get on badly, nearly every farthing I get goes to pay my lodging and washing. I can scarcely get enough to eat — I will drown myself — I often think of doing so in the night.” — “Nonsense, go home.” — “Never — I wouldn't show my face there again, it would kill the old people. — If I don't get on better soon I'll drown myself — I go and look at the canal sometimes as I go home.” I doubled her fee, pitying her, and left her sitting on the sofa crying bitterly. She had not been drinking — it was true despair I feel sure.

Passing a park entrance one misty and warmish night at about ten o'clock, I thought I should like to feel a cunt. I had felt many in earlier days there. I entered and saw couples sitting on the seats close to each other, and further from the walk, couples indistinctly in more compromising attitudes. Moving on to the grass nearer so as to see better, — looking at couples fucking always delights me — there was a man on a seat bending a little forward and a woman standing up in front of him — stink fingering of course. — A little further on was a woman sitting, and a man standing up in front of her. Her arm dropped down as I approached. The man turned round from me, turning again the other way as I passed him, tho it was too dark to see faces or even a prick if out — I know well that the girl was frigging him — most likely — I passed on not looking round, for why should I disturb couples in their amorous play, I should not like it myself. But I should have liked to have seen him frigged, and an old desire returned as I saw this fun obscurely in the misty darkness, a desire which I thought satisfied and gone for ever. — How soft and smooth, tho solid, stiff, yet semi-elastic is the male love truncheon. How smooth and nice to the hand, and I thought I should like to feel one once again. — Alas for my virtue. A square built, shortish female passed me, walking rather quickly. “Are you going, Mary, to piddle?”

— “No, I'm going home,” and she stopped. I laid hold of her arm which was a thick one, and knew from that and her outline that she had a fattish bum. — “Come on to the grass, let me feel your cunt and I'll give you a shilling.” In half a minute I had my hand between her thighs. — “There is spunk in your cunt.”

— “That there's not, I wish there was, no such luck. — I've not had it done to night.” — “What are you going home for?” — “I've been crying at not getting a chance, and going home to bed, for I've not had a mouthful to eat or drink since breakfast.” — “Why?”

— “I've no money and have pawned everything. I'll get something to eat now with this shilling.”

“Sit down here and feel my prick.” She did, and then my baudy imagination was stirred. — “Piss over my fingers and I'll give you another shilling.” — “I'll try, but I can't do much, come further off, for the police may see us here.” — She squatted and poured a little warm stream over my hand. — “Do you like the girls to do that to you?” — “Sometimes, don't you do it to other men?” — “I have only done it once before, Lon-don men are so funny.” She spoke with a strong provincial accent. — There was a frankness in manner, a readiness and ring of truth about her.

We adjourned to a seat near a tree after I had dried my hand on her thigh. It was getting more misty and I felt secure from observation. — She told me her history, perhaps a lie, perhaps true. — Alice T* * * *h* *l of Middleborough — ran way with another girl to London to better herself, the other girl was gay and she knew it but Alice then was not. — “No I was in service at home, and had put by seven pounds in a saving bank.” — They slept at a coffee house in a street leading out of the E*g*w**e Road, a servant was wanted there and she took the place, but found the pay bad, the work worse than at Middleborough, and the food muck, so her friend advised her to leave and see gentlemen. — She would not at first, but not getting another place went to stay in the lodgings of her friend, and went with her to a music hall. They came home with a gentleman, who fucked her friend before her, they had all been drinking, and her friend then persuaded her to let the gentleman fuck her. “She made me let him. — I'd never had a man before. No, I'd never even put my finger up it — of course I likes fucking now, what gal doesn't? but I don't get on. — I've got my seven pounds away from the bank at Middleborough, she told me how to get it, and we have spent it. I wish I were back at Middleborough. — I did get my belly full there — here I often don't get enough to eat. — Liz says I haven't got cheek. — I've only been in London two months al-together.”

She had a decent little room but a long way off she said, so gents had her in the park — or in houses close by. Would she let me have her for half a crown? — I wished to know how cheap it could be had. — “Too glad,” said she, and she twiddled my prick till I began to feel I wanted to spend badly. — “I'd like it done too,” said she. — “We can do it here, but I'm rather short and the grass is too damp to lie down to night, I do it standing generally over there, there are fences over there to lean against.” — We went still further off, and found a vacant seat near an out of the way walk. — “Here is your money, half a crown — now don't let me fuck you if you are not well.” — “Thank you, sir — I'm all right as far as I know.” — I sat down, and turning her back towards me, she pulled up her petticoats and put her buttocks towards my pego — I felt her cunt, but prudence restrained me tho her flesh felt fat, smooth, and clean. — But I had scarcely seen her face. — “Let me frig you. — I'm frightened to fuck you.” — “I don't like that done to me sir, but you may if you like.” — I turned her round into a convenient position and frigged her. — “Are you coming?” — “Yes, do it a little higher up” — with a little more frigging she spent. — I felt her agitation coming on, felt the quivering and jerking of her loins and buttocks, round which I kept my left hand. — “You haven't spent” — “Oh, I have, feel, I am quite wet — I haven't done it for two days.” — Her tight little cunt was wet I felt.