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Then, for I was not ready, and somehow gamahuching a nice woman who is not a strumpet pleases me at times much more than formerly — I gave her a spend by the sole aid of my tongue. — Then I fucked her again. Then in bed we both slept a while, then she had fears and cried a bit. Then after repose, I frigged her as still she lay in bed with me. There is something so exciting to my senses in a nice woman who is a stranger to me, that I essayed my powers again. A long job it was, tho for five days I had kept myself chaste. My cock had had enough at the third, my balls kept back their balsam, and I nearly at one period of the exercise thought of admitting myself a failure. However I succeeded and gave her a fourth fucking, tho the lady I think wetted my cunt rammer more than the rammer wetted her cunt. — But the lady was contented.

Talking with her after I'd frigged her, she said her husband had never done that to her. — “Lor — he's quite a quiet man, but he's very good to me.” Then I heard that he'd settled a little money on her when they married, to provide for her in case of his early death. “Oh! I'm in such fear of its being found out. — What made me talk to you and let you, I don't know.” “You'd not been fucked for a month and wanted it badly.” “Oh no, that it wasn't.” — She waited with me till quite dark, frightened of being seen going out of an “improper house” as she called it. When she left we had been there some hours, had drunk nearly two bottles of wine, and eaten nothing. I was quite fucked out and tired, not being quite so young now, and she seemed the same.

Of course I never called at the house again, nor did I desire her, tho the temporary connection had been most pleasant. But I drove past the house a couple of years after and out of curiosity enquired at a baker's close by, if any one of the name lived there. I found that they did. But altho that set my cock stiffening a bit, I should have been a blackguard had I sought her, and had no desire to figure in a divorce case.

This was a nice little variety in my amours. How it came about even now astonishes me a little, much as I know of the unexpected consequences of mutual lust on a man and woman thrown together by accident. It must have been that a month's abstinence had left her so full, that meeting me just when a wave of lust heated her cunt, she gave way to opportunity and my incitements. Perhaps curiosity played its part, and she longed to see what another man's prick could do. I hope she hasn't tried a third, for that might bring her to grief. But a second prick they say makes always a woman long for a third. A well known baud once said that to me as her experience.


Volume 9

Chapter I

Introductory. • A thin female. • Plaintive address. • Lodgings. • Thinness. • “I can't do it.” • Do it twice. • Suicidal intentions. • A lark in a park. • Alice T****h**l of Middleborough. • Loving couples in the open. • “Let's feel it.” • Reflexions on fucking. • Idealities. • Two little sisters. • At a German bath. • An exquisite Austrian Paphian. • Delicious fuckstress. • A forgotten appointment. • Enter male. • Mein schwester's bedroom. • A treat at a peephole. • Up a lubricious cunt. • Mein schwester washing herself. • Fraulein gamahuched. • Groping and fucking. • On my gamahuching tendencies. • A family of harlots. • Two sister dress makers. • Anne and Maria. • Feeling cunts. • Forms, features, and cuntal resemblances. • A fart in a fire place. • On harlots farting. • Cunt farts.

I find that I have misplaced some manuscript, and that the four following little adventures took place after I had Carry and Sally in a cab, in the summer and in the autumn of which I renewed acquaintance with the Great Eastern.

The narratives of these little incidents are but little abbreviated, some paragraphs not at all — but the past is put for the present, in which latter tense most of the narratives of my amours were written. Late one night in Oxford Street looking at the battalion of harlots walking about, a well grown woman faced and pleased me — I was fit, yet had no intention of having a woman, was simply looking at them, pleased and yet sorry as they often made me feel, when in unphilosophic mood. “Good night,” said she. “Good night, my dear.” — “Won't you say some-thing more?” — “No, good night” — and I turned to cross the road to B**d St. — “Come home with me.” — “No.” — “Oh-do-I wish so you would.”

There was something plaintive in her voice, and her manner was unlike her class. She had for some time walked by my side looking into my face without speaking. — There was gentility in her manner which pleased me. — “Do you live far off?” — “No only up there.” — “I can only give you ****.” — “That will do.” — “Go on then and I'll follow — and so on we went on and on so far, that I stopped. — “Where is it?” She named the street. — “Oh! that's a long way let's take a cab dear.” We did and drove to G***e R**d. — A respect-able looking young man opened the door of a very well and seemingly newly furnished house, and we went into a nice bedroom.

She kissed me several times when in the cab which I don't think I returned, and she felt gently at my ballocks. I had not felt much desire until she did that. Then my cock rose and the delicious lewedness coursed thro my body. — “Oho!” said she with a sigh. “It's a nice one I'm sure” — and she kissed me lovingly. — In the room she sat down with her bonnet on, then rose and kissed me several times. — “Would you believe that the man who opened the door was my father's servant?” — “No,” I replied bluntly. “I thought you wouldn't but he was, he's just married and opened this house for lodgers, but he knows I'm gay.” — I didn't believe her, thought it brag, tho I did not say so. — “Take off your things.” — She left off feeling my prick which she had got out and was fondling, and began undressing.

She took off petticoat after petticoat — warm weather it was, — whilst I sat looking at her. Her arms were very thin, and I saw that she had the smallest breasts.

— “Go on,” said I for she had stopped. — “What, all?

— I'm rather thin, do you like thin women?” — “I have no objection to them if they are nice.” It was not true but I said that not to wound her. — She took off more clothing, pausing from time to time for me to say enough. But I made her strip to her chemise. — “I'm very thin,” said she, “but I am as good on a bed as an-other woman,” and she sat down on the sofa besides me.

I pulled up her chemise, felt about her, and I have never seen such a thin gay woman. She had scarcely breast or backside. Her thighs were half what they should have been, and below her knees were broom sticks. — My cock dwindled, and all desire left me, so after feeling her and talking for a time I said, “That will do dear, now I am going,” and I put the money on the mantel piece.

“Oh don't go without doing me, you'll find me very nice — do me, I want it so badly, you've not looked at it” and laying down on the sofa she exposed her cunt, a youthful dark haired article. — I went to her and looked at it, not having even wished to see it before. — It was a neat looking cunt, but my prick gave no such signs of vitality as a fresh cunt ought to have caused. “Let's talk,” said she, and I sat down by her. She clutched my prick and my fingers went on to her clitoris; she was a nice clean woman, but no sensation came to me for a time, and we talked on, she telling her history, and kissing me at intervals, and always feeling my doodle.

I was quite cold to her — “I can't do it,” I said — “and often go home with women only to see, feel, and chat with them,” saying this to avoid wounding her. — “You don't like me, because I'm so thin.” — “Not so.”

— “I don't like doing it,” said she, “but I do want it so