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This was very exciting, but as a fuck the position is inferior in pleasure to many attitudes. The man's prick is bent down, the clitoris end of the cunt loses its friction. The woman's posture with both her hands and head down low is fatiguing. If they both spend there is no repose after the emission, and the tranquil, languid pleasure which follows the active ramming, ballocks wagging, bum wriggling, twisting, and after squeezing, is lost.

I had not thought anything more about little unfledged cunts, was satisfied for the time, I suppose, with my past amusement with deaf little Emma. I went then once or twice to Sarah's lodgings. She let me in herself for she didn't always keep a little servant, but had often only a charwoman. — There I made her do a little fantastic fucking, as well as posturing, when the following occurred.

I suppose that having got money by supplying me with a youthful virgin, she wanted another bonus, and became the temptress. She said one night when I met her out and stopped only to have a chat that she'd just got such a nice young maid, would I have her? — My letch for youthful quims was, I suppose, smouldering, and it at once blew up into flame. I asked the price and agreed to pay as before, if the girl was virgin. But there was difficulty about the virginity, for the girl was quite sixteen, had had her courses for some time, and had been in service. Sarah thought she was virgin, but knew she couldn't deceive me — would I go and see her? She gave an inciting account of her nice looks, and as she was at a charming age, an age at which I had had of late years few, my women having been either younger or much older, I arranged to go and have a look at the girl.

I was to be Doctor H**m*d again, Sarah indeed always now called me Doctor — I went and saw a tall, thin, bright looking, dark eyed, dark haired girl, who looked quite sixteen. Her eyes flashed as she spoke, and I said that I fancied she knew a prick from a rolling pin. — Said Sarah, “I never knew a girl who was sixteen who didn't, girls who have nursed their brothers have seen a prick stiff, even if they haven't stiffened them — but she is worth a poke whether she's had one before or not, tho I believe if she had been poked, that she wouldn't come to me.” She had done her best. — “She may never have been poked, even altho she may not give you trouble to get up her.” — I made up my mind at once that the girl was not virgin.

Sarah was for my getting it over soon if it was to be done. She was not going to hide her being gay from the girl, as she had from the deaf girl at first, had al-ready told her how she got her living, and that a good easy living it was. This girl's name was Harriet. If I wanted to be sure that she was intact, making her drunk and looking was the way. Sarah would help me, but the sooner the better. It was of no use keeping her if I did not want her. — She did not want a good looking girl there. “Afraid of Mr. F*z*r?” Perhaps she was, but that did not matter to me, Sarah said snappishly.

The girl was told I was the doctor to Sarah and I once used to “Do her over” (her usual term) — but now tho I came to see her as doctor, I never fucked her, but I talked freely, baudily, and never charged for my medical services, I was an odd but good man.

The girl I found answered perfectly to Sarah's description of her. Her flashing dark eyes had an unusually soft expression in them. A sweet expression of lewedness and voluptuousness, which some girls have just after their first menstruations have settled down to the exact monthly period, leaving them fresh tinted, soft skinned, and ready to receive the love of man. — This struck me to be the case with Harriet, who I think came from one of the outer suburbs of London, but somehow I was never as curious to verify this impression, or to learn anything about her, as I have been about some women.

In a day or two I was again at Sarah's lodgings. — “ 'Do you mind Harriet sitting in this room? There is no fire in the bedroom.” “No.” I did not. The girl then sat down at needlework, I sent her for brandy and wine, giving her the change. We all drank, and the girl quickly enough. Sarah went into the bedroom. Whilst absent, after joking the girl I pinched her bum. She cried out. Sarah came in. — “What's the mat-ter.” “The gentleman's pulling me about.” “Lord, I thought he was kicking your arse you make such a noise.” The girl opened her mouth wide, stared, and sat down confused. — We laughed. I said I should like to kiss Harriet's and not kick it, I was sure it was as pretty as her face.

Presently I went behind her, putting my hand under her chin, kissed her and noticed then that she had good teeth, but not too clean. “You have a nice set of teeth, but you don't clean them.” “My brush is worn out, Sir.”

“Let me see your teeth better.” She resisted. “Don't be a fool,” said Sarah, “let the Doctor see your teeth.” When I had done so, “Here,” said I. “Go to the chemist, buy a toothbrush and a box of tooth powder as quickly as you can.” Off she went — I never could bear any woman with dirty teeth.

I had given her five shillings. She was back in five minutes, and pleased enough — especially when I told her to keep the change. — She opened the box to look inside at its contents standing close by the lamp. I was standing with my rump to the fire smoking. “When that is gone I will give you more — clean your teeth every morning and night, and in a week your mouth will be as sweet as your cunt, just after you have washed it.” The girl dropped the box, spilling the contents over the table — stared at me for a second — turned her back, burst out laughing, checked it, and rushed into the bedroom. Sarah cried out, “Damn you, you careless little beast, you've spoilt my table cloth,” and fetched her back. “It's no use minding the Doctor.” The girl got up the tooth powder, I threw half a crown to Sarah, saying, “It was my fault, black-cunt, and that will help to clean the cloth.”

It's too long to tell all, but I kept up that style of talk, and got the girl to sit by the fire with us, her mistress saying, “Come if he wishes it, he always has his way here.” And I talked baudy enough to have turned a clergyman's hair grey. The girl's eyes from shunning at length looked at me, Sarah kept telling her not to mind me — not to be a fool — that she must hear men talk so some day. Perhaps she had already, I thought.

I asked her questions which a medical man might. When she did not reply, Sarah rebuked her. “What can it matter to him — you might be ill some day, and want him.”

As I got heated by wine and the look of the girl, I promised her money for boots and stockings provided she would let me put them on. “Take the money — don't be such a fool — take it,” said Sarah.

I took my leave, saying, “Dark hair, and dark eyes just like Sarah — I wager your cunt hair is dark like Sarah's.” The girl blushed and did not reply. “It is black,” said Sarah laughing. “I have seen it.”

The girl became so quiet that I began to think she had heard such talk before — but her manner after-wards convinced me she was not accustomed to it.

I saw Sarah next night in the street. “We'll make her drunk and look at her cunt tomorrow night,” said she. — But we were baulked, for the girl's menstruation came on, and we deferred the job. But I asked the girl all about her courses, as a doctor might. She gave me plain but modest answers. By the time her month-lies were over, she had ceased to evade my questions even when baudy. When Sarah laughed, the girl did so altho uneasily — four or five nights' smutty talk were breaking down her modesty.

Then Sarah told me she had shown her my baudy book and advised me to bring another, and we arranged that when she was tight, Sarah should go out and I should examine her cunt and do what I pleased.

I had taken quite a different liking to this girl from that which I had for the deaf one, who was like a child, and whom I desired because she was so. But Harriet, more than a year older, had made me feel Lewed in a different sense. — It was the charm of getting into a very young woman, whose passions were getting roused by nature and quickened by me. — She was not so young as I had wished, but young enough to be a pleasureable novelty. Tho I don't know really what can be called very novel to me in the way of women and the manner of playing with them.