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“I believe I'd have let you do it, I liked you, and put myself in your way, don't you recollect asking me if there was a baby there,” pointing to her belly. — “A young waiter that very day had offered to marry me.

— The maid who slept in my room just then, talked about nothing else but fucking every night, and I was clean upset by it all. — You never saw your chance.”

— Her sister used to say, “What are you hanging about there for, when that gentleman's here.” Then Caroline said — “I wanted you directly I set eyes upon you a fortnight ago.”

I pulled my chair closer to hers, our naked thighs touched, she laid hold of my tool, my fingers sought her notch, our mouths met, and we sat in voluptuous silent play, till with a wriggle. — “Ahar, come and do me.” — Then on the bed at once our backside joggings recommenced.

Then she told me she thought she was going away with a gentleman “I wish it were you.” He'd given her that cloak and other things. She didn't like the life, tho she'd done very well at it. — Her sister advised her to go to service again. “But I can't do without fucking now, and wonder I did without it so long, and like my liberty, tho I wish I'd married the waiter.” — We embraced again, I had been with her some hours, and was getting hungry, so was she. The champagne was gone, but I was quite comfortable, and didn't like to quit her she was so unusual in manner, and there was such an evident letch for me that I felt flattered; for I like a woman to enjoy me, it heightens my pleasure.

“I'm so hungry.” “So am I, and shan't go out to-night — you can get ham and beef round the corner, and they have good hot saveloys up to midnight. — They sell good whiskey and wine at * * * *.” “Send your servant.” “No you go, they'll serve you better, I can't dress in time for it's twelve, or I would.” — Off I went, and came back with hot sausages and a bottle of whiskey, and we sat eating and drinking till it was two o'clock. — When I rose to go, “Do me before you go, you may never have the chance again.” “I can't.” “I'll make you. — Ah, I must piddle first.” “Stop, let me see you,” — my old letch came on suddenly. — I put her on the bed, a basin under her, and from her red slit saw a quart of the yellow fluid splash out. Her big round buttocks and white thighs made a charming setting to the red cleft. By the time she'd finished my prick was rampant at the sight, and with the glistening drops of moisture still on the vulva and its hedge, I fucked her at the bed side. — “You're a real man, and no mistake, I wish you had me first,” she said as my prick left her.

A week after I had her again. — I kissed her white bum. — “Say good-bye to it,” said she laughing. “Why?” “I don't think you'll see it again. — I'm going off. I hope so at least. — If you don't see me out, call and ask, but I'm expecting every day to leave this life. My friend says he'll keep me.” — I never saw her after that night, and called at the lodgings. She had left, gone they knew not where, and with a gentleman, “Oh quite a gentleman.”

I have often noticed that one surprize follows an-other. Within a few weeks after the ex-chambermaid vanished, I met, point blank, Madeline, the sweet young milliner over whose thigh I first spent, — and whom I subsequently relieved of her virginity. It is between two and three years since I had that pleasure.

It was in the afternoon just before dusk, both of us were turning a corner out of R*g**t Street. Both started, and stopped as if petrified. — “You?” “My dear Madeline, you?” — We shook hands. — “It won't do if we are seen,” said she anxiously, “for I'm mar- tied.” “Who'll see you? and if you are seen, surely you may talk to an old friend — but who'll know, let us walk on,” — and I did by her side. — “Tell me all about yourself, and husband,” questions rapidly put. — Yes, she'd married Richard. — “No children?” “None.” “You lucky one, you can have any fun you like, without fear.” “Oh! fun? I'm married.” — She wanted to get rid of me, apparently fearful. — “I won't go, I must talk with you, may never see you again, get in this cab and you can tell me all, nobody can see us in it.” — I hailed a passing cab, in a second we were in it and off we drove. — I had almost to hustle her into it, but the fascination of our former delight was on her, as on me. We were both yielding to the inevitable curiosity.

She was agitated. Old endearments I know came to her mind, how can any woman meet a man who has fucked her without thinking of it? — We kissed. “Do you recollect that night Madeline, when, etc. etc.” “Oh you mustn't talk of that, we must forget it.” Then she told me that her husband had a good situation, was very kind, she'd never had a child. — “He fucks you doesn't he?” “Oh — well — oh — you always were such a Oh! — Where are we going now? — I must not be late — let me go.”

“No you shan't, I may never see you again. — My God, how I long to see you naked, how much stouter you've got, how lovely your arm feels — fucking agrees with you, your legs have grown larger like your arms I'll bet, haven't they now?” “Oh don't go on so, don't.” “Oh let me feel for a moment only.”

Stooping, I pulled up her clothes to her knees, and got my hand just above her garters. — She struggled violently. — “Oh now — don't — you shan't. — Oh leave off.” “I will by God, Madeline, I will feel that lovely cunt once more.” — It was a real hard struggle. She meant to prevent me, I resolved to feel it. — A whirl of lust passed thro me, I thought of fucking her in the cab, or any where, but somehow. As we struggled, my head was over her shoulder, my mouth against her neck. After I'd once got my hand above her garters, that position kept her from stooping much and helped me, for in a minute or two (but how time flies in these lovely erotic combats) my hand was well between her thighs, my finger tip on the vaginal mouth, my open hand covering her whole cunt, I had grasped the whole of her cunt so to speak, my fingers squeezing apart the lips. The next minute I had placed her hand round my erection, placidly her hand closed softly on it, and our mouths met.

She murmured, “What a shame,” — then gave her-self up — vanquished — silent — and now enjoying it; for lewedness once possessed of man and woman, absorbs all thought, — pervades the whole physical frame with a subtle languid pleasure, from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet, it enervates. Thus in silence we sat for a time as the cab rolled on. — How useful four wheeled cabs have been to me.

It grew dark, whilst we handled each other's genitals — the sensations our fingers gave us made us forgetful of all but our love. — “Let us just look at each other once again, you've more hair on your cunt I can feel. — My God how my prick's throbbing for you — Frig me.” — “I won't.” — “Come with me, and I swear if ever we meet again I'll take no notice of you. That shall be agreed between us. — We shan't be half an hour. — My beloved Madeline, let me have you once more. — Come darling,” and my fingers moved unremittingly over her cunt, rousing her lust to insensible compliance.

In ten minutes afterwards we were in a house, the scene of many a former pleasure, she knew it well. — Within an hour we had fucked thrice and separated, but what maddening Elysium that one hour was, what disclosures we both made. I told her as much as she told me, it was pleasant to tell her of my social happiness. — She had got stouter, her thighs were large and round, she had still her marbly backside, and it was a larger one. She'd now a well-haired cunt — quite thick hair now, and it fucked as deliciously as ever. — We talked over all about our liaison from first to last, sponges, French letters, and all. — She soon lapsed into lasciviousness after I had once fucked her. — When we parted she said she should be ashamed of saying her prayers or to go to church next Sunday. — “My love, your husband never found out that you had been poked before he poked you, and he'll never find this fucking out.” — I've never seen her since to speak to, tho I have once or twice in the distance, but our paths lay apart.