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In a few days I saw her again. — Directly she noticed me, she turned and walked towards her lodgings, as if making sure I had come to have her.

“I knew I should see you again,” were her first words when in her bedroom. “Why?” “Sure you'd come to see an old friend.” “I never saw you till the other night.” “Quite sure?” “Quite.” “I know well all your names, and where you live, and all about you, what will you bet I don't?”

As before, she stripped rapidly to her chemise, as if anxious to be poked — sitting down whilst I undressed, she seized my prick directly I approached her, kissed it, and then with a gentle, almost imperceptible delicacy of handling, passed the stiff stem through her soft hand, alternately looking at it, then up at me, and holding with her other hand my shirt well up, so that she could see my procreator without hindrance. Then she began chaffing about her knowledge of me. — I returned the chaff, saying that now I recollected having her one or two years before. — “That you didn't, for I have only been poked eight months, and a gay woman three.” For a second she was then silent, as if my remark had annoyed her.

“Tell me what you know,” I resumed. “If I do you won't see me again.” “Yes I will, let us poke first.” “No.” “You shall, I have only been chaffing you,” said she, getting on to the bed. I believed that, said no more, laid by her side, and delicious reciprocal preliminaries began. I looked at her lovely cunt, pulled apart the red lips, kissed her motte and belly up to her bubbies, and then more tranquil by her side, felt over all the surface of her cunt, now thrusting a finger up the red prick tube, now rubbing gently the clitoris, whilst she continued the delicate, slow, masturbating movement on my prick from tip to balls. Our mouths joined in moist contact, then in silence I mounted her, clasped her smooth solid arse, and thrust my prick to its roots up her. She sighed with delight as it struck the end of her cunt.

After a short voluptuous rest for my prick, tho my brain during such times is in its baudiest state of thought, I fucked. — Up and down went my prick in her sheath, with our sighs and murmurs of pleasure mingling, till all movements finished with a throbbing prick, a gripping, clipping cunt, tightening arseholes, wriggling bellies, spasms of pleasure, thick white spunk spurting from me into her, salt slimy juices exuding from her vagina — amidst our sighs and cries of ecstasy. Then with relaxed hold, with limb stretched out, tranquil we lay, prick still in cunt, cunt clipping, prick loosely but deliciously shrinking in the fecundating mucilaginous bath of our mixed spendings, our tongues still joined, and salivas mingling. Thus for minutes in a blissful Elysium, as if our souls and bodies were dissolving. What a happy death to die.

The pleasure over, I slipped off on one side. She turned to me, laying hold of my tool. I put my hand over her upper buttock, and laying together thus in salacious companionship she said laughing, “I do know you tho.” “Tell me then.” “Your names begin with *** and **** and ****. — The number of your house is 34 — and the street name begins with A.” — It was so exact that I started, but said, “No.” She laughed, told me all, and finished up by, “Now fuck me, it's quite stiff,” and I did.

These were the circumstances. Three years or so before, an Australian family, the lady of whom was distantly related to me, came to England and stopped six months nearly at the **** hotel. I visited them often, dined there, went to the theatre and everywhere with them. She was chambermaid there, had waited on the ladies, taken messages to them from me, taken letters to the hotel box addressed to me, had heard me often spoken about, and thus knew much about me. I had kissed her once, and putting my hand down to her belly gave it a gentle tap and said, “There's a baby there I think.” — I'd forgotten her, tho her face had seemed familiar to me.

Surprized and a little annoyed (such tricks have been played, by women), that I could not help for a minute pondering on the incident, tho there really is nothing very singular in it. I have often wondered that out of the hundreds of women of all classes I have fucked, or toyed with baudily, that I have met so few of them afterwards, when I have once parted with them. Said she with her pert manner, “Ah — you're wishing you hadn't seen me, and thinking I'm going to leave my card on you — but I'm not, for I'm going away al-together, I shan't be what the French women about here call a Dame Galante long,” and she laughed. Then I wanted to know her history fully. She wouldn't tell me. — “If you want to hear that, come and spend the evening with me, I shan't be here long.” — Perhaps I would I said, “No, you're not going till I've had another poke — I'd have let you had me first two years ago, but you didn't see it and shied off.”

I poked her again, and said I would see her that day week, knowing I should then be by myself in town. — She counted on her fingers. — “I think I shall be poorly, come the day before.” “I will.” — That evening I had my dinner first, and at her request took a bottle of champagne with me. I'd been four days without a fuck, and wanted one. — She'd had her dinner. — “I waited for your phiz and haven't had any thing to drink, but wasn't sure if you'd bring it,” and she began drinking.

She was ready when I got there, nicely got up with a silk open gown or dress, over a fine chemise. — “Look! that's what my young man's given me,” said she drawing my attention to it. “You've silk stockings on” (she'd not worn them before). “Yes, bought them for you, you may give them me if you like.” “Well I will.” She got up and kissed me. “You ought to have had me first.” “I wish I had, tell us all about it.” “Take your trowsers off, and make yourself comfort-able.” — Whilst I undressed she stirred up the fire, and we sat down. “Show me your cock.” “Show me your cunt then.” She lifted her chemise to her navel, the sight of her motte and legs which were handsome, made me stiffen at once. I lifted my shirt.

— “Hoh, hoh, ho,” saying which she got up and laid hold of my pego. I clasped her bum, and fingered her notch. — She stooped and our mouths joined. — “Not yet,” said she disengaging herself and sitting down; but in a few minutes, our backsides were heaving reciprocally on the bed.

Then we sat before a good fire drinking, I smoking

— our passions temporarily assuaged. — She with chemise above her knees, to let the warmth of the fire reach her quim. I, with its warmth playing on my buttocks and ballocks. — This was her history — Which I now abbreviate as much as possible, tho as first written, it filled seven pages of foolscap.

Caroline * * * * was her name. — She was only twenty-one years old now, tho she looked much older, had been in private service. Her eldest sister, who was chambermaid at the hotel, persuaded her to go there. Both were there, when my Australian friends were. — Caroline found it pleasanter than a private house, but much harder work. They saw lots of life, single men larked with the chambermaids, and married men as well, but furtively. — “Yes,” she said in answer to my question, “many men have shown me their cocks when I took water or things into their bedrooms, some made a sham of being caught with it out,” — but she knew it was “all my eye” — they meant her to see it. Her sister who was thirty and a widow, told her it was the same with her. The waiters tried to get over her, lot of gentlemen at the hotel had asked her to go out with them, but she never had. All the female servants talked baudily, most of them she thought fucked on the sly, her sister included, but she always gave Caro-line good advice.

She'd been there but a few months when I visited my Australian friends. — “Nine months ago I went wrong. I went out one night with a young man, a gentleman who had been at the hotel some time.” — He'd kissed her several times, she thought him nice, and it ended in his getting her to have dinner, then to a house, and taking her virginity. — He'd said he'd keep her. Whether that induced her to let him have her or not, she didn't know. — “I expect I wanted it badly. I often did just then, I was always hearing about fucking, and was tired of frigging myself. — Directly he got his hands between my thighs in the cab, I thought I'd let him do me.” She left the hotel, he kept her a few months, went abroad, and she'd never seen him since. He gave her fifty pounds when he left, and she turned gay at once.