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Taking a cab home, and saying I was going to stop with a friend, I brought away in a small portmanteau all the clothes needed, dined at my club, and in the two his balls, as the chemise showed. Before that day was out, Rosa and I talked it over, both looking at the chemise together, for I have a faculty of upsetting quickly any woman's modesty. Besides, a night's fucking at once alters any woman's feelings and behaviour towards the man who spermatized her cunt, and gave her sexual pleasure. Fucking is the great humanizer of the world hours, was back at J***s Street. The night-gown was ready. I knocked at the door several times before I got a sleepy answer. — “Who is it?” — “It is I.” — “Is it you?” — “Yes, it's the gentleman,” said the maid who was behind me, and then shouted down-stairs. — “Wait a minute, sir, in the parlour.” (How well I knew those words.) — The door opened, and there was I with her for the night. I felt joyous, there was such an air of intrigue about the affair. My curiosity about the girl was intense, and I thought now more of hearing all about her, than about fucking her.

I made her put on the night-gown. She wanted to hide her chemise, but I showed that I was master, examined it before her, and made my remarks in the plainest words about its condition; holding it to the light, and looking and laughing. “I wonder if his prick hurt you, tell me dear. How often did he do it — was his prick large? — do tell me” — and so I went on. She never smiled, nor answered, nor moved a muscle: but sat looking at me fixedly. She seemed an odd one — no other in all my amatory acquaintances behaved a bit like her.

Then I drew her on to the sofa, pulled off her stockings, and undressing to my shirt, sat with naked bum on my naked thigh, and with fingers on her cunt twiddling it, began coaxing, and begging her to tell me all. I could get nothing out of her, and her taciturnity annoyed me. Angrily I said I should stay the night, but unless she had confidence in me should leave her next morning. That opened her mouth a little. — “What's the good of telling you my misfortune? You can't set it to rights, but my name is Rosa W***e.”

I replied that perhaps I might, and at all events might prevent worse befalling her. At length she said, “Perhaps I will, but I'm so sleepy and tired.” — “Didn't you sleep last night?” — “I never wakened all the night till I got up.” — “Tell me then, how it all happened.” — She shook her head, and lapsed into taciturnity.

A couple of hours passed in chat, looking at her, feeling her plump young body all over, which she now permitted in a shrinking, resigned sort of way, and struggling with her when I wanted to expose her belly. Then 'I asked if she liked oysters. “Oh, don't I,” said she vivaciously. It was the only spark of interest I had seen. “Champagne?” “I never tasted any.” — I made them bring Champagne from a place I named, and a bill to show they got it from there. — Oysters were brought. — Well I recollect the first time I had them in that house with Louisa Fisher. The girl eat them with pleasure, Champagne she drank, first remarking that she ought perhaps never to drink a glass of wine or spirits, as long as she lived. Then when I asked why, she only shook her head. She got livelier soon, and actually at one of my remarks laughed. Then getting from the chambermaid candles and lucifers, for I knew they turned off the gas at about three o'clock, I said we would go to bed, and, “Show me now your dear little cunt.”

She resisted, and burst out crying and sobbing, tears ran now fast enough, but not for long, tho the sobs lasted and were violent. I can't bear to see a female in distress, so desisted. “Shall we go to bed then, Rosa, and fuck again?” — I loved to say that word, it seemed to upset her so. — “If you like,” — said she, colouring up. “Another glass of Champagne then,” — and sitting her on my naked knees again, so that her flesh touched mine, we drank. I begged her to tell me all, or I shouldn't know what to do for her, for I could not stop with her long. — “It's no good telling,” — was all I could get out of her. She wouldn't feel my prick tho I put her hand to it. — So putting out one gas burner, and turning down the other, into bed we went.

There she lay close to me. I put my finger up her cunt. — She winced, and in reply said, “It hurts a little only now.” — “You've washed.” “Yes, when you went out.” “Fucking gave you pleasure, didn't it? — Now say. What stupidity to be silent, tell me.” — “Yes.” — said she at last. At length cuddling to me, she admitted she'd been fucked the night before, and never before. She didn't know how it came about. She was drunk she supposed, and that was all she would say. — We fucked again and fell fast asleep.

I was awakened at times by the noise of amorous couples. She slept and snored all night profoundly, a lethargic sleep, and was fast asleep when I awakened her at about ten next morning. — I opened the blinds, let in light, and saw that she looked fresh and well, and had quite a different expression on her face, but the face had strong resolve in it. My fingers went to her cunt, I placed hers on my prick and again saw that she coloured up. — “You want to piddle.” No answer, and I got angry. “What nonsense, my dear, your naked belly's been against mine, my fingers on your cunt, I've fucked you and yet you seem ashamed to piddle, now get out and do it, for it's all sham modesty.” Out I got and pissed. — “There is the pot.” — “I don't want.” — “I'm sure you do, after the ale and Champagne you drank. I'll look through the blinds.” Rosa got out and half filled the pot. Then in the bed I fucked out a healthy, copious, morning's emission. Afterwards I talked seriously about her future. — I had once or twice felt sorry I had brought her here, thinking that had she been left to herself, she might, when still more weary and hungry, have gone home again. — Now I suggested her going home, — told her how to act — what to tell — and that I would give her money. — “No” — nothing should make her go home again. — “You will go on the streets then.” — She made no reply to that. I went on advising, and after saying that if she did not tell me all, I really must leave her, she burst into tears, laid her head against my chest, and told me all.

Few women tell their escapades clearly and consecutively, but she told the most important part of her misfortune, as she termed it, quite coherently. Other parts were given in answer to my questions, and I firmly believe, truly given.

Her Father, a smith by trade, and a W***e by name, had married a second wife, and Rosa and she didn't agree. Rosa had learnt stay-making, but grew tired of it, so went to service, grew tired of that also, or didn't like her place, and had been home a week doing nothing but help in their lodgings, and do needle-work. — A friend of hers and her sweetheart were going to a mu-sic hall, and Rosa with her father's consent went with them. There they met a young man of their own class in life, who paid attention to Rosa. All four had drink there. When they came out they had more drink at a public house. Her female friend suggested that the new acquaintance should see Rosa home, she going off with her sweetheart. All were seemingly a little screwed, and the couples separated in great jollity. Then the young man, Rosa said, “Made love to me, but nothing improper.” They had some more liquor at a public house, and when she came out she staggered, and felt she was drunk. She was frightened about getting home late. He said he would see her home safely, but she scarcely knew why, or how, she found herself in a bed room with him, and felt so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, or even stand, and he laid her on the bed.

Up to that time, she was sure he had taken no liberties with her, now he pulled up her clothes. She recollected struggling with him, that she saw his prick out, and the next minute that with a pain to her, something went up her cunt. She was laying at the side of the bed, but all was so confused that she could tell no more. How she got undressed she knew not, but she did, and was in bed with him in the morning, and in the night she thought he did it to her again, but was not sure. — She neither recollected pain or pleasure; only some-thing heavy on her, and something in the cunt, and nothing more till the next morning, when with a sense of stupidity she awakened, and saw him dressing.