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A day or two before I made a hasty offer to take her to London for a week, — would she go? — “Oh! won't I just, — I'm longing to see London.” Then, “How can I get away? — aunt would tell father.” No she could not. “Take a walk with me when the shop is shut up.” But the aunt rarely let her go out in the evening, nor in the day, except on Sundays. Put up to it by me she told her aunt she would. “We'll go out to-gether,” said aunt, — but it rained a little, aunt said it would spoil her clothes, and would not go.

Next night the aunt was out, the girl had the shop shut directly it was dark, and spite of aunt came out to meet me on the beach. I told her what I had heard. She admitted the boy had tried to feel her, but had not succeeded. “But I heard him say it was hairy.” “He's a liar.” “I don't believe you've got any hair there,” said I. “Oh! ain't I though,” said she laughing. “Let me feel.” Then in the dark, little by little, I man-aged to feel a fat pair of thighs, and the tip of a cunt. She sat quiet, at last kissing me, and I her. One of her legs was over the other, so that my finger could only just rest on her clitoris. Then she felt my prick. It was a lovely hour I passed on that seat by the shingle. I whispered in conversation, “prick,” — “cunt,” — “fuck,” — that magical triad. “Oh! I knows what yer means.” “Open your thighs now,” “there then, — oh! you hurt,” — and she got up. “You wicked little devil, let me.” I thought her cunt seemed open enough. There was a row when she got home, but she cheeked her aunt boldly.

Next morning I went to the closet, some one was there, and wanting to bog badly I went down to the closet in the yard, pulled open the door sharply (it was not bolted, and there stood Loo with petticoats up, showing both legs nearly to her backside. She was just turning to seat herself. “Oh!” she shouted dropping her clothes. “Oh!” said I banging the door to, startled as much as she was. I went off, but an hour afterwards bought some fruit, — no one was in the shop. “I saw your bum.” “You didn't,” said she without a blush. “I did.” “It was no fault of mine if you did.” “Show it me now, — there is no one here.” “Shan't.” She really blushed, and sat down, but could not contain herself from laughing. I showed her my prick, and was nearly caught doing so, by some one entering the shop.

She got out another night to walk with a female friend whom the aunt thought Loo could be trusted with. Directly clear of the house, that girl went off with her lover, — five minutes later I was with Loo on the beach. It was moonlight. How I cursed the moon, then luckily heavy clouds hid it. Now I talked about copulation openly. She knew all about it she said, and at last admitted laughing that she had felt the shop-boy's prick. “No,” no other man's excepting quite small boys, — she had felt those. “Let me do it to you, — - why not?” “I would, but I am frightened, — sup-pose I had a child.” I told her how I would prevent her having one. No, she was frightened. We felt each other well. How I restrained myself from frigging God only knows; but we were only about an hour gone.

Next day I felt her quim in the shop and again as she went up to bed, and showed her my prick. What risks I ran, and how I escaped! Had my friend opened his door, or the girl opposite opened hers, I must have been caught.

I found she did not like being in the shop, did not like her aunt, and soon after said she would go away with me to London, if I liked (I'd now offered to keep her). That bothered me, I had only just got rid of a woman, and did not want another. “But in London you'd come to grief, — perhaps go on the town, and be miserable.” Well she didn't care, she wouldn't stop with her aunt, didn't want to go home — had had enough of them. She had a sister who was gay at ****, who told her she was very jolly. The murder was out, her cheek and frank acceptance of baudy suggestions, her knowledge of fucking, were due to her gay sister. At once I said, “What's the good of sitting here by the sea where we may be known? — let's go and have a chat and a glass of wine in a house.” “No.” “Why you know you've been fucked, Loo,” said I angry, not mincing words now, and believing she was shamming for a purpose. “I'll take my solemn oath on any Bible, I ain't had it done to me,” said she earnestly, — but I didn't believe her.

There were constant quarrels now between her and her aunt, — we heard them upstairs. Mrs. L**g, my friend, complained of the noise. Then I found that Loo had been sent there by her father to keep her away from her gay sister. All this time my friends had never noticed my goings on with the girl, all having been done by us two with such stealth.

After that night I talked open smut to her, and felt her, and she felt my prick on every opportunity. We discussed fucking, and getting with child, as if we were married. She a girl of sixteen would look me in the face, and laugh about it without the sign of a blush. It was the most extraordinary state of things I ever have experienced; but matters stopped there. A month nearly had passed, I had shagged the woman (already named) on the sands two or three times, to keep myself from fist-fucking, and liked the novelty of the place; but I was very lewed on Loo. She liked the spooning, and liked my feeling her cunt, but, “No, I'm frightened, — I won't go anywhere with you, — I won't let you do it.” “I fucked a girl on the sands, as you would not let me,” said I in just those words. “Lor you didn't.” “I did.” She became quite silent.

My friends were now leaving. “I'm going away with them Loo, as you won't meet me.” I said that on two successive days. She made no reply. Sunday came. “Come out this evening.” “I'm going to church with aunt.” “Well, meet me instead.” She did, and I got her without any trouble to the china-shop, and five minutes after that, we were sitting close together, her hand round my prick, I titillating her clitoris, our mouths glued together, speechless. Oh! those lovely five minutes. Her thighs and bum gently moved. “Oh! don't.” “Get on the bed, Loo, — don't be foolish, — we'll feel each other better there.” She rose. “Take off your gown, you will rumple it.” She took it off in silence, and got on to the bed herself without help. We laid down. “What a lovely fat bum you have. — I must kiss it.” I loosened my trowsers. “There now, let my prick just touch your belly, — feel me.” My fingers slipt along her cunt, and I tried to put one up it. “Oh! you hurt.” Is she virgin? Then without any resistance I laid on her. She sighed, her thighs opened, I adjusted my prick, grasped her buttocks firmly, and thrust. “Oh — ohoo! — bar!” one loud cry only. I had shattered it in three or four hard thrusts. She was a virgin, and a tough one. My sperm was filling her cunt the next minute. She had meant fucking some hours before, I am sure of it, and almost fancy now, that she had made up her mind to have it done to her, long before that Sunday.

Coming to my senses, “Did you like it — did it give you pleasure?” “No it hurt,” said she with perfect tranquility. I laid still, kissing her, nestling up her my stiff prick, put my fingers down, and found them red. I had put a towel on the bed, and now pushed it under her buttocks, and uncunted, — I thought soiling her linen might cause her difficulty. For a moment to my delight, I saw the unusual sight of a virgin cunt just fucked, and then pushed the napkin between her thighs. “You never have had it before,” I remarked. “I told you so,” she replied. She laid still till I sug- gested her washing. As she washed, “You've made me bleed,” and she laughed. The affair did not seem very serious to her. Then we talked, I saw her cunt, and fucked her twice more, — the second poke I stopped in the middle. “Don't you feel pleasure now?” “Oh! yes — oho, ah!” She did not get home till past ten o'clock. I went home first. Her aunt rowed her in the passage. Walking with a friend, — walking with a friend was her only reply. My friends heard the row in the passage, as well as I, and next morning re-marked, they were afraid that shop-girl was giving her aunt much trouble, — Mrs. L**g said she looked an impudent minx.