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Chapter XXIII

Jenny's bed-room. • The money hid. • On the bed. • Fears of maternity. • Inspection of sex. The use of a husband. • Another Sunday. • Regrets and refusal. • Resistance overcome. • Jenny's ignorance. • Her Master returns. • Difficulty in getting at Jenny. • Her sister waylaid: Against a fence. • Jenny's marriage, and rise in life.

“Why don't you take the money?” said I. “You really mean it?” “Of course.” She took is up. “It's a real God-send, — it comes just in time, — who'd have thought it?” said she as if to herself. “I must put it where it can't be found, and take it home to-morrow.” She went to the door. “Aren't you going?” “No I'm going to do it again soon.” “But you're not.” “But I am.” Without reply she went upstairs. I had meant to have ready a stiff-stander, when she came back, but changed my mind, and followed her. She was nearly at the top when hearing me she waited, and said, “What do you want?”

“I'm coming to see what you do.” “You won't.” “I will.” “I'll come down and wait till you are gone.” “I'll stop till your sister comes home.” “Do go down sir”, said she in a coaxing tone. “No.” She sat down on the top-stairs, I did the same a few stairs below her. Her knees were wide apart, my mind went to the afternoon when I had seen her naked. That glorious two hours. I stared in a voluptuous reverie, her cunt was as visible to me through her clothes, as if she were naked, and my cock began to swell. I stared on with-out uttering a word.

“What are you staring at?” said she at last, “go down, and I'll be down in a minute.” “I'm looking at your cunt, it's open slightly, I can see my spunk in it.” “Oh!” said she jumping up, “I never heard such a man in my life.” (She had the gold still in her hand.) “You have upset me so, I don't know what I am about.” She then turned her bum round towards me, and I put my hand quickly up her clothes, as she went up the stairs. “Oh! you frighten me so I don't know what I'm doing.” I followed her into the room, and she locked up the money in a bag that was in a drawer. Turning round she saw my prick out, and as stiff as ever. It was the recollection of what had taken place in that room on the Saturday week previous, which had rendered me capable again. I closed on her, kissing and inciting her, pulled her to the bed, and began feeling her. “I don't like that done, you know you can't, — leave me alone, — go down, — oh ! don't.”

I coaxed her for a second. She got on to the bed, and opened her thighs wide like a well-trained fuckster to help me, I inserted my penis, and she met me with passion. I was not so rapid, the want of a spend was not now overpowering my senses; whilst she had had two hours baudy talk, been fucked, but cheated of her pleasure, and been left at the critical moment, unsatisfied, with my spunk in her. She was dying for a spend, wanting it like a woman who has been for a week unsatisfied. Her cunt was hungry for prick, throbbing and tightening to pour out it's amatory juices, her backside's movements became quick and fierce. “Oh! it's big”, she gasped whilst I was still sensible, “oh !- I'm — com — coming”, — and gluing her mouth to mine she spent copiously ere I'd well nigh began to feel the full urging of lust.

The constriction of her cunt, the delight of feeling her pleasure increased my stiffness. “Let me wash, — do.” “You won't come on the bed again.” “Yes I will, but let me wash.” I clutched her like a vise. “NO I'm coming, — you'll spend again.” My prick stiffer and stiffer drove with fury up against her womb. “Oh ! don't push so hard.” “Fuck my darling, — there, — the tip's only in, — it's in your spunk, and mine together.” “Oh ! you hurt.” On I drove. Her backside's play began, her lips were glued to mine, our tongues played against each other, and we spent together with ejaculations. “Oh I — don't, you hurt, — oh ! oh !—I'm coming.” Then we lay palpitating, my prick throbbing and soaking, her cunt squeezing and sucking.

“Let me get up, — let me wash, — pray do.” I laid on her heavy, nestled my balls up to her arse, held her as long as I could; but uncunting me she got off the bed, and washed her cunt. I still lay playing with my prick. “You'll have a child this day nine months my dear.” “Oh ! my God don't say so, — but I believe I shall.” “You are all right, I don't get them you know.” “Have you never had any children !” “None at home.” “Oh ! that's nothing, — have you any out, for you are a gay man?”

I got up to piss, and saw my thick sperm in the basin. “You've washed it all out my dear, — you are safe.” She shook her head. “This is a strange business”, she remarked, 'I scarce know where I am, — what I'm about, — it's impossible”, — and she stood staring at me playing with my cock. Then she went to the drawer and looked at the money, as if she doubted its being there. “It's a fact”, she said locking it up again, “are you not going down ?” “No.” “I wish you would, — I want to be by myself.” “You want to piddle.” “You are a strange man”, and taking the pot she pissed. “You'd better empty all”, said I, “if your sister Jenny comes back and sees it, she will think your husband's been doing it to you.” “She won't think or know anything if she does see”, said Mrs “Well I declare I'm a talking to you just like my husband, — I don't seem to know whether I am on my head or my heels.”

“Church must be over, — Jenny has not come back.” “She won't be back till nine o'clock, she is out with her young man.” “Oh ! not at church?” “No I told you so because Mrs. W.... told her not to go out on Sunday;—but you won't tell ?” “Of course not my dear, I dare say Jenny and her young man have done what we have been doing.” “Lord sir, he is a most respectable young man, and far above her, — they are going to be married, — she is lucky, luckier than I am, —she'd knock his head off if he laid hand upon her improperly, — that she would, she! Lor bless you”, — and Mrs laughted with incredulity. I laughed also. “All! she looks a quiet young woman.” “So she is, and so is he, — his family is well off”, — and then she told me all that Jenny had told me.

“I wish you would let me make the bed.” “I'm going to have you again.” “Oh! likely.” “I am.” “No you're not, — please go.” “No.” “Then I shall go downstairs,” “Go my dear.” She took me at my word, her manner had quite changed, she had been laughing and chaffing, she had blushed, looked at me with fun and lust in her eyes, and at last with full open eyes one moment, followed by the half-closed eye and languishing manner of a randy woman. Now she was quiet, almost sullen, and if she looked at me her eyes fell directly, the randiness had been taken out of her. “I must rouse it up well if I am to have her again”, said I, to myself as I lay thinking about her, and the delicious sight I had seen in that room, the sight I never dare disclose to her, — but how I longed to tell her.

Up she came looking glum. “Are you not going?” “No.” “Let me make the bed then.” “Not until I have had you again.” “Then it will go unmade.” “That won't matter to me.” But it will to me, — what will my sister say if she sees the bed's been laid upon like that?” “Perhaps she will think a man has been with you.” “Well you take it mighty cool, — I do hope you're going.” “Not till I've had you.” “Now you are a talking nonsense, — you know you can't do it”, said she with an incredulous look and the tone of a woman who knew what a prick could do and what not. “Look at this”, I uncovered my prick which was nearly at a full-stand. She smiled when she saw it. “Nonsense I am ashamed.” “My dear I'm proud, and not ashamed, —come.” “I shan't.” Then here I'll lay”,-and I fell back, and pulled balls and cod well out of my trowsers.

I had always a lust stirring tongue, fifty women have told me so. “You'd talk any women randy”, said a gay woman once to me. Brighton Bessie said, that in five minutes I could talk her into a lewd state. Others have given me similar compliments. I was not specially conscious of that power that I recollect, but instinctively used it when I had got over fits of modesty, which sometimes prevented my uttering even veiled allusions for a time.