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What did she get for stopping at the house? Five shillings a week, and her supper and breakfast, — that was an object. “Five shillings? — why my kiss was worth that, — let me give you another, and I'll give you ten shillings for the two.” “You don't mean that”, said she with a low laugh. “On my soul yes, — but you must give me a kiss as well.” She shook her head. “It's going too far”, said she. “There it is, I'll trust you, — you won't take it without letting me.” She was then sitting. I put the half sovereign into her hand. “Thank you sir”, said she softly. I kissed her rapturously, she let me kiss half-a-dozen times, and whilst doing I so took hold of her hand, and pressed it as if by accident against my cock. She a married woman knew the hard line her hand pressed against, for she moved her hand away. “Now your promise, — kiss me.” “I didn't promise.” “You took the money.” “There then”, said she giving me a kiss, and jumping up sharply, “we are going too far, — we really are now, — we don't either of us know what we are about I think.” “I don't think I do”, said I, “for though I never saw you before, I've never been so struck with a woman in my life, I'd give ten pounds to be in bed with you an hour.”

I had been putting my cock straight in my trowsers, feeling and squeezing my balls whenever I saw her looking at me. I fancied she kept looking askant at that part of my person. She was getting red in face, hot, and confused in manner. Just then I observed a bed pillow on the sofa, she had I guessed been laying down after dinner. “Why here is a pillow, — you've been on the sofa with your husband, — you have been playing at mother and father here.” She burst out into laughter. “Why I've not seen him for a week.” “Then you've been tickling by yourself.” “Tickling?” (it was said quite innocently.) “Yes between your legs.” “Oh ! really now you are a going too far sir”, said she jumping up again, “you speak too freely, — I don't like it.” Then she laughed, and said, “Wellthis — really is, — oh !”

“Not at all,- -you are lovely, exquisite, delicious, — if you've really not seen your husband for a week, let me, — who will know ? — we are in the house alone, — let us”, — and standing close to her I put my arms round her, but I felt afraid of going too far. “You must not talk like that.” “Oh ! nonsense, — I'll give you six pounds.” “Oh ! no, you don't mean what you say, — it's wild talk.” I took out my purse, and putting six pounds on the table in gold, just as I had done to her sister the ten pounds; there said I, “That is yours”, — and pulled out my prick. She got up, and ran to the other side of the room as if I had pulled out a pistol. “You're talking too plain sir, — it's going too far, — if you expose yourself like that I'll go to the street-door.” I'm at a loss to know why I pitched upon six pounds, I had intended ten, but cannot tell why I offered that particular sum. I have often thought since, of what made me take that economical figure.

“Sit down.” “I won't if you expose yourself, — it's not gentlemanlike.” I put my cock into my trowsers, then kissed her again, resistance was not so strong. “Now sir don't.” “Sit down my darling”, — and getting her to the sofa we went on talking. “How foolish, —who would know, — why not delight me, — why not take the money.” “No.” “Do now.” “No.” “Won't you?” “Of course not, — no,—no.” “Well kiss me.” “There then.” “Do let me dear.” “I won't, — I won't, —I shan't, — there.”

Just then I noticed one of her garters was hanging down by her foot. “Your garter's undone”, said I. I stooped forwards, and took it up. “Give it me.” I kissed it. “No, — it's been so near where I want to go, —I shall keep it till I've been there.” “You will keep it a long time then.”

She drank more ale, it was sweet and strong, and I went on talking. Thought I, “She must want it if she has not seen her husband for a week.” Where did she garter. — below or above knee? “Let me feel?” I felt outside, then pinched the leg, then higher up. She began looking me full in the face, and laughing at my smutty insinuations. I pulled her back on the sofa, kissed her, and let her rise up again. I repeated the pull and the kiss more than once, and then as she was rising up and saying, “Now don't pull me about like that”, I put her hand on my prick which I had slipped out again. “Oh !” — and she let it go. Quick as lightning I slipped a hand up her clothes to her cunt. “Let me now, — there's a darling.” “I shan't.” “Do.” “I shan't.” She repulsed my hand, but did not get away from me. I thought from the way she looked at me, and the quiet manner in which she pushed away my hand, that she was hot with lust, and could scarcely refuse me. I pulled her to me, and got my finger on her clitoris. “Do let me feel your cunt, and fuck, — put my prick in there, — let us, — do darling”, said I twiddling like mad, and rattling out a volume of baudiness.

She bore it all for a minute quietly, wriggling and saying, “I shan't, — I won't, — no, now take your hand away.” Then with a sudden impulse she pushed me off, got up, and sat down further from me on the sofa. “Oh I now be quiet, — let me think a minute,—I don't know whether I'm on my heels or my head.” She picked up something which had fallen at her feet, as she had doubled herself down when my finger was stimulating her randiness.

Then catching her by her waist I pulled her back on to the sofa, and threw myself on her. “You shan't” were the last words I recollect her uttering; as I threw up her clothes and felt the wet gash. My prick the next instant was buried in it, and we were fucking.

“Don't, — oh. — take it out, — do, — oh !—oh !—ohoe !” she murmured. She had fetched me, and pump; pump, pump, pump, went my spunk up her. Then delicious oblivion. As I came to myself I found her arse still moving. “Oh! do” she murmured. She was besides herself, with desire to spend.

But my prick instead of obeying me as it usually did on such exciting occasions, refused, and shrinking left her cunt, to my intense vexation. “I haven't done it”, said she softly, and with disappointment as her bum ceased its labors, and my tool lay dropping out-side her quim.

We spoke no more, but I lay trying to squeeze it up again. To stiffen it I felt up and round her, rubbed the tip on her spermy nymphoe, she made gentle efforts to second me, but it was of no use, so I rolled off. She sat up, and after looking at me for a minute with eyes filled with baudiness, began like all women, to feel if her hair was all right. “Were you just coming my dear?” She made no reply.

She had not taken any care to arrange her dress, it had dragged up behind her bum, and the petticoats were up to her knees, the leg which had lost its garter was half naked. Taking her round the waist I put my hand on to her cunt, and titillated the clitoris. She let me go on, and continued feeling about her hair. Then looking me full in the face, looking as if she were ready to spend, she pushed me away. “Don't, — don't, —I don't like it done that way.” “You can do it that way yourself, can't you ?” “Of course I can.” “I shall soon fuck again.” “Oh! I dare say”, and she walked to the looking-glass, then went to the window, and looked out into the garden without paying any heed to my exciting remarks. I sat on the sofa feeling my cock, and trying to stiffen it, but it was useless; so I tried to interest he: in something else, feeling annoyed, though I had nothing to be ashamed of.