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Louisa laughed. “I know all bout it”, said she, “she was a fine woman.” After I had got over the stupid bashfulness which I had for the moment, I went (as usual with me) to the extreme of baudy boldness. “Yes”, said I laughing, “I wish it had been spilt in her cunt, instead of on the carpet.” “Oh ! for shame”, said Louisa, “well it was waste, was it not, — it might have made two people happy, — did you really spend without frigging it?” “Yes I did.”

I got close to Louisa on the sofa to speak with her about the event, to hear from her lips what had been told her. She said not a word, but my face was close to hers, we looked into each other's eyes for a minute, lust was on both. I put my arm round her, pulled her towards me, and kissed her. She returned it, our lips were glued together. “You've got a fine leg Hannah says.” “Does she?” “Yes,-let me see it.” “No.” “Yes.” “You only care about Sarah.” I made no reply, but went on kissing letcherously, put one hand down, and going on kissing pulled her clothes up to her knees. She stopped me there. “Oh ! how round, how nice, how lovely your leg is.” “Now be quiet, Hannah will be in.” I ceased looking, but my hand slipped higher up, my fingers were inside the satiny wet lips, and my mouth was glued to hers, as Hannah came back.

We resumed a decent posture. Hannah laughed, “Lord why don't you two go upstairs?” said she, “you want each other, — why don't you go? — the first-floor front's empty.” “Come”, said I to Louisa pulling her. She rose instantly. Hannah was a really good soul, she liked to make people happy, and to set them fucking; I have seen it in a dozen instances.

Without another word we went upstairs, I threw her on the bedside, pulled up her clothes, and opened a magnificent pair of thighs. “Let's go to bed”, said she. “Very well.” We both undressed like lightning without a word passing, and stood, she in chemise, I in shirt in a trice. “Let's get in naked.” Without reply she drew off her chemise as I pulled off my shirt, and the next minute naked in each other's arms we were fucking in a warm bed, not a word of conversation passing till we had spent, those moments are so soul-absorbing in their lasciviousness.

“Oh! how quick we've been, — lay still.” With mutual consent we kept together in fleshy conjunction, I nestled my balls up her, she tightened her cunt to stimulate my shrinking organ. But little stimulus was needed, our spend had only made us want it again, we had scarcely rested ere we recommenced fucking, and again we spent before my prick had uncunted. How lovely, how exquisite is the reminiscence! What equals the pleasure of a man and woman pleased with each other, thrilling with lust, when prick and cunt are joined, and they spend in each other's arms!

Still she would not let me out of her, crossing her limbs over my thighs, drawing me closer to her by her hands, grasping my arse-cheeks, pulling the cheeks almost open, squeezing her cunt up to me, she kept me up her, kissing me, shoving her tongue towards mine, and saying I was a lovely poke, the first baudy words that dropped from her, I rubbing my belly up against hers till my balls almost lay between her fat cunt-lips, swabbing up the oozings of the sperm which ran out from her. And so we lay, kissing, tongue-sucking, and talking the stinging words of love and lust.

Then as repose became a pleasure, and nature sev ered us. “Oh I my God how wet you have made me”, she said, “it's all on the sheet.” “Let me feel.” I fell on my side, she turned on hers towards me, and threw one leg over my haunch, I placed my hand on her cunt, and felt the sperm, wetting my hand, whilst she grasped my slippery prick. “Feel how wet your prick is”, I put my hand there, and every hair on my prick was plastered against my belly; then hand on cunt, and hand on prick we both dozed off.

When I awakened we were still face to face, Louisa asleep with a hand under my balls. I pulled down the clothes to look at her naked body: the gas was burning brightly, I saw splendid breasts; down went my hand to her cunt, I groped it, she awoke, and without a word turned on to her back, and I on to her belly. Whilst couched easily on to that broad belly, and lying between her ample breasts, and steadied by her large thighs, my prick lying down against her gap, kissing and sucking each other's mouths, she glided her hand down, and introduced my pendulous doodle to her randy cunt, and again we fucked. We were mad for it, neither of us uttered a word, till she cried out, “Oh ! I'm coming, — my God, — ah !” And then we spent, and went fast asleep again, exhausted with the pleasure.

We were awakened by a knock. “Who's there?” “Hannah.” “What do you want?” “Are you going to stop all night?” “No”, said I jumping out of bed, “what o'clock is it?” “It's half-past twelve.” “Come to bed”, said Louisa. In I jumped. “Oh ! I'm so hungry”, said she, “how I should like some oysters.” “So should I, — get up, and we'll go and have some before the shop closes.” “No, stop here, Hannah will get them.” I agreed, ordered them, and we went on twiddling each other's privates, I recollect the feel of hers at this very moment, it was like a paste-pot.

I had never seen her person yet. The throwing her on to the bed, and lifting her clothes, her stripping, and jumping into bed had — been so rapid, and so randy had both of us been, so anxious to copulate, that I had had no time to look, to contemplate, to enjoy her with my eyesight. Now off went the bed clothes. “Let's look at your cunt.” “I won't till I've washed.” “No now.” I pulled one thigh. “No you dirty dog, — it's not nice.” She jumped out of bed, and washed her quim, I my prick, we pissed, and then she threw herself on the bed, and delivered her body up to me. When I had had a quarter of an hour's investigation, she amused herself with looking and pulling my prick about, waiting for our supper.

She was a very fine tall woman, stout and well-built. She said she was twenty-four, but I believe she was thirty. She looked less stout with her clothes on than when she was undressed, for I was much surprised to see how very big she was when naked. She had a very big arm, her thighs and legs were very big as well. Hannah was right about it, the entire legs were grand, but had not the exquisite curves of Sarah Mavis'. Her bum was proportionate to her thighs, her waist was not nearly small enough, her breasts were very large, and beautifully placed, and beautifully solid; her face was large and common-place, she had grey eyes, and lightest auburn hair, immense in quantity, which was pleasing, though not handsome; it was not a face which in the streets would have attracted me. Her teeth were good. The hair on her cunt, which was thick-lipped and pouting, was also of a lightish auburn, not by any means a colour to my taste when between the thighs, —so many women's cunts are furnished with that col-Our. It was thick, longish, soft in feel, large in quantity, an' spread half-way up to her navel, and square across her belly to the line of her thighs. I guessed it a thirty year old cunt from that. She was a lovely fucker, and though her cunt was a large one inside and out; the prick was well clipped by it, and kept in when its business was done. There was such room to lie on her between her thighs, and all seemed so well placed to hold a man, that I often thought of her in after time when fucking Sarah, who was the very reverse; who always made me bend my back when fucking, and from whose quim my prick would always slip, unless we both made some effort to retain it after I had spent. Sarah rarely did that, hating the muck. Indeed when Sarah was randy, and wagged her arse as she did violently, all of a sudden just before she spent, she often threw my stiff prick out, which set me off damning and cursing till it was up her again.

The oysters came, and champagne with them, we went to bed again, and sat in chemise and shirt to eat them, said I, “let's have another fuck naked again”, for the touch of her large fleshy body to mine had entranced me, and thus we fucked. Another doze. “Ulloh ! why it's three o'clock, — I must be off.” “Don't go deal, — stop all night.” “I can't, — they will think I am ill.” “So they will me, but I can't go home, I live too far off, — do stop all night with me, there's a darling”, said she.