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Kane and Alec shared at look.

“What does that look mean?” I questioned.

Alec sighed and looked at me. “I’m not going to lie to you, Bran. Ryder, when he is pissed and pushed to the edge… he can be, well, terrifying. He hasn’t been that angry in a long time, I honestly don’t think you’ve ever seen him lose it before, and I don’t want you to either. We’ll find him and bring him home to you.”

I swallowed down bile. “Thank you.”

They both nodded and stood. “Let us know if he comes home in the meantime.”

“I will.”

When they left I was on my own with just my thoughts for company, and that didn’t bode well for me because, like earlier in the day, my mind drifted to happier times with Ryder. It was like I was hurting myself on purpose by remembering how incredible things were with us, but I couldn’t help it.

Ryder, the way he used to be, was my addiction, and like any addict I had to have him in any way possible, even if that way was just a memory.

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Five years ago…

“Just sit her down and tell her about Ryder.” Aideen demanded. “She won’t go crazy like you think she will.”

“But she will.” I groaned and adjusted my phone against my ear. “Bee doesn’t like people, and she especially doesn’t like me bein’ with people. Men in particular.”

Aideen clicked her tongue. “She’s goin’ to have to take the stick out of her arse and get over it. She can’t stay closed off forever, and she can’t expect you never to have a relationship. You’ve been datin’ Ryder over eleven weeks now, Branna, the longer you leave it the worse it will be when you do eventually tell her. You love ‘im so it’s time to introduce them.”

“Shhhh!” I hissed. “Don’t say that out loud!”

Aideen laughed. “No one can hear me, you freak.”

I relaxed. “Just don’t say it out loud, I’m still overwhelmed that I have feelin’s like that for ‘im. We’ve only been together a few months.”

“You’re spendin’ a shit load of time with ‘im on the sly, what did you expect to feel for ‘im?”

I frowned. “I don’t know, but love definitely wasn’t it.”

“Well, you love ‘im,” Aideen said firmly, “and that’s not just goin’ to go away because you’re scared. It will only grow and develop into an even deeper lover the longer you’re with him.”

“I know,” I groaned. “I know that it’s time for Bee to meet ‘im but just don’t know if now is the right time. That Nico kid in school has been a huge bother for her, then she was jumped by that girl a couple of weeks ago and I just don’t know if I should throw this curve ball at her. She is stressed as it is, Ado.”

“Bring her to Darkness to cheer ‘er up,” Aideen suggested. “She’s eighteen now. Bring her out for her first official drink and have some fun. Slip Ryder being your boyfriend into the conversation somewhere after her fifth or sixth drink. She’ll take the news much easier then.”

I blinked. “That’s actually a good idea.”

“I’ve been known to have them,” she grinned.

I smirked. “They’re few and far between.”

“You’re such a bitch,” Aideen quipped and laughed.

“But of course,” I teased then sobered. “What time will you be at the club?”

“Sorry, babe, I can’t make it tonight,” Aideen grumbled. “I’m in work at seven tomorrow mornin’ which means I’ll have to be up at six to shower. Me class is going on an outin’ and we leave at eight.”

I groaned. “You mentioned that, but I didn’t think it was this week. Shite.”

How can I do this without my partner in crime?

“I’ll be there in spirit,” Aideen quickly said. “Don’t back out of it.”

“I won’t,” I sighed, “but I’ll be more nervous without you there.”

“You got this, Bran.”

I bloody well hoped so.

After I got off the phone with Aideen, I ventured out of my room and went down the hall to Bronagh’s. I knocked on her door and entered her space when she shouted out for me to do so. I was glad to find she wasn’t watching television, but was reading a book on her Kindle instead.

“What are you readin’?” I asked as I approached her.

Life Interrupted by Yessi Smith,” she replied, not glancing away from the screen.

I smiled at how engrossed she was. “Is it good?”

Bronagh nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, but I really want to physically harm this one character, he defines the word psychopath.”

I chuckled. “Sounds intense.”

“It is,” she agreed, “but I like intense.”

I stood idle by her bed for a few moments and it made my sister smile as she switched her attention to me.

“Ask whatever it is you want to ask me,” she said, her eyes laughing at me.

I licked my lips. “Do you want to come out with me tonight?”

Bronagh blinked. “Like, to the cinema?”

I shook my head. “Clubbin’.”

She widened her eyes. “You want to bring me clubbin’?”

“Yep,” I chirped. “You’re eighteen now, you’re legal. I want to have some fun with you. I want to cheer you up to after all that’s happened with that Nico shite and the fight you were in.”

“Thanks, but I’m not exactly a social person, sis, do you think a club is the best place for me?”

“You’ve gotta start somewhere, kid.”

Bronagh mulled it over and I saw in her eyes that she wanted to reject my invitation, but she took one look at me and sighed in defeat. “Fine.”

Thank you, Jesus.

I whooped. “Atta girl.”

“What will I wear?” she asked and pushed her bed covers from her body.

“Go and get showered,” I encouraged. “I’ll go and to pick out somethin’ for us to wear, okay?”

My sister reluctantly nodded before she left the room and headed for the bathroom. When I heard the door closed, I snuck down the hallway and re-entered my room and grabbed my phone. I dialled Ryder’s number and pressed the phone to my ear.

“Hey sweetness,” he answered on the second ring.

“Hey sweetness,” I heard his brothers mimic him in the background.

Amusement filled me.

“Your brothers are children.”

“I’m aware of it, and so are they,” Ryder said then cursed at his brothers to keep it down.

“What are you doin’ tonight?” I asked on a chuckle.

“Darkness,” Ryder replied. “Dominic has a fight.”

Oh, I inwardly squealed, this was perfect.

“Brilliant,” I gushed. “I’m goin’ there tonight, too.”

“With who?” Ryder questioned, his voice was deep and it had me rubbing my thighs together.

I licked my suddenly dry lips and answered, “Me sister.”


“You’re going to introduce us?” he asked after a few moments.

I gnawed on my lower lip. “Yeah, I want ‘er to meet you.”

“Shit,” he breathed. “I’m nervous now, thanks.”

I unexpectedly laughed. “Think about how I feel! I’m scared shitless, I’ve never done this with ‘er before.”

“We’ve got this,” Ryder assured me. “I’ll be extra sweet and won’t invade her space like you said, I’ll let her warm up to me in her own way.”

I let out a relieved breath. “That will help.”

“Don’t worry, Bran, she’ll love me.”

I hoped so, because I loved him, and it would kill me if Bronagh didn’t accept him.

Dominic Slater is Nico. The little bastard who had been hassling my little sister in school, and had caused nothing but problems for her over the last few months was my boyfriend’s little brother. I had an atrocious moment were I let my raging emotions take over my body and I did something really bad. Deplorable really. I punched Dominic in the face, in front of his other brothers, and Ryder broke up with me because of it.

I wasn’t proud of my actions, but I didn’t exactly regret them either, which didn’t help my situation in the slightest.