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“You word twistin’, weight liftin’, fight pickin’, cock suckin’, son of a bitch!”

My future brother-in-law gasped. “I have never, and will never, suck someone’s cock you misinformed wench!”

I gripped my phone tighter. “I’m goin’ to end you when I see you, Dominic.”

He was silent for a moment then he said, “Ryder spoke to you then?”

“Oh, Ryder spoke to me all right!” I snapped. “He came home and accused me of cheatin’ on ‘im, and he said he is goin’ to break one of Ash’s limbs and it’s all your fuckin’ fault!”

“What the hell is that screamin’ about?” I heard my sister’s voice. “Who are you talkin’ to, babe?”

“Bronagh!” I shouted.

“Is that Branna?”

“Yes, but—no, give that back to me now!”

“What’s goin’ on?” Bronagh asked me.

Her voice was clear now, a sign she took her phone from Dominic without much of a fight.

“Dominic told Ryder I was cheatin’ on ‘im!” I stated to my sister. “I told the lyin’ prick that Ash was me friend when he mistook us jokin’ around for somethin’ more than friendship, but he still called Ryder and told ‘im his views. Ryder thinks I’m cheatin’ on ‘im, Bronagh.”

“This has to be a joke,” my sister said. “It’s a joke, right?”

“No,” I growled. “And if that bastard you call a fiancé comes near me house again, I’ll gut ‘im!”

“Tell me she is lyin’!” I heard Bronagh growl.

“This dude had his hands on her hips—” I heard Dominic’s voice in the background.

“Did you tell Ryder you thought she was cheatin’ on ‘im?” Bronagh snapped, cutting Dominic off.

“I told him what I saw, and what it looked like to me, but he came to his own conclusions.”

“You didn’t tell ‘im that Branna told you he was harmless?” she pressed.

“No, I didn’t because—”

“Get out!” She snapped. “Get the hell out of this bedroom. You have no idea the trouble you have just caused them!”

“Pretty girl—”

“No, Dominic!” Bronagh spat. “Get. Out. Go find Ryder and make this right or I swear to God I’ll make you miserable!”

Things were silent for a moment then Dominic said, “How miserable?”

He was such an arsehole!

Very miserable!” My sister warned. “You think you have blue balls now? You have no idea of the term, but unless you fix this you will. I promise you!”

I think I heard a door slam then came my sister’s tired sigh.

“I’m so sorry, Branna,” she said, and I heard the sincerity in her voice. “I can’t believe Dominic would do somethin’ like this. I don’t know why he didn’t believe you when you set him straight.”

My lower lip wobbled. “Me either.”

“Don’t cry,” my sister pleaded. “Not over that prick I call me other half, he isn’t worth it.”

I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. “Ryder said he was goin’ to hurt Ash, do you think he will?”

Bronagh was silent for a second then she said, “I don’t know, Bran. Maybe you should call Kane and Alec, they could help find ‘im? He’d listen to them quicker than the twins.”

I nodded. “That’s a good idea, I’ll do that now.”

“I’m goin’ to get showered and dressed then I’ll come over to see you, okay?”

“Okay,” I said to my sister. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

When the phone line went dead I opened up my messenger app, and sent a message to both Kane and Alec to come to my house as soon as they could because I needed to speak to them about Ryder. I added to the message that he was okay just so they wouldn’t worry. Thirty-seconds after I sent the message I got two messages back saying they were on their way to my house.

I didn’t know how long I was sitting at my kitchen table, staring at the floor, but I snapped out of it when I heard the sound of a key in a lock. The noise of the front door opening sounded and my heart jumped up to my throat.

“Branna?” Alec called out.

My stomach churned on the diminished hope of it being Ryder coming home.

“In the kitchen,” I called out as I quickly grabbed the sweeping brush and began to sweep up the mess I made earlier.

Alec and Kane entered the kitchen, and they both greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, and tight hug. When he stepped back, Kane frowned at my cleaning bits of potato off the cupboards.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Me and Ryder, we had a big fight.” I sighed. “I lost me temper and smashed a plate so be careful you don’t step on any bits I may have missed when sweepin’.”

Alec whistled. “Did you hit him with the plate?”

I shook my head. “I threw it at the cupboard when he stormed out mid-argument. His poxy phone beeped, and as usual, he left the house to do God knows what or God knows who.”

Alec’s gaze hardened. “Ryder isn’t cheating on you Branna.”

“How am I supposed to know that?” I snapped. “How am I supposed to know anythin’ anymore? He leaves the house for hours on end every day, he is gone every night and he never tells me where he is goin’ or who he is goin’ with. I can’t take the lies and secrets anymore. I can’t fuckin’ do it!”

Kane and Alec’s mouths were agape when I finished shouting, and it did nothing to settle my burning temper.

“I know you both know what he is up to, but don’t worry, I won’t pester you both with questions because Ryder should be the one to tell me what he is fuckin’ around with. I deserve to know.”

Alec scratched his neck. “Things are very complicated, Branna.”

“Me life is complicated, Alec, and it’s why I’m settin’ out to uncomplicate it.”

Kane stepped forward. “What does that mean?”

“It means,” I said with my head held high, “that I’m breakin’ up with Ryder. I’ve been plannin’ on doin’ it but haven’t found the right time. I’m realisin’ now that there is no right time, so the next time I see ‘im, I’m just doin’ it.”

“Are… are you serious, Bran?” Alec asked, his eyes wide.

I nodded. “I’m sad, Alec. I’ve been sad for months. We either fight or ignore one another, there is no in-between and I refuse to live like this anymore. I don’t love this version of Ryder. I love the man he used to be, but I am through waitin’ around for him to reappear. I deserve to be happy, and Ryder, as he is now, doesn’t make me happy.”

Kane scrubbed his face with his hands. “This will change…”

“Everythin’.” I finished for him. “Yeah, it will change everythin’, and that’s the point. I can’t live like this anymore so I’m gettin’ out.”

“Have you talked to the girls about this?” Alec asked. “Keela hasn’t mentioned anything about you wanting to leave Ryder to me.”

“Neither has Aideen.” Kane chimed in.

“Aideen is busy with Jax, Keela is busy with her writin’, Bronagh is pregnant, and Alannah is swamped with work. They’re all under enough stress as it is. I didn’t want to burden them with problems that don’t concern them so I kept this to meself.”

“Nothing about you is a burden, Bran,” Alec frowned.

I managed a small smile. “Thanks Alec, I appreciate you sayin’ so.”

“It’s the damn truth,” Kane firmly stated. “You’re family, and family isn’t a burden. Understand?”

I nodded, and my mind wondered if they would still consider me family after I broke up with their big brother.

“When you find Ryder, please, don’t tell ‘im any of this. I have to talk to him about this meself, okay?”

Both of the brothers glumly nodded.

“What set him off anyway?” Alec asked a moment later. “What was the big fight about?”

I filled them in on what went down with Ash at work earlier in the day, and what Dominic said to Ryder about it.

“I’ll kill him!” Kane growled, talking about his younger brother.

Alec grunted. “Not if I get my hands on him first.”

I chewed on my nails. “You don’t think Ryder would hurt Ash, do you? He really is me friend, and I’d never forgive Ryder if he hurt him.”