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‘I don’t want anything from you. You can’t seriously think that I would go along with this dad?’

‘Who said you had a choice?’ Says Eddie

‘Oh I forgot. Kidnapping your daughter and holding her at gun point is model fathering’

Eddie bolts up to his feet and gives Crystal a back handed slap.

‘Don’t you talk to me about what a good father is, I have secured a future for me and you, a future that you would never have if it wasn’t for the sacrifices I have made.’

‘Maybe I don’t want the money’

‘That’s too bad then’ Says Eddie

He pulls a gun out and presses it against Crystal’s head. She looks at him in shock as he pulls the hammer back.

‘Dad don’t!’ She screams

Eddie pulls the trigger. The sound echoes through the desolate building as Eddie holsters his weapon back. He turns to Connor who is smiling ear to ear.

‘That won’t win you father of the year’ He says

‘Well I am not going to be dragging her everywhere I go. She made her decision. So did I.’

‘I can see. Well it’s been a pleasure doing business with you Eddie. I’m sure our paths will cross again someday’

‘I’m sure they will. Don’t spend all of it at once. There’s a world of opportunity out there.’

One Hundred & One

The beeping sound wakes Frank up as he tries to focus his vision. He turns his head slightly and see’s the monitor next to him.

“87 BPM” it reads as it sounds of every second. The beeping drills deep into his psyche as he tries to concentrate.

He looks to his right and sees the oxygen. He breaths in deep, inhaling the clean air through his lungs. His vision clears as he sees the tubes across his chest. His pulse rises as he realizes where he is. The fear soon turns to relief as he remembers what got him there. The pain in his side is gnawing at him as he reaches for the bandages. He turns his head again, surveying the dark hospital room as he tries to get his baring’s. His arms are taped heavily as he tries to remove the heart monitoring clips on his chest.

‘I wouldn’t do that if I was you. You’ll only attract the attention of the nurses. And I want this conversation to be private.’ Says a rusty male voice at the door

Frank squints hard to see if he can make out who’s standing in the doorway. All he can see is a shadowy figure as it remains out of the light. The shadowy silhouette starts to tap his finger on the door frame. The sound bores into Frank’s mind as he tries to regain concentration. Frank tries to sit up, pushing his tiered arms to his sides, pushing himself to a seated position.

‘I’d save your strength Frank. You have a long road to recovery. I know it’s hard to talk. Morphine will do that to you. I know I’m preaching to the pastor here. I’m sure your quiet aware of the way drugs can affect you.’ The male voice says.

Frank squints again trying to see the figure at the door. A car head light beams through the room’s window and disappears as the shadowy figure steps back deeper into the shadows.

‘That was close! Any way Frank, I’m going to let you get some rest. Before I go I was just wondering if you could give me my thumb back’

More Books by Author Luis Samways Coming Soon, extracts from the next Frank McKenzie book on the next page!

Frank McKenzie Two:

25 of Dismember

Out December 42012 on EBook & Paperback.

A recovering City:

After the events that shocked Boston two short months ago, the city has to deal with the aftermath. Security in the city is at an all-time high, the crime rate has slipped and the city feels a much safer place.

Christmas spirit

To forgive and to forget: That’s the light in which detective Frank McKenzie is driving his career by. He’s mended bridges and taken responsibly. For the first time he feels as if he can finally think straight. The Christmas spirit has touched both him and his colleagues in their quests to make the city an even safer place for the holidays.

A killer with lose ends that need cutting

When the city is plagued with a spout of Christmas gift boxes filled with severed body parts being left in public places, its Frank’s job to bring this maniac to justice. Can Frank catch this new breed of killer or will the machete man sever the cities life line to safety for ever?

For more information on books by Luis Samways please visit:


& follow him on Twitter @



Up and coming releases:

One in the chamber (Short Story) October 22nd 2012

25 of Dismember (Frank McKenzie 2) December 4th 2012


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the book. I appreciate everyone’s tremendous support. You’re the reason I write. Thank you
