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‘You okay Frank?’ Asks Shaw

‘Yeah I’m okay. Look, I’m going to apologize for earlier, I shouldn’t have laid my hands on you. You’re a superior officer and that was unbecoming of a Detective of my tenure’

Shaw smiles as he looks on at Frank.

‘Looks like that bump to the head has made you into quite the words smith Frank’

‘I mean it, if you want me to hand in my badge, I’ll understand’

‘There won’t be any need for that Frank. We have convinced Washington to allow us to make a move on M.I.T. You will be leading an extraction team into the immediate area to recover Chase DOA. Obviously we want the Hostages rescued and accounted for.’ Says Eddie

Frank nods as he hoists himself off the stretcher. The waiting E.M.T’s take the stretcher away as Frank stretches out.

‘What did happen in their Frank?’ Asks Eddie once more

‘I was taking a piss then all of a sudden I found my head being rammed repeatedly into the urinal. It knocked me for six, so I couldn’t ID the attacker. Whoever it was, he was mighty strong.’

‘Okay, I’ll get a snag on the CCTV. I’ll keep you informed on ID’ing the perp.’ Says Shaw.

Frank nods in understanding as Shaw walks away. Eddie eyeballs Frank to get his attention. The busy incident room is ignoring the two men standing in its center piece. Eddie pulls Frank closer.

‘Have you been drinking or doing anything that could make you look like an idiot on the CCTV?’

‘No course I haven’t’

‘Good, I don’t want him pulling the footage up and seeing your drunken ass falling over and hitting your head on the urinal.’

‘I’m sure I won’t disappoint you Eddie’

Eddie snarls at Frank’s remark, pulling him even closer to a hairs breadth away.

‘Don’t push me Frank. I already told you to pull yourself together after attacking the Chief, now this. If I find anything out of the norm on that tape I swear I’ll kick you off this case so fast you’ll be doing backflips into your crappy ford Capri!’

‘We can’t all afford a Mercedes you dick’

Seventy Seven

The hooded man looks on intently as Jason walks back into the vibrating cabin with Crystal by his side. He pulls her by the hair as he pushes her onto the floor. Her head hits the metal floor with a twang. The passengers gasp in disbelief. The dark woman turns her head towards the hooded man who hasn’t taken his eyes off Jason. She nudges him back to reality.

‘If you’re going to do something then you better do something quick.’ She says

He turns to face her.

‘All in good time’ He says

Crystal lies on the deck of the train face down. She stays motionless with fear as Jason stands over her. He looks down at her and smiles as he cocks his weapon. A passenger on the train stands up in protest screaming. The well built man standing is a few feet from the hood man. He moves closer to the dark women as Jason makes his way over to the disruptive big man.

‘What is your problem?’ Asks Jason as he reaches the bellowing passenger

‘Let us go!’ screams the man

Jason shakes his head in disappointment

‘Haven’t you already seen enough violence for one journey?’

Before the man can answer back Jason socks the towering man with a closed fist. The big blow sends him flying down to the floor. Jason laughs out loud as he wallows over his victory.

‘The bigger they are…’ Says Jason as he aims his 9MM hand gun and fires a few shots into the front of the downed man. The holes penetrate his chest with a few sprays of blood. The body stars to twitch momentarily. Jason stands over the man and plants a few more shots into him. The twitching stops. He looks up at the gawping hostages and wipes his brow.

‘Drag the body off to the next carriage. Get rid of the other one as well.’ Jason says while pointing at the hooded man. The man gets up and drags the first body off to the second carriage. He quickly makes his way back and drags the fresh body back to the same spot. His breathing increases at a heavy rate as he plants the broad body onto the ground. He opens the door leading back to the main compartment. He sees Jason through the broken glass keeping an eye on him. He looks down and spots a fire axe attached to the wall next to the door. Jason smiles as he watches the hooded man contemplate grabbing the weapon.

‘I wouldn’t risk it unless you want to ride on back there with the rest of the heroes.’ Shouts Jason.

The hooded man heads Jason’s remarks and gingerly makes his way back to his spot on the floor. He kneels back down and looks up at a curious Jason.

‘What’s your name?’

The hooded man doesn’t reply. He remains motionless as he casually looks Jason in the eye.

‘A man of few words ay, that’s a good thing. The model hostage’ States Jason

Jason raises his hands up like a preaching pastor.

‘Now this ladies and gentleman is what a hostage should be doing. You are in my custody and it’s natural to want to take my head off. It’s natural to want to kill me and run for the hills where theirs safety and comfort away from the big bad man with the AK and side arms. But this right here, this man right here is probably going to be the only surviving passenger. Do you know why? Because he is doing exactly what I’m asking of him, you can learn off someone like him. Stop your bitching and crying people. Stop trying to be the heroes you’re so obviously not. Stop being the stereo typical hostage. Start being like this guy.’

The hooded man keeps staring at Jason as he walks away from the bloodied floor in front of the passengers and sits down on the seat overlooking them on the far end of the cabin.

Seventy Eight

The bolt on the rifle snaps back once again. This time the torque is meaningful, as if the sound describes the feeling in the air. The man aims the scope east. The cars pull in. One patrolling Lexus is stationed at the front. Blues and reds spiral out of the car’s windshield as the doors of the front car open. The neon lights escape the gaps in the windows and hit the pavement, lighting it up as shadows block the sun. Two armed men step out of the flashing front car just as the middle stretch limo pulls up. The shiny black limo grinds to a halt and remains idle as another Lexus pulls in tightly behind the limo in the middle. The man feels beads of sweat drop down the side of his face as he steadies his aim. For a long moment there is no movement from him or the cars below. The only thing moving is the rippling flag in the wind attached to the front bonnet of the limo. The crowd erupts as the armed men in suits open the far door of the limo. The lights from the stationary Lexus’s buffer off the matt black shoes that peak out of the limo door just before they hit the ground. The president emerges from the car waving as a round of applause echoes the street. The man steadies his rifle, the wind picks up slightly as he nervously moves his finger onto the trigger. He pans his reticule over the president’s head and waits for the right moment. The convoy of human flesh consisting of two armed guards at each side of the president coerce him down the street. They pass the Lexus at the front, the red and blue lights reflect off the right sided guards sunglasses. The man finalizes his aim and presses the trigger. The bullet dips in the wind and hits its mark. The red and blue lights are met with a redder dinge as the guards sunglasses are spattered with residue. The crowd screams in unison just as the sound of the bullet catches up. The popping sound alerts a sea of police man cordoning off the surrounding area for the convoy. One of the guards with sunglasses pulls out his side arm and sweeps the area. The secret police guards are bent down over the president as he lies on his back. Blood surrounds the corpse in a pool of red. The panic from the onlookers is loud and hectic. The rifle man is downstairs in minutes as he makes his way through the hotels kitchen. He pushes through the pot washers and slams the fire exit door open. The chefs look on at each other in confusion as the sound of sirens echo in the distance.