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‘Maybe we’re just here because Bob wants us out of the studio and out on the field, waiting for some B list celebrity to give his take on the day’s events. I do know one thing, I’m done after this.’


Eighty Two

Connor Chase is sitting down in his makeshift office. He flicks his zippo lighter on and off, intently looking at the flame as he does so. He slams his fist hard on the desk.

‘Someone get the hell in here’ He shouts.

The door bursts open and two of his goons walk in. Both men are strapped with automatic weapons. Their heavy bulk fills the room as they stare at their boss who’s playing with the flame coming off his lighter. Connor runs his finger through the naked flame, his knuckles singe at contact. He smiles a sadistic grin. He looks up at his two employees. His smile washes off his face immediately.

‘How the hell did this happen?’ He shouts

The two men look at each other in confusion.

‘How did what happen sir?’ Asks one of the men

‘I don’t know, maybe the whole president getting assassinated on the same day I call for a 28 amendment, it’s a bit counterproductive don’t you think?’

Both men remain confused. One of them nudges the other to speak up.

‘I don’t know sir. Your guess is as good as mine.’

Connor gets up from his seat and swipes off the contents of his desk with his arm. The sound of breaking glass echoes through the room as the contents of Connor’s desk hits the floor.

‘That’s not good enough. I want answers. Find out who killed the president and report back to me. Whilst you’re at it, one of you get Jason on the phone. We need to get this situation under control. It’s time to sop fucking around. Get the camera back online and get twenty five hostages bagged up. I’m going to make sure that they regret keeping me in the dark.’


Eighty Three

‘Understood’ Says Jason as he hangs up the mobile phone; he snaps the LED screen into place and turns to face the terrified passengers.

‘Okay here’s the deal. I’m splitting the passengers up. I’ll randomly select people to move and sit near me. After that, every one of you will help me tie the remaining passengers up. Then I will take you to the back of the train and you will be free to go. The train will stop five miles before the station. The remainder of the passengers will stay on. I will escort you guys out to the wooded area before the station and tie you up. You will remain there until the police find you. The passengers that remain on the train will be picked up by the police at the station.’

The crowd of hostages mumble in confusion. One of the passengers puts his hand up. Jason smiles and nods at him.

‘Why don’t you just let all of us go?’ The man asks

‘Because by splitting both groups up it takes the police longer to find me because they are too busy being heroes and saving you guys.’

The hooded man looks on as Jason eyeballs him.

‘You got something to say?’ Asks Jason

The hooded man shakes his head calmly.

‘Good. Anyone that declines to either help out or do as I say will get a bullet in their heads. I hope that’s clear.’

Jason starts pulling random passengers up by their arms. He pushes them to one side as he makes his way through the first row. The hooded man looks on as he clenches his fist. The dark woman next to him holds his clenched fist and shakes her head. Jason reaches the second row as the hooded man continues to watch and wait biding his time. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

Eighty Four

‘What do we do now?’ Asks Frank as he rattles the ice at the bottom of his glass.

Shaw looks on as he lights his cigar.

‘There’s nothing we can do. The president is dead and the folks down at Washington don’t want any attention taken away from the assassination.’

‘That’s BS, we can’t let one mad man risk the capture of another. Sorry to be so blunt here but at the end of the day the president is one guy. One guy killed. Connor has killed a lot more people in the past two days then one single guy, no matter how important the president is, we owe it to the hundreds of people still being held hostage to make sure they don’t end up swallowing a mouth full of lead live on television.’

‘Your right Frank, but we still can’t go over their heads. This is Washington for Christ’s sake. I sure as hell don’t want to be stacking papers for the rest of my life because I didn’t follow orders.’ Interrupts Eddie as he hands Shaw a coffee

‘You want a coffee Frank?’

Frank looks down at his whisky and shakes his head. He starts pacing the room as both Shaw and Smith talk about the situation. Frank zones out as his eyes glaze over. He is interrupted by a pat on the shoulder. He turns around to see Eddie talking. He can’t hear what he is saying. He can only see that DA’s lips move. The sound snaps back in.

‘You okay Frank?’ Asks Eddie

Frank’s head is doused in sweat.

‘Look I need to get some air. I’ll be back in twenty minutes or so.’

At that moment Frank’s mobile rings. He flicks it open and puts it to his ear.

‘You got Frank’

The quiet hiss on the other end of the phone is interrupted by a familiar cackle.

‘Do I now?’ Laughs the voice on the phone

Frank quickly grabs a piece of paper and awkwardly jots the name “Connor” on it. Eddie and Shaw sit down in silence as Frank switches the loud speaker on.

‘It’s been some time in the making now.’ Says Connor

Frank clenches his fist at his side. Shaw pours him another drink and slides it across the table. Frank grabs it and belts it down his throat.

‘Speak up Frank my boy’

‘What do you want Connor?’

‘Oh so the bitch does talk! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for some time now Frank. Have you been avoiding me?’

‘No why would I do such a thing like that?’

‘Maybe because I killed that office slut you liked so much.’

Frank kicks the chair next to him across the room. Eddie looks shocked as Frank bangs his fist on the table.

‘Now you listen here you mother fucker. When I get hold of you I’m going to gut you like a fish, you hear me you no good murdering son of a bitch?’

‘Tut tut, I look forward to it!’ Says Connor as the phone goes dead. The dial tone invades the room as Frank desperately catches his breath. He grips his phone and hurls it towards the wall. The impact shatters plastic in all directions as he kicks the chair once more. He takes another swig of whisky and storms out of the room leaving Eddie and Shaw stunned in their seats.

Eighty Five

Officer Mullins is sat in his patrol car stationed in the parking lot. He stares at his steering wheel as a tap on the passenger window startles him. He looks to his right and sees his partner gesturing him to open the door. Mullins flicks a switch on his dashboard and unlocks the heavy set door. The bolts snap and the door sucks open. His partner gets in and closes the door with a thud. Mullins looks on in angst.

‘Don’t slam the damn thing’ He says

‘Whatever. Look you got any news on what’s happening?’

‘If I did do you think I’d be in here staring at the wall?’

‘I don’t know. It’s just you’re the one who is supposed to be leading this operation’

‘Well not any more. Since the president was gunned down they don’t want us to go in after Chase’

Mullins partner looks on sympathetically.

‘What’s wrong?’ He asks

‘Maybe I’m pissed off at the fact that I had a chance to advance in my career and it was blown away in seconds. Now I’m going to be stuck in the patrol car with you for the rest of my life’


‘Look if you haven’t got anything more to say then I’d appreciate it if you leave me alone.’