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Careless Whispers

Страниц: 62
Символов: 379983
В избранное добавлена 4 раза
Прочитал: 1
Читает сейчас: 1
ID: 271999
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 25 ноября 2015
Опубликована 25 ноября 2015


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Ella Ferguson awakes alone in Italy, unsure of who she is, and a gorgeous man has claimed her as his own. He’s tall, dark, and sexy, with money and power, the kind of man who makes a girl want to be possessed. And he does possess her, whispering wicked wonderful promises to her, stealing her trust and her heart. Soon though, the past finds her, yanking her from a cocoon of passion and safety. Everything is not how it seems. The truth will shatter her world, but it can set her free, if it doesn't destroy her first.

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