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With a sigh, I get up from the kitchen table and make my way over to her bedroom door. I press my ear against it, and it squeaks as it opens. “Shit!” I hiss softly. I didn’t know it wasn’t shut all the way.

“Taylor,” I call out as I open her door all the way, looking inside her room. I tighten my grip on the doorknob when I see her lying in bed just as I had expected. But I can’t be mad at her, all I can do is stare at her. She has all the covers thrown off her as she lies on her stomach. She has a pair of white panties on that, against her skin, makes her look tanner than usual. Her white t-shirt has ridden up on her back from her moving in her sleep. I should leave. I should quit acting like a Peeping Tom and turn around.

My gaze falls to her ass, and I can’t help but allow my eyes to look her up and down. I run my tongue over my upper lip as it begs to lick the two dimples on her lower back. My cock jerks, reminding me that not touching her is harder than I had expected.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. She doesn’t want you. Even if she did, you can’t have her.

I walk over to her bed. “Taylor,” I say roughly. She doesn’t move. “Taylor,” I say a little louder. Her body being this exposed and this close to me is trying my willpower. “Taylor,” I call out as I lean over her bed and give her a little shove.

She lets out a little moan as she rolls over onto her back. I freeze where I stand as she lets out a heavy sigh.

My heart rate picks up now that I can see her tits through her thin t-shirt and half her belly is showing. My hand twitches to touch her. I reach out slowly but jerk it back quickly. Fuck!

“Taylor,” I yell needing to get her up and get the hell out of here. “Wake up, Taylor.” I shove her harder on her shoulder this time.

Her eyes flutter open just for the briefest of seconds then a soft smile spreads across her lips. “Case …” She sighs heavily and my knees almost buckle. Get out! Get out now!

I clear my throat once again. “Taylor.” I shove her again. “You need to wake up.”

Her eyes open once again as her hands go to her tits. I suck in a deep breath as I try not to explode in my pants. As if she finally realizes what she is doing, she pulls her hands away quickly from her chest and sits up in a rush.

“Case,” she says still sounding breathless. Her tits bounce under the thin fabric of her shirt as she breathes heavily. “What are you doing in here?”

“I’ve been trying to wake you for a few minutes,” I growl. Fuck, this woman turns me on. I can’t imagine how I would be if I actually had the chance to fuck her. “I’ve been sitting in the kitchen for over twenty minutes. Savannah told me you were in your room. I just assumed you were getting ready.” I shrug as I ramble on. Don’t be a pussy, play it cool.

“Savannah?” She yells out so loud it makes me take a step back.


I spin around to see a smiling Savannah try to hide behind her coffee. I narrow my eyes at her. She knew exactly what she was doing. Oh, she’s good.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” Taylor demands from behind me. I don’t dare turn around now that I can hear her moving around in her room, probably trying to get dressed.

Savannah looks at me with a smirk on her face. “I thought you were up,” she answers simply.

“I’ll be out in a minute, Case,” Taylor snaps, and I take the hint.

“I’ll …” I look down at the floor, “be in the kitchen.” I walk out of the room but don’t miss the wink that Savannah gives me. I sit down at the kitchen table as I hear them talk. It’s not as if I could tune them out if I wanted to.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Taylor demands.

“Why are you so upset? He’s already seen you naked,” Savannah says carelessly.

“What I care is that I moaned his name,” Taylor hisses.

“I know. I heard it.” Savannah laughs. “That was awesome.”

“Quit laughing at my humiliation,” Taylor snaps.

“What’s so humiliating? So what you were dreaming about the guy? What woman doesn’t?”

I smile to myself.

“That doesn’t make it okay, Savvy. Case is my boss.”

I hear Savannah snort. “So what? You think he hasn’t fucked any of the women who have worked up there?” I swallow nervously. Change the subject … “I’m not telling you to marry the guy. I’m just trying to get you laid.”

I smile once again. So she doesn’t have a boyfriend? I haven’t asked her. And Blane never did answer my question. I’m not saying that she couldn’t have one, but the odds she has one and is not having sex … well, I guess it could be. Very unlikely, but it’s still a possibility. Or there’s always the other alternative. She’s a virgin. I highly doubt that, though.

I straighten my back as Taylor storms out of her bedroom and down the hallway now dressed in a black pair of yoga pants and tank top. “Let’s go, Case,” she scowls as she walks past me, not even bothering to look over at me.

Savannah gives me another wink, turns around, and walks back to her bedroom. I let out a sigh as I head to the front door. I don’t want to make Taylor uncomfortable. This day isn’t going as well as I hoped.





Just kill me now!

I wish I could fall off the face of the earth and never have to look at Case again. Well. That’s not true. I wish he could never see me again. I called out his name. I heard his voice, but I thought it was a dream. When I opened my eyes and saw him standing there, I still thought I was dreaming of him.

Talk about embarrassment and shame! The man already told me he wouldn’t sleep with me. And hell, I shouldn’t want him, but there’s that saying, you want what you can’t have. It’s like someone wanting to take a walk on the wild side. He would be my wild side. The rebel I wouldn’t mind experiencing. But no, it can’t happen.

You just had to go and embarrass yourself like a fucking idiot. I grabbed my breasts? Jesus, just strike me dead now. I’m actually sweating now that I have to sit next to him in the confined space of his car. Sweating like a whore in church. Because that’s what he thinks of me. A whore! Who does that? I mean there’s nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself, I’ve done it before, but not in front of the guy I’m dreaming about. I’m going to kill Savannah!

I continue to look out the passenger window as he speeds down the highway, passing other cars. I refuse to look over at him. I might say something that will make me look like an even bigger idiot.

“I’m sorry,” he says for the fifth time since we got into his car. “I was trying to wake you …”

“Stop,” I demand. He’s just making it worse. It’s not his fault I have the hots for him. It’s not his fault I dreamed about him. It’s not his fault I slept through my alarm. It’s all my fault! And Savannah’s! Now, I have to sit next to him in this tight little sports car. And it sucks. I keep telling myself not to look over and stare at him, but that doesn’t mean I can’t smell him. And God, he smells amazing. Edible even. All manly and dangerous.

My skin is still tingling from the fact he saw me almost naked this time. Nothing he hasn’t already seen, Savannah had said. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

Thankfully, he doesn’t try to say anything else to me. He exits from the highway and slows as he comes up to an old metal building with Frank’s Garage on the tin roof. Cars ranging from older to newer body styles litter the front lot. “Stay here,” he orders before he opens the car door and gets out.

I sigh as I bang the back of my head against my headrest. I think Savannah was right. I just need to get laid. Then he wouldn’t affect me like this. He would just be my boss then and not the man I can’t quit picturing naked.