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I stand at the end of the bar as I try to remember what it was my newest table had needed. I have a shitty memory. I would write it down on my arm, but I would run out of room eventually.

“What do you need, Taylor?” Bryan yells as he leans over the end of the bar.

“I need three Jäger bombs and three wet pussy shots,” I yell back.

“I’d love the chance to give you a wet pussy,” he says with a wink before he spins around to make my shots.

I laugh. Bryan is a real nice guy, and he flirts with everyone. I wonder if he’s always been that way or if it just comes naturally ‘cause he’s been a bartender for so long. I got a chance to talk to him earlier before we opened. He told me that he is thirty-five and was bartending before he was even old enough to get into a bar.

“How you doing, Taylor? Do you need any help?”

I look over at Jackie as she stands beside me, her tray on the bar counter. They’ve all been so helpful tonight, even being short one waitress. I about freaked when Jackie walked into the locker room and told me that the other waitress, Mel, had called in sick. Thankfully, Jackie offered to take her section.

“I’m good. Things are going well,” I assure her with a head nod.

“Great.” She gives me a big smile and then throws her bleach blond hair over her shoulder.

Bryan walks up to us with my shots. He places them on my tray and then looks over at her to take her order.

I take a deep breath before I lift my tray and start to make my way through the crowd. The one good thing about taking Rachel’s section is that she has one of the private rooms. I like working in it. It’s easier to get around ‘cause it’s not that crammed packed full of people.

I walk into the room and place the tray down on the coffee table. A man who looks to be in his early thirties bends down and distributes the drinks between the men and the women in the room.

I grab my tray and walk out, promising to check on them in a few minutes. As soon as I walk out of the room, I hear a woman scream out above the music. I look to my left and see Savannah running toward me, my brother following behind her.

“Hey,” I say loudly as I pull her in for a hug.

“Oh, my God.” She squeals as she pulls away. “Girl, you look fucking hot in this outfit.” She looks down at my boobs, and I blush. “Doesn’t she look hot, Blane?” she asks, and he looks sick. Face white and trying to look anywhere else in the club but at me. I give a smug smile; it’s about time he realizes how uncomfortable it is to be showing too much around me. That’s how I feel all the time.

“Where is your section?” she asks.

I point over to the back corner of the club. “Those three high-top tables against the wall.”

“Okay. Blane, go get us a seat,” she calls out to him as she points to what table she wants.

“What do you want to drink?”

She follows me over to the bar as she tells me what they want.




I sit back in the far corner and watch my sister and girlfriend laugh as they stand at the bar. This is not okay! I thought her working here would be okay, but it’s not as if I had a choice in the matter. Still doesn’t mean I fucking like it.

I watch as a guy walks by her, and his eyes linger on her ass as she bends over the bar to order a drink. I fist my hands on the table. She is my sister, and I’m a man. I know what men think when they look at a woman dressed like that. Hell, I look at Savannah dressed like that when we go out. I encourage her when she wears clothes that show off her sexy body. But that is because she is mine. I can place my hands on her and say look all you want motherfuckers but she’s going home with me. I can’t look at it that way with my sister.

I let out a long breath. I decide to quit staring at them and pull out my phone. I text Case.

I’m here!

He wasn’t expecting me tonight. But I might as well inform him of my presence.

Okay. Be down in a moment.

I look up from my phone in time to see my sister walking back with Savannah. I speak the second she reaches our table “Don’t they make bigger tops?” I ask with a growl. “Seriously, sis, your tits are about to pop out.” I haven’t looked directly at them, but they’re not hard to miss.

She just laughs it off and turns to face Savannah. They talk about God knows what and I pick up my drink, taking a big gulp.

She then pats Savannah on the shoulder and walks off with her tray. Needing to go do some work.

“I don’t like her working here,” I say as if she already doesn’t know this.

“You worry too much, babe,” Savannah says with laughter. “She is having a great time and makes great money.”

I fucking hate myself. I got her into this. I was the one who put her in front of Case, and he took over the situation. Well, we’re going to have a talk.

Just then, I see Case walking through the crowd. I lift my hand for him to see me, and he gives me a head nod in acknowledgment before he stops and talks to a few women who stand at the bar.

“Hey.” I lean over to speak into Savannah’s ear. “Will you be okay here for a second? I need to talk to Case.”

She nods her head as she starts to suck on her straw. I can’t help but pull it out of her mouth and grab her face. I give her a long, sweet kiss, tasting the peach from her Peach Bellini as I pull away. “Stay right here!” I demand, and she waves me off like a child.

I get up and make my way over to Case. He looks over to see me coming and says one last thing to the women before he walks off, heading for me. He doesn’t say anything as he passes me and walks down the long hallway. I follow after him and out the back door into the alleyway, letting the door shut behind me.

“What’s up, man?” he asks, leaning his back against the building.

“I want you to fire Taylor,” I demand.

“Not this again.” He sighs heavily, rolling his eyes.

“Look,” I say firmly. “This has got to end. Do you see the way men are looking at her? She looks like a hooker. And her hair is blue,” I say confused.

He laughs. “So what she colored her hair. She’s doing a good job and likes it here. I assure you there is nothing wrong with her working here. As far as the uniforms go …” He shrugs. “I can’t make an exception just for her. That’s what the club requires them to wear.”

“You are the club,” I yell getting pissy. “Fuck,” I hiss. “This is all my fault. I should have just told her the truth from the start.” She wouldn’t have understood.

“Blane, calm down,” he says, pushing off the wall. “What did I tell you when you first called me?”

“Hell, no!” I say truthfully.

He smiles. One of those I tried to warn you smiles. “I did. But once I listened to your reasoning, I understood your concern. Your predicament. If I would have been in your situation, I would have done the same thing.”

“You don’t know what I’m going through,” I yell. “I’m buying drugs for you, Case. I have never done drugs, and here I am, selling them like a fucking idiot. Hell, I even got high.” I run a hand through my hair.

He raises his hands for me to lower my voice as he looks around the alley, but it’s just us out here. “I know what you’re doing. And trust me, it will be worth it. I’ve already promised you that.”

“Your promise did not involve my sister pimping herself out,” I shoot back.

His jaw tightens. “She’s not pimping herself out. She’s a waitress and that’s as far as it goes. I assure you no one at this bar will touch her.” He then growls. “I will not allow anyone to touch her.”

I look at him. I watch him as he speaks to me. The way he growled no one makes me pause for a second. Is he mad that I won’t let it go or is he mad at the thought that someone here at the club would touch her …?