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“Okay.” He gets up from the chair and leaves my room.

I close down my computer as my phone rings. “Cason,” I say as I answer it.

“Hey, Case. I just wanted to let you know the car I picked up for your friend the other day is done,” my friend, Frank, says on the other end of the line.

I frown. “And you’re calling me at two thirty in the morning to tell me this?” I ask with a chuckle.

“I just finished it. You said you needed it back as soon as possible. I wanted to let you know I’ll be at the shop for another thirty minutes if you wanna come get it.”

I would, but I doubt Taylor is up for going to get it this late, especially if she had a bad night. I’m just gonna make it worse by letting her go. “Thanks for getting it fixed so quickly, but I’ll come pick it up later this afternoon.”

We settle on a time when my door opens. “Thanks again,” I say as I hang up the phone.

“You wanted to see me?” I hear Taylor ask. I place my phone down on my desk and look up at her. Words escape me as I stare at her. Her hair now has blue in it. Not completely blue, but just small streaks here and there. It takes any look of innocence away from her, and I like it. It makes her appear even sexier, and even a bit slutty, and it has my mouth watering. The way it falls down over her shoulders and sits on her large tits has my mind going straight to the gutter as usual.

“Did I do something wrong?” she questions.

I shake my head. “Not at all,” I say, clearing my throat a couple of times. “Brecken told me he gave you Rachel’s section. I just wanted to see how it went.” Dear God, I don’t think I can fire her. I’ll never see her again if I do. She’ll really hate me after that.

She takes a step toward my desk, smiling widely. “It went great,” she says excitedly, and I can’t help but smile. I’ve never seen her look this happy with this big of a smile on her beautiful face. “I only spilled five beers,” she announces proudly.

I let out a laugh at that. “Well, that is some good news,” I assure her.

She lowers her eyes to the floor and wipes the big smile from her face. “I can see how that may not sound good to you, but I actually enjoyed it.”

I stand from my chair. “I wasn’t making fun of you,” I say softly. She sighs and looks back up at me through her long, thick lashes. “I’m truly glad that you enjoyed it,” I say again. “A few more nights and you will have everything down.” Shit! Thought I was planning to fire her? Too late now.

“So …” She draws out the word. “I’m not fired?”

“No!” I say immediately, shaking my head quickly as if that thought is crazy. “Did you think that was why I called you up here?” Could she tell just by walking in here that I had planned on it?

She nods. “I did terrible last night.”

“I didn’t expect you to figure it out on your first night,” I say truthfully. I was just gonna fire you because I can’t quit imagining you naked and under me. And your new hair makes it even harder.

“Well, Rachel said if I look bad, it makes your club look bad. And I’d hate for you to lose customers over me.” I go to speak, but she continues. “I tried to do better for you tonight.” Those words make my dick harden. She tried to do better for me? The only thing that would be better than that would be if she were undressing while saying those words.

“I would say you accomplished that.” Stay professional, Case. “And just ignore everything that Rachel says,” I add.

“She hates me,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Rachel hates everyone,” I inform her.

She just nods her head. “That was my second guess.” She chuckles.

“Do you need a lift home?” I’m not sure how she’s getting to and from work, but I do know that her brother is out of town on work. And I’d love to spend a little more time with her tonight.

She smiles up at me. “No. Thanks, though. I’m driving Savannah’s car. Thankfully, she works days so I can use it at night.”

I turn around to walk back over to my chair and sit behind my desk. “Well, after tonight, you won’t have to do that anymore.”

Her blue eyes light up with excitement. “My car’s done?”

I nod. “I just got the call. Frank told me we could come and get it tonight, but I wasn’t … sure how your night had gone, so I wanted to let you go home and get some rest. We’ll go get it later this afternoon,” I inform her.

“Thank you,” she says as her shoulders slump. It’s as if she just realized how tired she really is. Waitressing in my club can be exhausting. Having to wait on grown men and women who drink like fish, I’m sure her feet hurt. And I’m sure her back is sore. She needs to go home and get some sleep. I would offer her a bed here so she doesn’t have to drive home, but if I did that, there is no way she would be sleeping.

I clear my throat. “Perfect. I’ll be over around eleven in the morning.” That gives her plenty of time to sleep. I’ve never been much of a person who needs a lot of sleep. I can function on just a few hours of sleep.

She thanks me once again and turns around to walk out of my office. I sit there like a drooling puppy as my eyes run up and down the back of her legs and the curve of her bubble ass. Those shorts look fucking amazing on her.

“Taylor …?” It comes out more of a whisper than I intended it to.

But if she notices it, she doesn’t let on. “Yes?” she asks looking over her shoulder.

A few strands of her blue hair shade half of her face, only allowing me to see one of her blue eyes. The hair makes them look even bluer. I imagine her looking over her shoulder at me while on her knees as I kneel behind her. My hands gripping her hair while her mouth is open in a gasp. Fuck, my hard cock twitches. Thank God, I’m sitting behind my desk. I clear my throat. “I’m glad tonight was better for you.” But I could make it even better. All I need is you naked …

“Me too.” A wide smile spreads across her face. “Thanks for everything, Case. I owe you.” And with those words, she opens the door and walks out.

I sigh as I lean back in my chair. You had your chance, and you choked. When it all blows up in your face, you have no one to blame but yourself.


Fifteen minutes shy of eleven, I pull up to Blane’s house and knock on the door. A smiling Savannah answers, looking like she just fell out of bed. Blond hair a mess and puffy green eyes.

“Good morning.” She sounds much more cheerful than she looks.

“Morning.” I reach out and hand her the black coffee from my right hand then take the free hand to push my sunglasses to the top of my head. “Not sure what you liked, so I just got you black.” A man cannot show up at a house with women and not bring something. I thought about chocolate, but I know how women are when it comes to their diets. I don’t wanna get off on the wrong foot with Savannah. She hasn’t voiced her opinion that she hates me … yet!

Her smile brightens. “That’s perfect. Thanks so much. Please, come in.”

She moves out of my way and allows me to enter the house. I follow her to the kitchen and place the cup holder on the counter that holds the other two coffees I got. Taylor’s and mine. “Is she ready?” I ask noticing how quiet their house is.

She points to the hallway. “She’s in her room.”

I stand there for a few seconds to see if she comes out. But frown when Savannah walks down the hallway and enters the last door on the right. I know for a fact that’s not Taylor’s room. I remember her coming out of the bathroom and going straight across the hall that day. Plus, I’ve been back in the room Savannah and Blane share.

I sit down at the kitchen table and take a drink of my coffee as I look down at my clock on my phone. I am early after all. I’ll give her fifteen minutes.

Twenty-five minutes later, I tap my finger on the kitchen table—it’s the only sound in this house. I’m pretty sure Savannah went back to bed. And I’m almost positive that Taylor is still in bed.