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Last but not least…

To my little chick,

I will be forced to explain someday, I know I will. You will look at me like you did when you found the text that said I am free until 10 and freaked out and thought I was dating someone. You actually said ‘I want to jump in the lake, hit my head on a rock, and hope I don’t remember seeing that.’ And I swear you were serious and I am sorry I laughed so hard I couldn’t talk but it was hysterical.

Lesson one… if you’re gonna snoop do it right, Joely is not JOE!

Lesson two… what I want for you someday can be found within the pages of my books, NOT the naughty stuff, because I will take the key to the chastity belt, I will have you locked in, to the grave with me…. but that kind of man who makes up his mind and sticks with it. Who puts his family first. The kind of man that makes you smile and that cherishes your heart, that kind of love, forever steel.

I will make certain you are that kind of woman too. You already are becoming her. So strong, so beautiful, so intelligent, so talented, and growing more confident in you everyday.

I love you… more


Table of Contents






It’s in the past

No Future

The Taste Left Behind

Bitter and Sweet

Sleeping Dogs Don’t Lie

Room Service

Hard to swallow







What Now


Head On


About the Author

Thank You