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“There you are!” Matthew exclaimed dramatically when he found us. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?” He took stock of our flushed cheeks and disheveled clothes. “Oh.”

Andrew held out his palm face up. “I want my key back.”

“Fine. It’s not like I want to walk in on you two having crazy monkey sex anyways.” He slapped the key into Andrew’s palm. “Happy?”


Matthew’s eyebrows bunched together. “Who pissed in your tea this morning?”

Shooting him a death glare, Andrew brushed past him into the hallway. Matthew looked over at me in question.

“He’s a little stressed,” I said.

“A little? The guy looks like he is about to bust a vein.”

“I don’t think blue balling him helped.”

Matthew flung his arms in the air, exasperated. “It’s not like I meant to. Besides, I have been blue balled five times this week and I’m not cranky.”

While Matthew wasn’t a bad looking dude, I still didn’t want to imagine him having sex.

“Thanks for that visual,” I replied, my tone steeped in sarcasm. “Is your family going tonight as well?”

As if on cue, the pitter-patter of kids’ footsteps sounded from the entryway along with a woman’s voice. Matthew’s face lit up, which I found incredibly sweet. I appreciated a non-dysfunctional family more than most people and you could tell Mathew’s family was solid as a rock.

“Come on, I’ll introduce you,” Matthew said.

A gaggle of adorable munchkins surrounded Matthew’s wife. They were dressed in their Sunday best and the little girls had bows in their hair. My heart melted. When they saw their father, controlled chaos erupted.


Matthew’s five kids jumped and climbed on him as if he was a jungle gym. He gave them all equally his love and attention. I inched along the wall to avoid a wayward leg.

Matthew’s wife grinned at my tactic. “It can be dangerous to raise kids. I can’t tell you how many times I have been stabbed by a missing Lego.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Kelly.”

Gold bangles jingled on her wrist as we shook. “Haven. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You as well. I have heard a lot about you from Matthew.”

I spoke the standard response to that statement. “All good things I hope?”

“Yes, all good things. Although, he didn’t tell me how pretty you are.”

Kelly’s almond shaped eyes scrutinized my dress and white strappy high heels. Unsure whether to take that as a compliment, my lips remained sealed. I didn’t want to get in the middle of a weird married spat.

Matthew plucked his kids off his body, panting. “I need to get in better shape.”

“That’s why you are on a diet. Remember?” Kelly looked at him pointedly. Matthew stuck out his tongue and she huffed an exasperated sigh. “I swear I’m raising six kids and not five.”

Andrew’s cologne announced his presence. It wasn’t his usual kind; this one was smoky and sweet, like s’mores roasting over a campfire. He strode into the entry way as if he was on catwalk. Guess he’d gotten his confidence back. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Kelly primp her blonde bob when it hit me. I didn’t threaten her; she was jealous of my relationship with Andrew.

Andrew fiddled with his gold embossed cuff links. “I hate these things.”

Kelly stepped forward and helped him before I had a chance to offer. Her smile was coated in honey as her fingers worked the pin through the fabric.

“You look handsome tonight, Andrew,” Kelly praised. “ I love your suit jacket.”

“And you look beautiful as always.” Andrew winked which sent a rosy flush to heat her cheeks.

Matthew wiped his son’s nose, oblivious to his best friend and wife’s flirtation. His other children were amusing themselves. Based on my short experience in babysitting, it was exhausting raising kids. I couldn’t imagine being a full time mom to five of them. That was why I gave Kelly a free pass to flirt with Andrew. If you could see past the exhaustion that lined her face, she had an elegant beauty about her and didn’t need a stitch of makeup to highlight it.

His cuff links secure, Kelly straightened his tie then patted his cheek. “Perfect.”

There is a limit to how much harmless flirtation I can take, though. Sidling up to Andrew, my fingers threaded through his. Kelly’s gaze fell to our interlocked hands. Recognizing her place next to her husband, she turned on her heels. I couldn’t help but feel as if I’d won.

Matthew placed one of their little girls in Kelly’s arms. The little girl thrust her thumb into her mouth and rested her head against her mother’s chest. Her eyelids fluttered closed. An unexpected ache hit me in the stomach. A family of my own wasn’t something I wanted. Being in charge of a human life was terrifying and had a high amount risk attached. Kids learned from their parents, which meant you had to watch your every move. My mother didn’t and I grew up thinking it was normal to bounce from husband to husband. House to house. With that influence, I was afraid to think how my parenting skills, or lack thereof, would affect my children. Looking at Andrew though, it dawned on me what a great father he would be someday.

As if he read my thoughts, he squeezed my hand. “You rethinking that kid thing?”

I nervously laughed. “No, why?”

“Matthew’s kids are adorable, I wouldn’t blame you.”

Overhearing our conversation, Matthew spoke. “Don’t do it! Your freedom will be gone forever.”

Kelly bounced her daughter on her hip and nodded her agreement. However, the adoring smile that played on her lips as she smoothed down her daughter’s hair said she wouldn’t trade it in for the world. That same stupid ache flared. I needed to get away from these kids before my ovaries exploded.

“Is everybody ready to go?” I asked.

My question started the process of buttoning coats, finding keys, and finally getting out the door.

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The party was in full swing when we arrived. A middle-aged woman with streaks of purple in her hair whisked Andrew away immediately, claiming his adoring fans were waiting to meet him. He rolled his eyes at me over his shoulder. Waiters made their rounds with caviar and champagne. I took advantage of both and wove through the crowds to a less crowded spot. I was dying to see the pieces of artwork Andrew completed mere days ago. However¸ where they were located in the expansive space eluded me. A younger couple stood before the painting featured on the inventory list. Their heads were mere inches from the canvas, whispering in short bursts. Eavesdropping, I slipped next to them and pretended to study the art.

I can’t believe Andrew is actually here.”

“I know. Nobody has heard from him the past eight months.”

“I heard he moved to Montana and became a rancher.”

“My friend who is friends with his cousin said he joined a Mexican gambling ring.”

The rumors were so ridiculous, I giggled into my champagne, drawing stares from them. I moved on to an adjoining area of the art gallery. People packed the room like sardines in a can, which made it near impossible to see Andrew’s art. Standing on my tippy-toes, a bald shiny head blocked my view. Jesus, I knew Andrew was well known, however, I had no idea to what extent. Based on the couple’s gossip, I had to wonder if these people were drawn to his talent or Andrew’s mystique. Pulling a page from short people’s handbook, I used my elbows to make my way to the front. Glares were thrown, curses were muttered, and a drink was spilled. It worked though. I gawked in awe at a painting titled ‘Girl’ and my previous doubts at why these people were here diminished. Andrew wasn’t just talented. He was gifted. Bold strokes of yellow blended with orange created a fiery sunset that dipped into a clear blue ocean. A lone woman in a rowboat looked like a speck against the limitless water. She was drawn in charcoal and smudged around the corners as if she was about to drift away. Sadness poured out of the painting.