Jagged Love
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Страниц: 46
Символов: 283155
ID: 270570
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 12 ноября 2015 06:13
Опубликована 12 ноября 2015 06:13


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To the outside world I’m a normal twenty three year old woman - brown hair with caramel colored highlights, gray blue eyes and French manicured tips. What they don’t see are the map of scars etched into my skin or the barb wired wrapped around my heart. As the saying goes, it only takes one person to change your life. That person for me was Andrew.

From the moment we locked eyes I was hooked. He was intriguing, a word that doesn’t get used lightly. Men were a dime a dozen, but Andrew was special. I could tell in the way he spoke, passionately and without reservation. As our fates collide, he begins show me the light amongst the darkness. However, when a secret from Andrew’s past emerges, the fragile foundation of trust we built becomes threatened.

Our story is a jagged piece of glass, beautifully imperfect.

Will it survive the fall or will blood be drawn?

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