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Anger sparked low in my gut. “What does that mean?”

Natalie’s eyes lifted back to the screen. “She doesn’t do things like that.” I saw the pain in her eyes for Bex.

“I know she doesn’t,” I said, the anger dissipating. “I don’t, either.”

“She’s not to be fucked with,” Natalie said and then caught her meaning. She laughed, lightening the mood. “Well . . .”

I laughed, too. “Let’s not go there.”

She held up her hand. “Yes, let’s not. All I know is, this is her shot at the dream she’s had ever since she was a teenager. She . . . deserves this.” She indicated her on the stage. “I don’t want to see anything get in the way of what she deserves. I know you don’t know it all, but she’s had a hard life, Johnny.”

I read her loud and clear. “So have I, Natalie.”

“Are you capable of supporting her? I mean, really supporting her? Or just fucking her? Because I’ve never seen her act like this with anyone, and it scares the shit out of me.”

Well. Let’s not mince words. “Natalie . . .”

“Don’t answer me,” she said. “Think about what I said. You need to answer yourself, Johnny. I don’t know what’s going on with the two of you, but this is huge for Bex. If you’re not all the way in, please go now. Beau and I can help her through this, but if it goes on any longer, it won’t be enough.”

I snapped my mouth shut. What the fuck was I doing here? I had no business getting involved in something way over my head. And I thought Bex just might be so far over my head I was already drowning.

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Sweat dripped down my temples, but I ignored it. I filled my hands with Bex’s full tits as I fucked her from behind, both of us watching each other in the mirror in the room. Her pussy tightened on my dick, and I knew it wasn’t going to be long for either of us. She snaked her arm down her body and touched her own clit, her fingers barely touching my dick as it pounded in and out of her.

No words had been exchanged as she’d unlocked the hotel room. After the show I’d fucked her in the back room just like I said I would, her leather pants pulled down to her ankles and her hair in my hands as I took what we both wanted.

I let go of her tits and gripped her hips, watching as they swayed with the movement of our bodies. “Fucking hell, Bex,” I grunted. She was still touching herself. I withdrew, making her groan in frustration. “Turn around.”

She turned and I lifted her quickly, placing her body on the edge of the dresser we were standing in front of. I lifted her leg and reentered her, both of us gasping as the sensation took us over. I could never tire of doing this. Dipping my head, I took a nipple into my mouth and bit down gently, then licked and sucked.

Bex gripped my hair, twining her other leg around my waist and pulling me closer into her. “Fucking hell, Johnny. Yes. Harder.”

I moved to the other breast, nipping and sucking. Bex threw her head back, expletives rolling off of her tongue as I reached between us and stroked her clit. We both came with a shout, me pushing into her over and over as we both rode the wave.

When I finally pulled out and looked her in the eyes, I saw what looked like tears shimmering in her eyes. “Bex? Are you okay?”

She hopped off the dresser and headed for the shower. “I’m fine. That was fucking hot as usual. You going to shower with me?”

I watched her for a moment, wondering if she was purposely avoiding telling me something. But I was a guy with a dick, so I turned my brain off and followed her into the shower.

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My eyes flew open to the sensation of hands being wrapped around my neck. It was too dark. What the fuck was happening? Where was I?

I gasped, trying to remove the hands from around my neck but failing. I was strong, but was at a disadvantage here. Using my feet, I tried to make contact with whoever was holding me. A buzzing from far away clued me in to where I was. Prison. It was my first night here. I was in my cell with my cellmate, Buck. I was on the bottom bunk, the top already claimed by him.

He was an asshole.

He was choking me.

My life wasn’t worth anything, but I didn’t want to die in this shithole.

I lifted my arms and connected with something on his face. He grunted and loosened his grip slightly, giving me enough room to take a sharp breath.

“Ooh, you’re a fighter,” Buck snarled, his rank breath making my stomach turn. “Hot as fuck and a fighter. I’m going to like this. You know that’s why they gave you to me, right? You’re my present for being a good boy. Or a bad boy.” He pushed his hips into mine, and I felt it. He was hard. Fuck no. This was not happening.

Panic traveled down my body. I’d been through a lot of shitty things in my life. I’d been forced to do things I’d never wanted to do. But never, ever, had I been in a situation like this. I knew I was stronger than him, but I couldn’t get out from under him.

I had to get the attention of the guards. Middle of the night or not, they’d hear if there was a commotion. Buck moved one of his hands down my chest and to the waistband of my prison issued pants.

“Don’t fucking touch me, you sick pervert.”

Buck grinned, yanking my pants down and taking my dick in his hands. It was flaccid, but that didn’t seem to bother him. His eyes left mine and zeroed in on my limp dick. “Fucking huge, just like I thought. That’s going to feel so good when you fuck me.”

Over my dead body. But I had to play the game to show him exactly what he was messing with. “Turn over,” I said. Even playing the game, I felt like I was going to throw up.

He grinned. “You better get that big dick hard for me, Johnny. I want to feel it all the way to my throat.” Buck turned over and dropped his pants. I looked away, my stomach churning. “Fuck it hard or next time you go to sleep, you’ll wake up with my dick in your mouth.”

It was the weak moment I needed.

I kneed him in the balls, making him grunt and fall over in pain. Leaning over him, I put my lips against his ear. “Don’t you fucking touch me with that thing ever again. I’m not fucking you, and you aren’t fucking me. Am I clear? I’m not your bitch.”

“I’ll kill you,” Buck spat. “You think I care about your threats? You’ll give me what I want or else. You think these guards in here are there to save you? They gave you to me to keep me busy. You’re just my type, and they knew it. My last cellmate was not nearly as pretty as you. Go ahead, Johnny. Go to the bars, and tell them big ol’ Buck is messing with you. See what they do. Actually, I’ll do it for you.”

Buck got up, his dick standing out in front of him. I turned my face. My heart was pounding in terror. I couldn’t allow this to happen. I’d kill him first. “Hey Charlie,” he called out, getting the attention of the guard down in the pen. Charlie looked up and nodded. “My new roomie doesn’t like my dick. Can you believe that?” Buck stroked himself, turning back to grin at me. When there was no response from the guard, I knew I was fucked. Literally.

I looked around the room, wondering if there was anything I could use as a weapon to keep him away from me.

“Charlie doesn’t care,” Buck said, walking back to me. “Turn over and put your ass in the air.”

“Fuck you,” I hissed, standing up next to him. I was at least three inches taller and had about thirty pounds on him. I was not going to be his play toy.

“Yes, that’s what I plan on doing,” Buck said. I knew he was still stroking himself but I refused to look. “I’m going to do it as much as I want, Johnny, and you’re going to take it like the man you are. You might even like it. But I don’t give a fuck if you don’t.”