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In twenty short magical minutes, we pull up to the entrance of the Prince’s majestic palace. It looks just like the castle at Disneyland. The valets take the car and escort me to the ballroom. For the third time tonight, my eyes grow as wide as spinning saucers. It’s a veritable spectacle filled with the glitterati of Hollywood. All eyes are on me, but my eyes are on only one person. Heart-stoppingly beautiful Prince Brandon. Our eyes connect instantly. He meets me halfway on my walk down the red carpet until we’re a mere breath apart. His violet eyes sparkle while a dazzling smile curls on his lips.

My heart flutters, my body trembles, and my legs go weak.

“You’re beautiful,” he breathes against my neck. “What is your name?”

“Zoella. But you can call me Zoey.” I’m tingling all over. Every fiber of my being is sparkling like fairy dust. For the first time in my life, I feel beautiful.

“Zoey, may I please have this dance,” he asks me. It’s more of a command than a question.

Before I can respond, a perturbed Katrina clamors up to us. “Brandon, you promised you’d dance with me!” She shoots me a what-the-fuck-are-you-doing-here look.

Prince Brandon shoves her away. She lands hard on her bony ass at the feet of her nearby mother and shrieks.

“Mommy, do something!”

Her shrieks fade in the distance as Brandon sweeps me into his arms and waltzes me away.

I’m his. Melting into him, I lose sight of everyone around me. My body follows his as if we’re sewn together. As if we’ve danced this way forever. He draws me in closer to him. His hard body brushes against my chest and his hard length against my center. My heartbeat accelerates and wetness beads between my legs.

“C’mon, let’s blow this pop stand,” he whispers in my ear and then whisks me away.

A few breaths later, we’re in his royal highness’s private chamber. Lit by candlelight, the cavernous room is dominated by a massive four-poster bed draped in violet satin and fit for a king. A tall grandfather clock sits in the corner. I can’t make out the time. I’m too distracted. Too caught up in the moment.

Bathed in the glow of the amber light, Brandon holds me tightly in his arms. His soft lips kiss my neck, shoulders, arms, and face, touching every ounce of flesh they can latch onto.

“Oh, Zoey,” he breathes against my neck. “From the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one.”

My heart beating a mile a minute, my skin heating with fever, I lift my head and meet his smoldering gaze. Those violet eyes that dance with a glint of lust and love.

“Oh, Brandon. I’ve dreamt about you forever.”

Before I can say another word, his luscious mouth captures mine and he continues our erotic dance with his warm waltzing tongue. Each sensuous sweep takes me further to the edge until we’re entwined on a precipice. Fisting his silky hair, I deepen the kiss. I can’t get enough of him.

Without losing contact with my mouth, he tugs at the back zipper of my gown, and glides the dress down my body until it puddles at my feet. To my shock, I’m totally bare and wonder if my fairy godmothers deliberately left out underwear. Pulling away from me, Brandon beholds me. I feel terribly naked and ashamed under his gaze, but his sincere words ease my discomfort.

“Zoey, you’re even more beautiful than I imagined. A vision of womanly perfection.”

While I tremble with rapture, his mouth repossesses mine with a fierce kiss and his hands coast from my ass to my tits, lingering on all my curves. Moaning into my mouth, he gropes my bare breasts. His thumbs rub my sensitive nipples and send a tingly rush of wetness to my sex. My hands move back to his head, but this time I cradle his gorgeous face between my fingers. Capturing one of my wrists, he places a hand between his thighs. His hot rigid length sears my palm. He’s as aroused as I am. I feel the fiery desire that’s consuming us both.

“Oh, Zoey, you make me feel so good,” he breathes into my mouth, breaking the delicious kiss. His lips return to mine yet again before he rips off his clothes in a fit of passion. My fingernails dig deep into his heated flesh as he scoops me into his arms and lays me down on his regal bed. The sea of satin sheets feels cool against my flaming skin.

He climbs onto the bed. Every inch of his virile magnificence makes my skin prickle. I’ve never set eyes on a man as beautiful as he is. And have never wanted anyone more. Straddling me, his muscled legs pressed against my hips, he trails hot kisses from the ticklish crook of my neck, all over my breasts, and then past my abdomen until his head is buried between my thighs. After an inhale, he kisses my delicate folds with urgency and reverence.

“Oh, my sweet Zoey. You smell and taste divine. And you’re so hot and wet.”

“Oh, Your Highness, My Lord! What you do to me!”

“My beauty, I love that you call me Your Lord.” His hand caresses my fluttering sex, a thumb running over my quivering clit. I moan from the ecstasy he’s giving me.

“I want to own you. Possess you. Treasure you. Rule you.”

“My body is your kingdom,” I whisper.

“Your wish is my command,” he hisses back. “What do you want, Zoey?”

“I want you to ravage me.”

“You want to be my princess?”

“Oh yes, please.”

“Please, what?”

“My Lord! Oh My Lord!” My voice is a breathless, desperate plea.

“Good girl.”

On my next rapid heartbeat, he spreads my legs with his powerful knees.

“Show me what you want, Zoey.”

My hand trembling, I wrap my fingers around his pulsing girth and guide it to my ever-ready entrance. The very touch of him at my door to pleasure sends a ripple of white-hot desire to my core. I let out an audible gasp as he drives his magnificent cock inside me, one glorious inch after another. I groan at the size of him, stretching me apart, filling me beyond measure. I want him all.

“Take me, My Lord,” I cry out with equal pain and pleasure.

“You’re mine,” he growls. “I’m going to fuck you royally.” With a loud grunt, he pushes all the way into me until his shaft hits a spot that makes me wince from the impact.

“Jesus, my love. You’re so fucking tight and wet. You’re pussy fits my cock better than a glove. Like a rare glass slipper…the perfect fit.”

At his words, my muscles clench around his erection like a carnal hug.

“Christ, you’re amazing,” he sighs before pulling away. A heartbeat later, he lunges right back into me, and I groan when he hits my womb.

“Oh, Brandon, My Lord. Fuck me hard.”

“How hard?” he taunts as he withdraws again. “This hard?” He rams into me with savage force.

“Oh yes!”

On my next heated breath, he pummels me with reckless abandon, rubbing along my clit and hitting my magic spot over and over. My body arches into him, and with each thrust, my moans grow louder.

“I’ve never had anyone like you,” he mumbles breathlessly. “You feel so fucking good.”

I’m speechless. I’m too consumed with the most indescribable feeling I’ve ever experienced, his body joined with mine, his cock filling me and taking me to a place where I’ve never been.

He puts his hands under my ass, his firm grasp making me gasp again from the intensity and pure ecstasy of his thrusts. My legs wrap around his hips, wanting to hold on, wanting this to never end as an orgasm begins to crescendo inside me. I rock my hips to meet his thrusts, each breath, each thrust harsher than the one before. A symphony of our breaths, flesh against flesh, fills my ears.

“You’re so damn sexy,” he pants out, picking up his pace and jamming me harder, as if harder is possible. “I can’t fucking get enough of you.”

The pressure inside me is so intense I think I’m going to die. Fisting the satin sheets so tightly, my hands begin to ache. My desperation for a release overtakes me.