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“Who cares what she’s thinking?” Brody says. “You said a clean break was for the best, right? If that’s true, then it’s a good thing if she thinks you’ve already moved on. Right?”

I take a sip of my beer and swallow the bitterness. I don’t know if it’s the ale or regret that’s causing the lump in my throat. “Right.”

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Deal Breakers _27.jpg


BRODY POINTS TO ME as I walk into the sports bar he asked me to meet him at. “There he is!”

I join him at the pool table and nod to the guy he’s playing against.

“Riley, this is Drew.” Brody nods to me. “And Drew, this is my buddy from grad school, Riley. He just moved to Seattle.”

I shake hands with Drew. “Nice to meet you, man.”

“You too.” Drew picks up his pool cue. “Eight ball side pocket.” He sinks the ball. “Ha! Take that bitch!”

“Damn it!” Brody says.

I laugh at Brody’s pouty expression. “Tough luck, asshole.”

Brody responds with a two-finger salute.

“Not tonight baby. I have a headache,” I retort.

Drew laughs, takes Brody’s pool stick, and hands it to me. “You want a beer? Brody is buying the next round because his sorry ass can’t sink any balls.”

I smirk at Brody. “You’d think he’d be a ball expert since he plays with his own all day long.”

“Fuck you, dick,” Brody laughs.

“Ha!” Drew says. “I like you, Riley! You want to play? I could use an actual opponent.”

“What the fuck? Is this pick on Brody day?” Brody asks.

Drew looks around the bar. “I don’t see any other whiny bitches around here.”

“Fuck both of you dickheads,” Brody mutters as he walks over to the bar.

I laugh. “So how long have you known Brody?”

Drew racks the balls on the felt. “We were in the same frat. I was his big brother.” He nods to the table. “You mind if I break?”

I shake my head. “Go for it.”

Brody returns with a pitcher of beer and three glasses. He pours one for himself and takes a seat at a nearby table. “Drew, when’s your fine ass sister getting here?”

Drew makes his shot and scowls. “Shut the fuck up, dude.”

Brody laughs. “Why? I’m only speaking the truth.” He looks at me. “Rye, wait until you meet Drew’s little sister. She and her friend always joins us for Monday Night Football. Fuck, I’d give my left nut to be the meat in that sandwich.”

“Keep it up, asshole,” Drew mutters.

I laugh. “Hot sister, huh?”

Drew points his cue at me. “Don’t even think about it. My sister is off limits.”

I raise my hands in defense. “It’s all good, dude. You don’t need to worry about me.”

Drew narrows his eyes. “Why not? Are you batting for Team Sausage?”

My eyes widen. “What? No!”

Brody laughs. “Nah, man. Riley’s just hung up on the Magic Pussy. Has been for years. This asshole finally nutted up and decided to try winning her back by moving to Seattle.”

Drew pats me on the back. “Ah, the elusive Magic Pussy. Been there, dude. It sucks. So this chick lives in Seattle?”

I take a sip of beer. “No, Portland. Seattle is the closest place I could find a job in my field.”

Drew nods to Brody. “So you’re into airplanes and shit too?”

I laugh. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“That’s cool,” Drew says. “So what’s the story with this lady friend of yours?”

“Aw, man, this is good,” Brody interrupts. “So, apparently, they were good friends in college, but Riley here decided to try the whole friends with benefits thing their last year in school. Things got weird and they lost contact. I watched him date one hot blonde after another in Boston trying to get over her, but the Magic Pussy always prevailed. Apparently, she smells like baked goods or some shit like that. Riley can’t walk into a donut shop without getting a hard-on.”

“Shut up, asshat. That’s not true,” I argue.

Brody laughs. “Right. Why is it that you’re not allowed in that Krispy Kreme again?”

I glare at him while Drew hunches over in laughter. “Fuck you, dude.”

“Speaking of hot blondes,” Brody says. “Seriously, Drew, what time is your sister supposed to show?”

Drew glares at him. “Why do you care?”

Brody shrugs. “Just curious.”

I stare at Brody for a few seconds trying to figure him out. “Are you interested in her or something?”

“He’d better not be,” Drew says. “He knows the rules. She’s off limits.”

“Why’s that?” I ask.

“She’s had a hard time,” Drew says. “She’s a single mom. Got knocked up the summer after college and the father took off when she told him she was pregnant. She didn’t have anyone else so she moved in with me. She’s doesn’t need any assholes in her life complicating things.”

“How long ago was this?” I ask.

“Almost five years now,” Drew answers. “She had to give up a kick ass job to move up here when she was pregnant so she didn’t have anything at the time. She could’ve afforded to move out a few years back when she landed another job but I asked her to stay. My nephew needs a man in his life and I’ve been there since day one. I’m going to really miss the little man when she finally decides to get a place of her own. He’s the coolest four-year-old I know.”

“Doesn’t this dick pay child support?” I ask.

Drew says, “Nope. Real winner, right? The asshole has never even met his kid. Truth is…I think he broke her heart pretty badly so she never tried to pursue any legal action. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess. I’ve tried talking her into it but she refuses to discuss it. She won’t even tell me his name which is probably a good thing since I’d probably end up in jail for murder.”

Wow, asshole is right.  Brody suddenly whistles loudly because a hot little redhead just walked in.

I raise an eyebrow. “The sister? I thought you said she was blonde.”

Brody’s eyes haven’t left the redhead. “No, sister’s friend. That’s Rainey. She’s fine as fuck but her pussy’s locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Believe me…I’ve tried. Repeatedly.”

Drew laughs. “That’s because you don’t have the right skills.”

The woman joins us at the pool table. “Hey guys.” She gives me a good once over, the appreciation obvious. “Who’s this?”

I extend my hand. “I’m Riley.”

She takes my hand. “Hi, handsome. I’m Rainey. How do you know the boys here?”

I nod to Brody. “Brody and I went to grad school together. I’m new to the area and he invited me here to meet some friends.”

She smiles. “Really? Well, I’d be happy to show you around sometime.”

“Rainey,” Brody growls. “Where’s—”

“There she is!” Drew interrupts. He waves his hands, signaling someone. “Over here!”

I look up in same direction and choke on my beer when I see the woman he’s referring to.

Drew smacks me on the back. “You okay there, bud?”

I slam my closed fist into my chest. “Hey, Drew? What’s your last name?”

“Summers. Why?”

Well, what are the odds? I know the moment she recognizes me because she stops dead in her tracks and forms an O with her pouty lips. The same lips that I’ve pictured wrapped around my dick every day since I last saw her. I set my beer on the table and step forward with a big grin.

“Hi, Dev. Long time no see.”


“HI, DEV. LONG TIME no see,” Riley says while flashing his perfect dimples, making me a little weak in the knees.

Those dimples are my Kryptonite on the man and the boy. The boy he has no idea exists. Correction, the son he has no idea exists. Out of every possible situation in which I’d imagined running into him again, this definitely wasn’t it. What on Earth is he doing in Seattle? Better yet, why is he hanging out with my brother? Okay, Devyn, woman up and play it cool; you can’t just stand here gaping at the man no matter how devastatingly beautiful he still is.