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There’s a small knock on the stall. “Hey, Devyn. It’s Andrea. Are you okay? I saw you run in here and I heard…well, it sounds like you’re throwing up.”

Andrea is from Human Resources. She welcomed me to the agency on the first day of my internship and helped me fill out all the appropriate new hire paperwork.

I wipe my mouth with some toilet paper. “I think so. I’ll be out in just a sec.”

I step out of the stall after flushing. I wash my hands and dig into my purse for my little travel bottle of mouthwash. As I’m swishing the contents around in my mouth I think about how thankful I am for being so prepared. Some people give me crap about my incessant need to plan for everything but it works for me.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Andrea asks as she’s freshening up her lipstick.

I spit into the sink. “Yeah, I’m sorry; I don’t know where that came from. I felt fine and then all of a sudden, my breakfast was in the toilet. I feel better now.”

She looks at me through the mirror. “You’re not pregnant, are you? When my sister was pregnant with her first, she would get sick one minute and be ready to scarf down an entire buffet the next. It was nuts.”

“What?” I sputter. “Uh, no, definitely not pregnant.” Okay, so my period is late but that’s not uncommon for me. Especially not when I’m super stressed from all the long hours I’ve been working over the past few weeks.

Andrea looks skeptical. “Are you sure? People don’t normally puke without reason. Have you taken a test?”

I start reapplying my lip gloss. “I’m sure. I haven’t had sex in a while…and when I did, we used a condom. Several of them.”

Andrea smiles. “So did my sister, Julia. With her first and third kid. Condoms break. I’m just saying it wouldn’t hurt to stop by the drug store on your way home.”

I try to push back the panic. Could she be right?  “Thanks, Andrea. I’ll consider that.”


“DUDE, WILL YOU QUIT looking like someone just ran over your dog?” Brody whines. “You’re a shitty wing man.” Brody started his Masters program during the summer semester like I did. We share a lot of the same classes and recently started hanging out.

I take a swig of beer. “Sorry, man. I’m just distracted.”

“About what?”

I take another drink. “It’s nothing.”

“Uh oh,” he says. “I know that look. Tell me about her.”

I look up. “What?”

He laughs. “The chick. You’re hung up on a chick. So tell me about her. Is she hot? How big are her tits?”

I sigh. “Is it that obvious?”

He claps me on the back. “Totally obvious. Who is she? Have I seen her around campus?”

I shake my head. “No. She’s from back home. Well, from U of O, where I did my undergrad. We were really good friends for years but never hooked up until right before I left town. I haven’t talked to her since and I feel like a dick.”

“Why not? Did she get all clingy or something?”

I think back to that night. Yeah, she dropped the L word, but she was just being honest, not clingy. “No, man. She didn’t. It was just best to make a clean break.”

“Why? Was the sex awful?”

“Best sex of my life.”

He smiles. “Ah, I get it, brother. You’ve been touched by the Magic Pussy.”

“The magic what?”

“The Magic Pussy,” he repeats. “Pussy that is so good you can never get enough and it’s impossible to forget. An Urban Legend in my opinion, but you sure do have all the pathetic signs.”

“Thanks,” I grumble. Sounds about right though.

“Seriously, though. Are we talking apples, oranges, or is she packing a pair of melons?”

I roll my eyes. “Quit talking about her tits, man.”

His jaw drops. “Oh man, you’re worse off than I thought. You don’t even want another guy talking about her tits. I can’t imagine what you’d do to the poor sap that touches them.”

I think about another man touching Devyn’s anything and glare. “Shut the fuck up, man.”

He holds his hands up in defense. “Hey, buddy. I’m just speaking the truth here. If you’re still thinking about her almost two months after the fact, why don’t you just call her?”

“It’s not that simple.”

Brody shrugs. “Your call, dude, but quit killing my prospects here. At least try to look like you want to be here.”

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“NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO.” I’M SITTING ON my bathroom floor surrounded by seven pregnancy tests. Seven! All positive. I couldn’t believe it when the first one showed a little pink plus sign. I thought for sure it was defective so I went back to the drugstore and bought six more—one from each different brand they had in stock. What am I going to do? How could this have happened? This isn’t part of the plan! Sure, I want kids some day but not before I have the chance to establish a career, or get married. What am I going to do?

I take a few deep breaths while staring at the digital sign that reads, Pregnant. I grab my phone off the counter and scroll to Riley’s name. We haven’t spoken since the hotel. I’d called him quite a few times before graduation but they all went to voicemail. I also tried Josh, but he blew me off too, saying that Rye was just really busy. I tried finding him at graduation but there were too many people. I watched him accept his diploma and walk off stage. That’s the last time I saw him. How am I supposed to tell him that I’m pregnant? We’re on opposite sides of the country! He still has two years of school left. And what about my internship? Crap! Crap! Crap! Wouldn’t one of us have noticed if the condom broke?

I bite the bullet and hit the call button. It rings four times before it’s answered.

“Hello, Riley’s phone!” a girl slurs.

I hold the phone away from my ear. Is this really happening right now? Who is this chick answering his phone? Why is there so much background noise?

“Hello, is Riley available?”

“No, he’s not. That big ball of hot man is getting me another drink. Can I take a message?”

“No, no message.” I hang up quickly, feeling sick, and wind up puking again. As I lay on the cold tile floor, I sob. What am I going to do? Riley’s obviously back to his old manwhore ways. Our night together clearly didn’t have the same significance to him as it did to me. How can we raise a baby together when he won’t even talk to me?


I SCOWL WHEN I see the annoying brunette setting my phone down on the table. “What are you doing with my phone?”

“It rang,” she slurs. “I answered it.”

I pick up my phone and scroll through the caller ID. Devyn.  “What did she say? What did you say to her?” I growl.

“I said hello, some chick asked for you, I said you were getting me a drink and offered to take a message. She didn’t want to leave one.”

“What exactly did she say?” I yell.

“Whoa, dude, calm down,” Brody says as he joins us at the table.

I fling my arm out. “This bimbo thought she should answer my phone! I was trying to find out what the caller said.”

“Hey!” she whined. “Who are you calling a bimbo?”

Her friend shot me a look of disgust. “Who do you think you are, asshole?” She looked at Brody and pouted. “Brody bear, are you going to let him talk to my friend like that?”

Brody bear? Oh geez.

“Uh…” he stammers.

She stands up and huffs. “You know what? You’re an asshole just like your friend! Find someone else to suck you off tonight!”

Both women stomp away.

Brody punches me in the arm. “Way to cock block, bro. Rachel has mad head-giving skills. I think my dick actually whimpered as she was walking away. What gives?”

I sigh. “I’m sorry, man. That girl I was telling you about earlier called while I was at the bar. Drunkie McGee decided to answer my phone and said God knows what to her. She probably thinks we’re fucking or something.”