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“There are so many things I want to do to you right now.” I shamelessly let my legs fall open wide, allowing him to get as close as possible to me. “I want to touch and taste every inch of you.” His mouth found mine and I could feel him teasing my entrance with the head of his cock. My heels fell against his back, urging him to continue. “That will have to wait,” he said, taking his length in his hand. “I need to feel you. I need to be inside of you.” His eyes fell between us. We both watched as he slowly guided himself inside of me. It might have been the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I let out a breath and tried to relax as he pushed into me. It had been three years. My body had practically been re-virginized. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” I said. He remained still, letting our bodies’ familiarize themselves with one another.

“You feel fucking amazing,” he said before kissing me softly. “So tight. So ready.” His words spurred the movement of my hips. I slowly rose up and back down, feeling him slide inside of me. My walls tightened and released around him, and I didn’t want to stop.

Steadily we rocked our bodies together, each of us drawing out what we wanted from each other. His hands tangled with mine above my head as he rested his elbows on each side of my face. Our lips met in a mix of slow, sensual kisses and gasps for air.

It felt like I was falling and being caught simultaneously. He was bringing me back to life and sending me to heaven all at once. I was teetering on the edge, trying not to fall, but it was inevitable. I allowed my body to let go. I felt like I was shattering around him. The pulse as I clenched around him rippled from my center and out through my entire body. Before it could subside completely, he stood and lifted me as he continued his languid movements back and forth drawing out every euphoric feeling I was having. His thumb found my clit as he sped his movement, my orgasm seeming never ending.

He thrust harder as he met his own release and I felt him throb inside of me. Our bodies synced in release as he bit down on his bottom lip. I pulled his body back to mine, wanting to kiss him. Wanting him to know how amazing he made me feel.

All of my anxiety and fear about us being together was unwarranted. This is exactly what I needed.

He was exactly what I needed.

Whipped _20.jpg

Holy shit.

Never in my life had I felt what I just felt with the gorgeous blonde currently wrapped up in my arms. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I felt her come. Her body clenching to mine like it was dependent on it for life. My desperate desire to make her feel good had been reciprocated. Her touch. Her kiss. The way she’d reacted to every move I made. It was like she was made just for me. Meant just for me.

Maybe the reason I’d never had a relationship with anyone else was because I hadn’t met her yet. As we laid together that night, I couldn’t fall asleep. I didn’t want to stop watching her sleep or feeling her in my arms. I was afraid if I did, I might wake up and find that what we just shared hadn’t happened. I didn’t want the night to end.

The feelings I was having for her went beyond amazing sex. She was sweet and kind and everything I never knew I wanted. I should have known better. I was glad that we’d already squashed the whole let’s keep it casual thing, because it was completely out of the question now. I was restless with my thoughts.

What do I do now?

Do I tell her I love her?

Was it really love?

Jesus. I might as well have pulled on a pair of Spanx and busted out a carton of Ben & Jerry’s. I was emotional enough for ten women. The ache in my chest—the ache that I felt when I thought about how badly I needed her to have the same feelings—dulled when she turned in my arms to face me. Her cheek pressed against my chest as my lips found her forehead. The minutes faded into hours and before I could rationalize a single thing I was thinking, the sun was peeking through the blinds. There I was, tangled up with her and still wide awake while she slept soundly. The sleepy grin on her face only added to my confusion. I wanted every sunrise to start with her being the first thing I saw.

I brushed her cheek slowly with my hand, not wanting to wake her but unable to stop myself.

“Mmm...” she mumbled with her eyes still closed. I felt her fingertips trail down my chest as she pressed her lips against my skin. For a moment, I thought she was still sleeping. “Well, hello,” she said as she wrapped her hand around my cock. Her slender fingers stroked up and then back down slowly. I drew in a slow breath and enjoyed the sensation of her naked body pressed against mine as her hand continued its movement. I felt my cock throb under her touch and become harder than I even knew was possible.

“I’m going to have to sleep over more often,” I said, pretending that I’d been asleep alongside her, both of us just waking up from a peaceful night’s sleep.

“You just might,” she replied as I tipped her face up to mine. The soft morning light illuminated her just enough that I could find her lips with mine. Not that I needed it. I’d memorized every inch of her as I watched her sleep. From the freckles on the bridge of her nose to the tiny little scar above her left eye. Each imperfection was perfect to me. Each mark made her who she was, which happened to be the first woman I had ever loved.

I swallowed back the new insecurities I had about not being enough for her and kissed her like it might be the last time. Our hands explored each other’s bodies. Our movements were unrushed and meaningful. It wasn’t like the night before where we couldn’t wait. We were taking our time. I loved that she was so interested. It had me feeling a little less like she was going to tell me to bounce and a lot like she really did want me to stay.

With our mouths still fused on each other’s, she crawled on top of me, resting a knee on each side of my body. The covers fell from her body as she sat up, breaking the connection of our mouths. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my lap. She rose up and slipped her hand between us—guiding me to enter her.

“Should we get condom?” I asked.

“Do we need one?” she said, pausing her movement. “I’m on the pill.”

“I haven’t been with anyone else in months,” I told her. “And I always used protection.” I might have been wild, but I wasn’t completely reckless.

“I trust you,” she smiled, leaning over to kiss me. The feel of her body against mine was one thing, but the feel of her sliding onto me was even better. She straightened back up as she rocked against me. Her head fell back as she found her rhythm. Her tangled blond hair falling against her shoulders and back. Her hands smoothed down her body, her muscles tensing as she caressed her breasts. It was the sexiest thing I’d seen her do yet. Her inhibitions were gone as she just let herself feel.

“Fuck, Georgia,” I said, my voice rough and dry. “That feels so good, baby,” I added, wanting her to continue rocking her hips. My hands found her hips as I helped her glide up and down, back and forth, until neither of us could contain ourselves. I pulled her body to mine, holding her in just the right position to thrust myself deeper inside of her. She contracted around me as I came. The raw, natural feel of our bodies connecting only added to the sensations I felt when her eyes locked on mine. This was it. This was the real thing.

I love her.

* * *

I think a man only has a few defining moments in his lifetime. One is discovering exactly what you were meant to do with your life. I’d found that early on in life. From the moment I kicked the clutch on a dirt bike and felt the rubber grip the ground and propel me into the air, I knew that I was meant to ride motocross.