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The second, which I was pretty sure I’d just experienced, was falling in love. It had always seemed like a foreign concept to me. I mean, I got it. I understood the logistics of finding that one person you couldn’t live without, but until I met Georgia Bennett I didn’t think it was a possibility for me.

After we’d made love that morning, Georgia and I had taken a shower together and casually made our way into the kitchen for breakfast. If that day would have ended up being my last day on Earth I would have died a happy man. Luckily, it wasn’t.

“Plans today?” I asked after filling up my mug with coffee for the second time. I’ll admit, I was exhausted, but I’d fuel myself with caffeine if it meant spending the day with her. Both of us had pulled on a pair of sweats and clean t-shirts after our shower. Hers were gray and fitted and much more flattering than the baggy black ones I’d found in the bottom of the bag I grabbed from my truck the night before. When she’d told me that she wasn’t feeling well and we’d left Reid’s parents’ house in a rush, I didn’t have many options. My gym bag had come in handy. Not that I would have minded spending the day naked with her.

“Actually... no.” She seemed surprised. “I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have work or school.”

“Feels good, huh?” I laughed. “I told you taking it easy from time to time was nice.”

“You did.” She walked over to the barstool I’d just claimed as my own and sat herself in my lap. My arms wrapped around her like we’d enjoyed a Saturday breakfast a time or two before. “Any idea what we should do with our day?”

“Oh, I’ve got a few ideas,” I said, nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. “But I know how important it is to let the body rest before endurance activities,” I added before pressing my mouth against her skin.

“I’ll have you know, I’m in excellent shape.”

“Oh baby, believe me... I know.” The way she took control of me that morning said a whole lot of things about the shape she was in.

“Omigod,” she said, stopping me before I tossed her up on the counter and went for round number three. “I totally forgot about my sister and Reid getting engaged! You think he went through with it?” Before I could tell her there was no way that a Travers had ever chickened out from anything, she jumped from my arms and ran back to her bedroom. When she returned she had her phone and a smile on her face.

“I’m guessing your sister texted you a pic of that big ole rock, huh?”

“She did!” She held up her screen to show me the selfie Nora had snapped of her and her new fiancé. The smiles on their faces were enough to say the night had went according to plan.

“I feel bad that I missed her call,” Georgia said.

“I don’t,” I told her, grabbing her hand and pulling her back to my lap. “Last night might have been the best night of my life. I think your sister will understand.” I had to smile as I told her how I felt. Whatever it was about her that had me so whipped was definitely making me into a bit of sap. And, luckily, she didn’t seem to mind one bit.

“Mine too,” she said, taking my face in her hands. She brushed her thumb over my bottom lip. “I mean it.” My lips puckered and kissed her finger. It was the happiest I’d ever seen her, and it was because of me. Because of us.

Now I just had to figure out a way to keep that smile on her face. Forever if I could.

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“I’m so excited for you,” I told my sister as I hugged her tightly. Brett and I had driven over to the cabin later that day to give the happy couple our best. The perma-grin on Nora’s face since we’d walked into the room was only matched by Reid’s. Brett had insisted we grab a six pack on the way over so he and his buddy could have a celebratory drink. The two of them had excused themselves to the back deck to crack open their cold ones.

“I can’t believe it,” Nora said as we watched the guys from the kitchen window.

“I can,” I told her. “I knew the second he came back to town that you were going to get back together. It was only a matter of time before he made it official.” I grabbed her hand and pulled it up to my face to examine her engagement ring once again. “I can’t believe he picked this out on his own. He could have asked me to help.”

“He could have, but you and I both know that you can’t keep a secret.”

“That’s not true. Brett told me last night and I didn’t call you to spoil it.”

“Well, I’m guessing by the glow that’s surrounding you today that you were pretty occupied last night.” She laughed. “How’s that headache?” she teased.

“All better, thank you very much.” I guess my fall back career as an actress was out of the question. My sister and Brett saw right through the facade. It was silly that I faked an illness when I should have just told Brett what I’d heard.

“What was all that about anyway?”

“Misunderstanding. I might have overreacted to a conversation that I wasn’t even supposed to hear. I got a little jealous.” I confessed with a shrug.

“Happens to the best of us. I saw fifty shades of green the first time I saw Reid get swarmed by female fans,” she explained. “But then I remembered he was going home with me.” She held up her hand and pointed at her ring. “Like forever.” There was a moment as I watched my sister look down at her hand in awe where I remembered the day I showed her the ring I had gotten from Jamie. It wasn’t nearly as big or sparkly, but it had meant all of the same things. It was funny to think that only a few years ago our positions were reversed—I was giddily dancing around while she supported me. It was starting to seem like forever ago. I had new opportunities and new memories to look forward to now.

“I think I was more caught off guard by the fact that I actually cared. We were supposed to be just this casual thing, but then I heard him and Reid talking about some Alicia chick and I thought my head was going to spin around.”

“It gets easier,” she said. “Not that I’m an expert by any means, but the closer you and Brett get, and once you see for yourself that it’s just part of the job, you’ll feel better.”

“We’re all better now. I think.” I was glad that I had my sister to turn to. She understood better than I even did what I’d signed up for when I agreed to be with Brett. The Halstead bubble wasn’t going to last forever. He would have to go back to Texas and then back on the road for the next tour. It was only a matter of time. “At least I hope we are, because I’m really enjoying our time together.”


“So what?”

“How was it? I know it’s been a while.” She waggled her eyebrow and shoulders simultaneously. I knew exactly what she was talking about. I took a second to glance out the window. Whatever it was that Reid and Brett were discussing had their full attention.

“Better than I remembered,” I confessed. The heat that I felt rising in my body as I stared out the window at him—his mighty fine looking backside facing me—and thought about how only a few hours ago we were naked with each other was all consuming. I cleared my throat and pulled my eyes from him. “It was great,” I turned to my sister. “He was so sweet and attentive. I was worried that I’d forgotten what to do.”

“Like riding a bike,” she joked. “I can’t believe that you actually had sex with Brett Sallinger.”

“I sure did. A couple times.” Omigod, did I.

“It seems that you’ve attained the unattainable, little sister.”

“I guess so.”

“Seriously,” she said. “According to Reid, Brett has never been the settling down type.”

“He told me that,” I replied. “He was really honest about his past.”

“That’s got to mean something. I think it’s great that you two found each other. You deserve to be happy.” She stepped over to me and wrapped her arms around me.