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“Of course I can,” I told her. “You’re a fantastic photographer, Nore. They are lucky to have you.” Hearing how she was going to be getting paid to be with Reid all the time made me a little jealous. Brett and I had only just begun our relationship, but I knew that when he went back to work things were going to be difficult for us. Long distance relationships are never easy. I knew from personal experience. At least this time around I could call or text Brett whenever I wanted. When Jamie was overseas I was lucky to talk to him once a week. It was usually two or three weeks before we were actually able to connect.

It wasn’t so much the being apart that scared me when it came to living in different states, it was all of the other unknowns. We could make the time to see each other and to talk. I kept telling myself that I had to be okay with possibility of Brett getting hurt. Not to mention, I had a little concern that once he was back in his element, he’d decide that his old ways were much better suited to him than some small town nurse. All of the women and partying and not being tied down. Was I exciting enough to hold his interest? Could I keep a guy like Brett satisfied in the long run?

“Think we should try and put this coffee table together?” she asked, taking a box cutter down the center of the tape holding the box together.

“I think we can handle that,” I agreed. “I’ll go steal some tools from the guys,” I said, picking up the instructions from the top of the box to see what we would need. “I’ll be right back.”

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“It’s good to see you, buddy,” Reid said as we walked into the garage. Having him and Nora walk in on Georgia legitimately holding me in a headlock was not my finest moment, but I didn’t care. Seeing her having fun was worth any humiliation that might follow. After our argument the other night I had worried that she might try and pull back. Anytime she had too much time to think, I worried that she’d talk herself out of being with me. We hadn’t seen each other in two days so when she came bouncing through the door that morning I was pleased to see that she and I were still on the same page.

How did I get so lucky?

I thought hurting my knee was going to be the worst thing that ever happened to me, but if I hadn’t been injured and stayed in Halstead, I wouldn’t have her. I wouldn’t be building probably the most important relationship of my life.

“You too, man.” I showed him where the shelves were and we started unboxing everything. “So, how are things?”

“Things with Nora or things with work?”


“Um... wait. Back that train up,” he paused. “How the hell are things with the little Bennett sister? Aside from her being able to kick your ass and all.”

“Give me a break,” I joked. “She attacked an injured man. It wasn’t really a fair fight.”

“I don’t know,” he said with a shake of his. “My money is on her whether you’re healthy or not,” he laughed. “The leg is good though?”

“It’s getting there. I’m feeling pretty good. Getting close to one-hundred percent.”

“Awesome. It will be good to have you back. Riding isn’t the same without your dumb ass there.”

“God, I can’t wait to get back on a bike.”

“Not to mention, I’m sick of having to explain to everyone where you are. It’s like we’re a packaged deal or something. Is Brett here? When will he be back? Have you talked to him?” he mocked.

“My fans really miss me, huh?”

“Some fans. Mostly Alicia Carlson,” he clarified. “Girl is driving me crazy asking about you day in and day out.”

Alicia and I had a mutually beneficial relationship at one time. She was one of the Throttled Energy promo girls and got paid to run around the track in tiny shorts with her tits bouncing up in her face. I can’t say I minded when she used to show up at my trailer after a gig. It was casual and easy, but if what Reid was saying was true, she might have been a little more invested in our non-relationship that I was. I hadn’t even thought about her since last season ended.

Whatever used to happen between us wasn’t going to be happening anymore. I had a girlfriend now.

Whoa. I had a girlfriend.

I felt the silly grin spread across my face and Reid shook his head. People were going to shit a brick when they realized that the beast that was Brett Sallinger was well on his way to being tamed. Thinking about my past with girls like Alicia and thinking about my future with Georgia...there was no comparison.

What I had with Georgia actually meant something. It meant everything.

“Yeah, Alicia. Guess I’m going to have to talk to her. Things are going to have to change where she’s concerned.”

“I’d say.” Reid agreed. “I’d hate for Nora to have to murder you. No clue where I’d hide the body.”

We started building the frame for the shelves and not another word was mentioned about Alicia. She could go back in the vault of memories where she belonged.

“So,” Reid began halfway through our task. “I’m thinking about asking Nora to marry me.” His tone was too casual for the words he’d just blurted out of his mouth.

“Come again?” I asked, unsure if I’d heard him correctly. The nervousness on his face said that I’d heard him right, not to mention he slipped a diamond ring out of his pocket and held it up for me to see. “I’d say you’re doing more than thinking about it. You’ve got a ring, dude.”

“I do,” he said with a nod. “Am I crazy? Is it too soon?” The truth was they’d only been back together for a short time, but I’d never seen two people more in sync than they were. It was like they picked up their old relationship exactly where it had left off. There might have been a seven year break in their time together but you’d never know it. “We wasted so much time not being together. I don’t want to wait.”

“If you love her, you love her,” I replied with a shrug. “Not to mention, I doubt I’m the best person to ask about doing crazy things.”

“True,” he said. “And, I do love her.” He nodded and placed the ring back in his pocket.

“I say go for it.”

“I’m gonna do it.”

“I like it,” I said as I offered up my hand for a high five. “She’s going to flip out.” Nora and Georgia were enough alike that I knew she’d let her emotions get the best of her. Tears of joy were definitely in the forecast.

“Well then I need a favor,” he said. “Any chance I can get the cabin tonight? Hopefully we’ll be celebrating.” He waggled his eyebrows and grinned.

“Of course,” I agreed. “I’m sure I can stay at Georgia’s.” I had plans for Georgia and me that night anyway. Plans that were not going to get interrupted this time. “And, don’t worry... she’s going to say yes.”

Hopefully both Bennett women would be saying yes that night. I planned to hear Georgia say it over and over.

* * *

“Hey ladies,” Reid said when we finally finished up in the garage. It was safe to say furniture assembly was not in our future. If you wanted us to rebuild a carburetor or change out your bike tire, we were the right guys for the job, but if it involved an Allen wrench or the successful following of printed instructions, we were not. The shelves took us an hour and when we walked back into the living room, Georgia and Nora had managed to put together two end tables and a coffee table. I was starting to believe that women were the superior gender.

“I’m starving,” I told them. “Feel like ordering something?” I asked, walking over to sit on the sofa. I leaned down and kissed the top of Georgia’s head on my way. She was kneeling on the floor finishing up her latest building project—a small table that I think she said went by the front door.