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Where to even start.

My readers. You are the best. Thank you for going on this ride with me and sticking by me throughout my different books. I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you!!!

Chelsea Camaron—I love ya girl. Thank you for…everything. Words can’t express how awesome it is to have a friend like you. One I can call on at all hours of the day or night and you don’t think I’ve totally lost my marbles. One who listens, brainstorms and there no matter what. Thank you for not being afraid to tell me when something sucks and I need to change it. I appreciate that more than you will ever know. There really is no way that I will ever be able to repay you, except to give you my undying friendship.

Terri Anne Browning—I love ya, too. I’m so happy that we met and became the friends we are today. I value your friendship so very much. Thank you for the time you took to read this book and help me out. A thousand times over, thank you, thank you, thank you. It wouldn’t be the same without you.

My family. I know I’m crazy. I know I spend hours and hours and hours on books and book related things. I know I get stressed out. I know you go without cooked meals. I know that laundry stays clean in baskets for days, weeks without being folded. But with all this, you stand beside me and encourage me throughout my writing journey. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your love and support. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Ashleigh—thanks for going on this crazy ride with me.


About the Author

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Twitter -- @Ryan_Michele

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Instagram: author_ryan_michele

Google+: google.com/+RyanMichele

Other Titles by Ryan Michele

Ravage MC Series

Ravage Me (Ravage MC #1) http://amzn.to/1hc2998

Seduce Me (Ravage MC #2) http://amzn.to/1J67Nzg

Consume Me (Ravage MC #3) http://amzn.to/1EtwEMl

Inflame Me (Ravage MC #4) http://amzn.to/1UVfKQf

Captivate Me (Ravage Me #5) Coming 2016

Satisfy Me http://amzn.to/1J680Cx

Rattle Me http://amzn.to/1hc2t7M

Ravage MC Box Set http://amzn.to/1EtwIvO

Raber Wolf Pack Series

Raber Wolf Pack Book One http://amzn.to/1hc2FUF

Raber Wolf Pack Book Two http://amzn.to/1EtwMvn

Raber Wolf Pack Book Three http://amzn.to/1EtwPaJ

Raber Wolf Pack Box Set http://amzn.to/1LlnxW0


Safe http://amzn.to/1J68tVy

Wanting You http://amzn.to/1PqM0aU

Blood & Loyalties http://amzn.to/1POwIfR

Angel’s Halo (Angel’s Halo MC) By Terri Anne Browning

© Terri Anne Browning

Chapter 1


I know it’s going to be a shit day as soon as I hear the thunder rumble outside my window. Groaning, I pull my comforter over my head and close my eyes, willing the world to go away for at least another few hours.

It doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t. It never fucking does.

My phone buzzes on my pillow and I grope for it with my hand. When I feel the bejeweled skull case of my iPhone, I jerk my hand back and see that I have a text from one of my brothers.

SOS! New girl quit. Get your ass down here… Please.

I glare at the screen. I knew the second my horndog brother said he was hiring his latest fuck buddy, and in turn offering me my first Friday night off since I had started working at our family-owned bar, that this would happen. Raider’s interest in any one girl never lasts past the first week, and as soon as he moves on—which had been the night before—our new girl is out the door.

I mutter a few curses that would have made every one of my brothers swat my ass because ladies don’t swear, and shoot a quick response back to Colt, who’s manning the bar tonight. If he hadn’t said please I would have told him to go fuck himself, but Colt’s the youngest of my four older brothers and doesn’t take me for granted … much.

As soon as the text is sent I toss back my covers, push my long blonde hair back from my face, and head for the bathroom down the hall. My room had been a last minute addition to our house, because I had been a last minute addition to the family, so I don’t have my own private bathroom like my fucktard brothers do. My parents hadn’t been expecting me having decided that four monstrous boys were enough to keep the Hannigan legacy going strong. When I ended up being a girl, not a boy like everyone had been expecting, everyone got the surprise of their lives; there hadn’t been a Hannigan daughter in over seven generations.

A quick five minute shower, where I veto washing my hair because it’ll take a good half hour to blow it dry, and I’m back in my room pulling on a pair of hip-hugging, distressed jeans and a white tank top with the words Hannigan’s Biker Bar on the back and smaller version of the logo on my left breast. My heeled biker boots complete my work attire. I don’t bother with makeup because I hate that shit.

I grab the keys to my black Challenger, a gift from all of my brothers for my eighteenth birthday, and head out the door. It doesn’t surprise me to see that the driveway next door is already overflowing with hogs, muscle cars, and a few prissy sports cars. The two prissy cars belong to the girlfriends of my neighbors. Those two were trust fund bitches dating two of the town’s biggest bad boy bikers to get back at Daddy for not showing them enough attention.

The loud music blares from the house next door, and I rolled my eyes as I climbed behind the wheel of my car and gunned the engine. A few heads come out of the front door of the neighbor’s house when they hear me revving, and I see my brother Hawk waving at me. I roll my window down just enough to yell a goodbye without getting wet.

“You be careful, Rave!” Hawk shouts. “Those damn roads are drenched.”

“Yes, Mom!” I roll my eyes and back out of our driveway.

“Raven Anne!” I hear my middle name as I switched gears quick and sure and punched the gas.

A grin teases my lips as I picture my brother and his dickwad friends glaring. I’m going to get it later when he and the rest of the gang come into the bar, but for now I’ll enjoy the fact that they’re thinking about me and not the orgy I had interrupted.

The roads are really wet but I don’t bother to slow down. It’s ten minutes to the bar and I get there in under four. The parking lot is packed, and I jump out trying to make a run for the front entrance to keep from getting soaked. It doesn’t matter because my hair was dripping by the time I walk through the door.

Familiar rock music blasts from the overhead speakers. The scent of smoke and booze greets me, and I turn a few heads as I weave my way through the overcrowded bar. My white shirt is plastered to my breasts, bringing attention to my black bra, the cool air of the air conditioning causing my nipples harden. Male eyes catch sight of me, narrow, and then quickly look away as soon as they realize who I am.

There is only one true rule in here: no one touches Raven Hannigan.

Hannigan’s is the hangout for Angel’s Halo Motorcycle Club. My dad had been the president of the Club until he died. My Uncle Jack should have taken over as president, but he wanted the Club under a younger ruling. The title had passed to my oldest brother Jet, until recent events had happened, but he’s still technically president. Technically.