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Chapter 22

One Month Later

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NIGHTMARES. EVERY DAMN night, it was the same one. Me, strapped to a bed, being injected with drugs and wanting to scream yet not being able to find a strong enough voice.


It wasn’t a nightmare.

It had been reality, one that, when I closed my eyes at night, replayed over and over again, not relenting. Even lying in Jag’s arms, the nightmares came, and I saw that man. I could even hear the smirk in his voice.

When I woke up screaming, Jag was always there, trying to calm me. I would scream, yell, kick, and fight until I finally woke up and saw it was Jag who was holding me. He had taken quite a few hits from me, one catching him off guard and giving him a black eye. I had never felt so horrible about something in my life.

Yet, even after all the dreams and thrashings, he was still there. He refused to leave. I was positive I wouldn’t have made it as far as I had, even in small steps, without him there every day.

I had gone to the doctor the day before and told her all about my dreams. She had prescribed me some medicine that was supposed to help me sleep. We would see how that worked. She had also told me all my infections were healed and had been for a while now.

I sat, waiting for Jag in the living room with Scraper over in the corner. I wasn’t able to move far without him attached to me. Rex had to go somewhere, and Jag wouldn’t tell me where or what he was doing, only that he would be back. I also hadn’t seen Val in that time, either. The rest of my family had hounded me. I loved them, but the first few days were hard. Then Jag finally put his foot down, and I was able to relax more.

“Hey, dolcezza.”

I jumped at the voice behind me, turning quickly. Jag’s smile pulled my heart. After everything we had been through, he was still giving me those smiles.

I stood from the couch. “Hey, where are we going?” I walked in front of Jag and wrapped my arms around him. His lips fell down on mine in a caressing kiss, and I fell into it, loving the sensation of him.

I knew I was very lucky that I wasn’t hurt sexually while I was gone. Thank God.

He pulled slowly away from me, and my eyes fluttered open to stare into his beautiful denim eyes, the ones that, no matter how many times I saw them, melted me.

“Hold that thought.”

Before I could ask, he tugged my arm, pulling me through the house.

“Where are we going?” I giggled as he pulled me out of the room, not answering me.

We walked down the hallway and toward the rush. Jag opened the door, kicking it with his foot before dragging me into the vacant room. He shut the door behind us with a click.

“Why are we here?” If anything, this was odd. We never came down here. Jag had meetings, but I hadn’t stepped foot in here since I’d had to meet with my dad and uncle.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to his body. “You know how many meetings I’ve had in here?”

I shook my head, because recently, there had been many.

“Lots.” His breath tickled my nose, the mint of his toothpaste right there for me to taste. The scruff of his beard sending tingles to my skin. “And every time I sit in this room, I think about how I will lay you out and feast on you, how I will fuck you on every single surface of this room.” His lips dipped to my ear. “And today, I make it happen.”

My insides quivered. “Really? You think I’m that easy, huh?” I sassed.

“Baby, you are in no way easy, but you’re fucking mine, and if I want it, you’ll give it.” He was right. I would, eventually.

I stepped out of his grasp, a smirk playing on my lips. “Gonna have to catch me first.”

I darted off to the other side of the room, only making it a few steps before Jag’s strong arms gripped me from behind.

“Like this?” Jag asked as I pretended to struggle and laughed.

I turned in his arms. “Yeah.”

His lips crashed down on mine, sucking every bit of air from me. His hands moved up and down my body as our lips began fighting each other for dominance. I knew I would lose, but it was fun trying.

He ripped his lips away from mine. “Naked. Now,” he ordered, pulling out one of the chairs from the table and holding out his hand. “Up on the table.” I paused for a moment, needing just a second, then reached out for his hand and climbed up on the table.

My shoes were the first to go. One thing I didn’t want was to fall flat on my face. That would just scream sexy.

Ever so slowly, I began pulling my clothing from my body, trying to do it as seductively as possible. I didn’t think I was hitting the mark, but when Jag got up from the chair and stripped out of his clothes then sat down, dick in hand, I was sure I was onto something.

I swiveled my hips and ran my hands up and down my body, grabbing my breasts, pinching and twisting my nipples.

“Get down,” Jag commanded, snapping me out of my dance.

One look into the fire burning in his eyes and I complied. My feet didn’t hit the ground before Jag flew to me, pinning my chest to the table.

“Spread your legs.”

My heart pounded as scalding heat seeped out of my pussy. I wanted him now, so I complied instantly.

He thrust inside of me, and I groaned at the delectable intrusion. I laid my hands out in front of me, the slick table providing nothing for me to grasp on to.

His thrusts were hard and deep, catching every nerve in my body on fire.

“Don’t you dare come. We do this together.”

I tried holding it back, but it was bubbling in my gut and wanted to explode. I tried thinking of other things, but then he hit the G-spot deep in my body. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold on to it.

“Hurry up, Jag. I’m going to come.”

“Almost. Put your leg up on the table.” He gripped my hips and pulled me farther back to him, my tits scraping the table.

Thrust after thrust, my body was wound so tightly it needed to blow.

“Come with me, baby.”

After two more thrusts in and out, I exploded, and screams left me as I floated toward a beautiful place.


Chapter 23

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THEY FUCKING GOT them, both of those stupid motherfuckers. The only thing I was pissed off about was not being the one to pull the fucking trigger.

Flynn and Ghost were relaxing in South America, and Val and Rex planned their take out. It took two months from start to finish, but that didn’t matter. Flynn had always been a pain in the family’s ass. They’d learned he planted Ghost in to get inside information. When Jake went to Zan for revenge on me, Zan connected everyone as payback for my father’s death. He was the mastermind behind the entire thing. While I was happy that all the players were found out; all I needed were the words they are dead. Catarina would not be hurt by them ever again.

I knocked on the door in front of me before I heard, “Come in,” from Sal’s mouth.

He had wanted to meet with me for a while now, but I had been so busy taking care of Catarina we were only able to have phone conversations. Being as it was his daughter, he had let that shit slide, but I hadn’t been stupid enough to think it would stay that way.

Sal sat at his desk, the cherry wood and dark walls giving off a comforting impression.

“Come on in, son, and shut the door.” Sal waved to the chair in front of him, and I sat.

“What can I do for ya, boss?”

He steepled his hands, giving me that stare that would have most men quivering in their seats. Not me. I knew he meant business, but I hadn’t done anything to warrant any anger.

“You did good finding my Catarina.”