And though, if to describe in details the word, meaning this primary differences, and interpretations of concepts connected with it changed many times during the Western civilization history, the one remained unchanged. “Information” was secretly hidden and unable to be separated among the primary differences from “spirit”, “energy” and “force”, which were equated in the Western worldview.

As for “matter”, it was equated to “substance”. And when working out in detail, divided into four elements or on the modern science language – states of aggregation of matter: “Earth” – solid substance; “Water” – liquid matter; “Air” – gaseous matter; “Fire” – plasma. And the natural force fields, which carry ordered energy and are invisible for the majority of people, merged with the information in the “non-material spirit”. What concerns the vacuum, which according to the modern ideas is far from the emptiness but is one of the states of aggregation of matter, it became “space-container”. And “time” turned into some sigh to indicate some impalpable incomprehensibility. In other words, everybody knows what the time is, but nobody can say something definite about it.

How does the historical experience show, during the history of after-Egyptian regional civilizations the worldview based on the four-person Universe remains itself. It only changed its forms of appearing before the society. And this worldview had done the way from the theological doctrine of ancient Egyptians about four-person Amon to the space-time continuum of the 20th century materialists. And the regional civilization, where it dominated the people’s minds, led the planet to the global biospherical-ecological crisis, in which the intrasocial crisis had been reflected.

But for all that one finds that some ideas obvious inside the worldview of triunity just become imperceptible, incomprehensible and indescribable within the categories of the four-personal Universe by the “languages” developed in culture.

Thus after conversations with the Russians and reading the attendant literature it became clear to me, that the categories of space and time are secondary concerning the measure. And so, time is simply a ratio measure of full oscillation periods of all the mutually enclosed processes in the Universe. Probably it became clear to me because the image of the mutually enclosing has existed in Russia and Egypt among their cultural heritage from the old times. For instance world-famous Russian doll “matreshka[70]” and pharaohs’ sarcophaguses one can see in the Cairo museum are the same constructions as they are. They differ only by size and purpose. If one has no measure he won’t be able to distinguish an enclosed construction from the enclosing one. That’s why during the history they only told about the space, but really measured it with subjectively chosen etalons.

Excuse me, Holmes, I seem to be carried away by new philosophical theories and probably have tired you. But thanks to them I was able to penetrate into the secret of Russian “picnics” and to understand how matrix methods of ruling work. It would be simpler to me to indicate the information, which these pictures contains; to refer the certain words, which are the code – the measure; and to show the defined result, which becomes a natural consequence of the objective process of the Universe – the triunity of matter-information-measure. But you understand, that without such wordy philosophical introductions my words would remain another hypothesis, which the press after September 11 is full of. May be my statement was somehow confused, but it was the first time I tried to retell and expound coherently that, what I used to reflect on when I was alone with my thoughts.

I beg you, Mr. Salem. You should not apologize. I listened to your story rich in new terminology very attentively, and it was quite useful for me, I assure you. Point is that I’ve heard some odds and ends, single theses, fragments of the new philosophy being born in Russia at different places and under different circumstances. Russia as the civilization has its own mission. And I wanted to understand it for a long time. We used to talk of civilization within the terminology East-West or North-South. Hearing you I tried to abstract my mind from biblical culture stereotypes, i.e. to overstep the limits of binary code: materialism-idealism, capitalism-socialism, plan-market, East-West and so on. Within the worldview alternative to the binary one (as I’d like to call it) Russia for me seems to be the civilization of measure; and the West directed on unlimited consumption of material comforts is the civilization of matter; as for the East closed on spirit practices created by “esotericists” for the crowd-“elitism” stability maintaining, it is the civilization of information.

But I’ve told of the worldview of triunity as of an alternative to the worldview of four-person Amon, – Salem tried to object.

It’s right, but in part. You told of the energy as of some stable transition state of matter when it changes its aggregation state. Moreover, in your discussions the matter concerned the space-time continuum. That’s why the quadruple matter-energy-space-time could be divided into two pairs: matter-energy and space-time. And I consider the conversion from plain alternativeless binary to the worldview of triunity, which it encloses, to be a step forward because we are still living in the three-dimension space. In addition, in very Cairo I’ve heard the logical and coherent account of the worldview, which the matrix methods of ruling are based on, as it seems to me. I avoid the term “weapon” expressly, since many people, met with the matrix methods of ruling, would try to add the adjective “matrix” with the noun “weapon”, taken from the biblical culture, and drag it into the 21st century. But if to examine the process of ruling from the position of mutual enclosing of matrixes then the mankind has a chance to stop all the wars. It needs that these methods become a common property not just of the “elite”, but of everybody, who wishes to increase his measure of righteousness of understanding the general current of events. In this case, when some conflict appears, a manager proficient in the matrix methods will need simply achieving a higher level of understanding the general current of events and solving out the conflict from a position of enclosing matrix.

But if it would be more profitable for him to aggravate the coming conflict, well, to cause a clash between the enemies for achieving the desired result? – Salem tried to object again.

It would be unrighteousness from his side. And the day will come when he wishes he hadn’t done it. One should remember of the mutual enclosing of matrixes, which in the limit go to the matrix of God’s Predetermination. Such actions or evil thoughts will return to the aggressor, since they could not be dictated by the higher measure of understanding the general current of events. Quite the contrary his aggressive intentions, whatever he thinks of them himself, will objectively mean that he had gone down an enclosed matrix instead of rising his measure of understanding to the level of enclosing matrix. And it seems to me, that all what his happening with the USA, or precisely with their government, demonstrates just the same algorithm of the matrix ruling. And I’m thankful to you, Mr. Salem, because I needed your account for understanding of some details, linking the matrix methods of ruling with the two worldviews. Surely, I haven’t understood everything. Something has left because of many translations from language to language, but I seem to have caught the main. The Most High controls this weapon, in the sense that its use for the sake of some clan is rather dangerous for this clan. Since the weapon possesses the reflexive ability, which is known as an effect of “monkey’s paw” to the Western civilization. And the Russian “picnics”, which were the matrix-scripts of the possible variants of events development in Russia, demonstrates us this effect.