But if to ask one what did Levites, who had inherited the culture and knowledge of Ancient Egyptian highest “zhrechestvo” (they were zhretses some time), knew and understood? And what didn’t others understood, even probably knowing it? Then one can find an answer in the occult literature.

Salem took a thick folio with big letters on its cover: “The Sacred Book of Thoth. The Major Arcana of Tarot” – opened a page marked with gilded rope and read:

“With thirty two ways – wonderful, wise – inscribed (designed) IA, IEBE, Sabaoph, God of Israel, God Alive and the Eternal King, El Shadday, Merciful and Forgiving, Sublime and Staying in Eternity, – sublime and holy is His Name, – created His world with three sipherims: Sephar, Sipur and Sipher.

The first of these terms (Sephar) should mean the numbers, which only give us a possibility to determine necessary purposes and relations of each and a thing for understanding the goal, which it was created for; and MEASURE of length, and MEASURE of capacity, and MEASURE of weight, motion and harmony – ALL THESE THINGS ARE RULED BY NUMBERS. The second term (SIPUR) expresses word and voice, because it the God’s Word and Voice, because it is the God’s Word, it is the Voice of God Alive, Who gave birth to creatures under their different FORMS, either external or internal; it should be mentioned in these words: “God said: «Be the Light» and «the Light became»”. Finally, the third term (Sipher) means the writing. The Writing of God is the PRODUCT OF CREATION. God’s Words are His Writing; God’s Thought is the Word. Thus thought, word and writing are the one in God; while in a man they are three (put in capitals by the authors when citing)”[65].

As you see, Holmes, many people like me read this text. But it’s dead without the corresponding explanation. It means that it excludes the uniqueness of its understanding by the majority of arbitrary true seekers out of the devotion system.

And the Russians consider this inability of understanding because of intentional expression of mutual exclusive meanings ambiguity to be the main peculiarity of the education for “the small circle, which mission is to rule”, and precisely: for the small circle that pretends to dominate completely and unpunished.

But nonetheless under the “God’s Writing” (product of God’s creation) one can recognize the matter in all its forms, under the “God’s Thought” – the objective information, the life’s sense, and under the “God’s Word” – the measure. And all of this forms the triunity of matter-information-measure in the Universe. Thus it goes that the philosophy based on the triunity of matter-information-measure really existed for a historically long time. And relying on it somebody swung the public mind from “idealism” to “materialism” and back like a pendulum and didn’t let it stop and think over the question: “What is the Truth?”

However the Russians consider that all cited from “The Sacred Book of Thoth” are just retellings, but not the basis of the true worldview of the triunity of matter-information-measure that in the biblical civilization isn’t intended for expressing in the public philosophy. As for the Koran, they think that the worldview nearest to the worldview of Triunity is given in it. This worldview underlay the philosophy usurped during the “Sinai picnic” by biblical “esotericists” who had patronized historically real Moses. I was to agree with their argumentation since there is direct indication in Koran: “And when We gave Musa[66] the Book and the distinction that you might walk aright” (Sura 2:50)[67].

From this ajat one can understand that Moses get some knowledge gathered into the Writing (true Torah, later made disused and substituted for the redaction perverted by the biblical project curators). And also something called “Distinction” was given to him.

What is called the “Distinction” in the Koran, after Moses’ elimination was simply hidden from the crowd and usurped for internal use by the supreme hierarchs of the biblical “esotericists”. I wouldn’t like to discuss the problem of Distinction today. It should be a topic for special big discussion. I can only refer to the Koran texts where the problem of Distinction arises more than once[68]. Reading the Koran’s ajats you will find the word “Furkan” translated on other languages either “Distinction” or “Salvation”. Thus you will be able to find two conceptual levels, this word points out.

With all this at first conceptual level the question will arise about what exactly is given in the Koran for the Distinction as the primary conceptual categories, from which should one develop his or her process of Life’s understanding and re-understanding. And at the second conceptual level you will be to solve the question of your ability to Discern “this” from “not this”, “one” from “another” in the flow of Life’s events.

Together with the Russians we have thoroughly studied the Suras where it is told of the Distinction. And I’ve understood that in the Koran the doctrine of triunity of matter-information-measure – the limit generalizations and the primary differences in the Universe – is openly expressed. This worldview is for everybody, not only for “esotericists’ elite”. Moreover opened for people during the last thirteen centuries it could be the stable basis for developing the philosophy, which will be alternative to one that maintains the public mind’s oscillation from materialism to idealism and back. However, the public philosophy nowadays is still expressing the defective worldview that is more corresponding to pharaohs’ times.

How do you think, Mr. Salem, why could it be possible? –Holmes asked.

I asked the same. As the answer the Russian showed me the “Book for Elementary Reading” by Vodovozov, published in St-Petersburg in the end of 19th century and used for the Russian Empire nationals’ self-education. The matter concerns ancient Egyptians’ views on the objective reality. I’ve made an extract. I hope it would slightly open you the secret of maintaining the biblical worldview stereotypes stability.

Holmes took the paper and absorbed in reading the English text.

“The main cast that ruled everything was the cast of clerics or zhretses. They directed even the tsar (i.e. pharaoh) how to live and what to do… The supreme divinity of Egyptians was AMON. Four divinities united in him. The substance, which everything in the world consists of, – goddess NET; the spirit enlivening the substance or the force making it be composed, change and act – god NEPH; the endless space occupied by the substance – goddess PASHT; the endless time, which we imagine during the constant changes of the substance – god SEBEK. Everything in the Universe according to Egyptian doctrine origins from the substance via the action of invisible force, occupies the space and changes with time. And all of this mystically combines in the tetraune[69] being AMON”.

Holmes finished reading and for some time silently looked at the landscape behind the window. It began to darken, quickly as always in these latitudes. Salem suggested going outside. Freshness of the near water was felt in the air. They entered the wide terrace buried in verdure and descending to Nile. The first stars appeared on the unfamiliar skies. In a comfortable gazebo, which too was decorated with garlands of rambling rose, the table with refined engraved silver dishes with fruits and sweets was served. Hot coffeepot made of Dresden Meissen china exhaled the aroma of the just made coffee. Salem invited Holmes to the gazebo and their conversation continued under the sky of Cairo.

As you see, Mr. Holmes, if we put aside the names of Ancient Egyptian gods, the substance will correspond to the modern “substance”; spirit – mostly to “force fields”; and “space” and “time” will remain unchanged from that time. That what Vodovozov told about Ancient Egypt shows, that the primary differences and generalizing categories taken as basic categories of the Universe in the modern civilization during the millennia remains unchanged. “Matter” understood as “substance”; “spirit” understood as “energy”, “force” and the ruling law, i.e. “information” and “measure”; and also “space” and “time” sometimes divided and sometimes united first in four-person Amon, then in “two-person” unnamed “space-time continuum” from theory of relativity, which is the unknowable container of the matter in any aggregative state.