It’s rather clear with the alternative. And are there the crowd-“elitist” conception and its symbolism in “picnics”? – Holmes asked again.

Yes, – answered Andrew. – This dead fish on the black waters of the Swan Lake symbolizes the end of the “Pisces epoch” (the epoch of the biblical conception domination) and beginning of the “Aquarius (Water-Carrier) epoch”. The Pisces (the Fishes) are the symbol of the Bible. The word “water” exists in the alternative conception as the symbol of information. The “Aquarius epoch” is the epoch of an informational society. The alternative conception’s new conceptual system turned the negative matrix against its masters, thus after September 11 one can see on television people with respirator-helmets, great amount of dust, the World Trade Centre’s ruins with facing pieces sticking out which resemble the Pisa’s Tower silhouettes. But one can see the same symbolically shown at the third “picnic”.

Whether you think, Andrew, that something similar to the American events was planned to be realized in Russia? – Holmes interrupted Andrew.

I think, Holmes, that you wouldn’t object that there was a real treat to the President of the USA on September 11. All the mass media was shouting of it and Bush himself looked as an exhausted hair, not as the mightiest armed forces in the world chief-commander. He was rather searching for the place, from which he could continue to rule the state, than organizing the repulse to terrorists. But you hardly know that immediately after Putin’s election there were many rumours of the possible murderous assault on Russia’s head, January 20 was called as the date of that event. Moreover, one TV program showed recently that the assassins’ sect member’s assault dated for Putin’s visit of Shahid’s valley on January 8, 2001, in Azerbaijan capital – Baku.

But who are the assassins? – Paolo entered the discussion.

Assassins didn’t start from scratch. Their sect founder Khassan, son of Sabbakh, or differently the Mountain Elder, got his worldview basis in Ishmaelite’s sect. This secret Shiites organisation (appeared in Caliphate in 8th century) managed to release Ubeidallah, whom they considered to be the descendant of Ishmael the seventh Imam starting his family from Fatima, Muhammad’s daughter, from prison during the endless series of intestine strives and coups d’Etat. They brought him to power in Tunis founding thus the Fatimides dynasty (by the beginning of the 12th century – the time of their decay – Caliphs Ishmaelite dynasty ruled nearly the whole north Africa, Sicily, Egypt and Syria). The monarchs not just favoured the doctrine, which had brought them to power, but they shared its ideas and masterfully used this instrument for their power consolidation.

Having conquered Egypt, Fatimides created a lodge called “Doyal-Doat” in Cairo. Notice, that the supreme preacher shared the power with Caliph. Nearly each mentors of the “Wisdom House” had a high position in the court. And there was no end of those, who wanted to study there. Outwardly Cairo’s lodge looked much more like a university than as a secret society. In the wonderful apartments it got they kept valuable writings, books, science facilities and instruments. Moreover Caliph annually gave quarter million gold pieces for enlightenment’s needs. But there was another hidden aim besides the education – the complete changing of pupil’s inner substance.

Thus, as it is, assassins are zombies created under the conditions of Islam-the-result-of-history crowd-“elitist” system. And hierophants brilliantly use them on such principle: “Everybody works for himself according to his understanding, and according to his misunderstanding for that who understands more”. It is useful to remember, that Ishmaelites’ orders still works. I don’t consider assassins or any other Arabian terrorists to understand the globalisation processes better than Trotskyites, so they together pull chestnuts out of the fire for biblical project realization.

Again it was a long pause. Everybody was reflecting on Andrew and Paolo’s words. The mistress, old woman with nice strict face, invited people to the wide terrace with served table. Earlier when he was approaching the four-storey house Holmes put an attention on its original architecture. From the street it looked as multi-deck ship. Every terrace was a small home garden: everywhere there were flowers, exotic southern bushes and even small trees with oranges and lemons on them. And since the lower floors terraces protruded far forward, from the third floor terrace one could get a nice view on blooming many-tier gardens. Rays of the falling Sun lighted shapes of far Madrid, which were seen in the dwindling evening haze. The guests sat at the table but Holmes couldn’t take his eyes off of the ancient city’s panorama in front of him.

When he had come to the hotel and checked the last events he tried to put to system all heard during the day and made the appropriate notes in his notebook computer. During the supper Andrew told a lot from the main “Dead Water’s” document: the Sufficiently Universal Theory of Ruling”. And at parting Mr. Verov gave him the copies of missing “Chas Pick” papers and promised to send an e-mail if there would something new. Paolo supplied him with large bibliography of history of Trotskyism and copies of some documents he possessed. All of them including Antonio relied on Holmes’s and his friend Watson’s analytical talents.

The next day Holmes spent walking about in old Madrid, long sitting in small comfortable cafes, which in abundance were in Madrid, looked at careless tourists. So, outwardly he just did nothing, but really he intensively thought, comparing all he had heard in Vaduz or El Escorial. His still uncertain understanding of the matrix methods of ruling was formed. But at the same time he got the feeling that something important was missing. And about it he could neither read nor hear from somebody; only guess. Yet he foresaw that this something important stays just around the corner. With such thoughts he returned to his room. At the moment Holmes was going to call Watson to tell about his futures plans the phone called.

Mr. Holmes, for God's sake forgive us for late call. We call you for the third time! – He heard familiar Antonio’s voice.

Has something important happened? – Holmes asked anxiously.

Turn the TV on, in five minutes the last news will be shown. Pedro Colyado, our yesterday’s master was right. Today at 13:44 by Moscow time (GMT +3:00) not far from resort town Sochi Russian airliner Tu-154 making the flight number 1812 from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk fell down the Black Sea. Everybody on board, i.e. passengers and crew, perished. The causes are ascertaining.

Holmes turned the TV-set on. All is certain. The “picnics” matrix works on. He almost mechanically wrote down the collapse coordinates: latitude 42.11 North, longitude 37.37 East. He opened the calendar with a person feeding birds and counted the shown, i.e. not hidden, fence spaces. They were 37 indeed. Could one predict the catastrophe coordinates seven years before? This just couldn’t be! Holmes remembered the notes on probabilistic methods he had left to Watson. In the commentaries to them, as he could remember, they were called the “God’s games”. No, Andrew was right: the Almighty doesn’t play the dices. All of this is just the elements of the matrix ruling; and matrixes are often formed by thoughtless people who later step on their own rake[60]. Wait, but it was just the previous day when Andrew had translated the story placed in “Chas Pick” at the backside of the “Jade of History”. It was a funny story called “The Rake”. The similar sounding of the words “a rake” and “to rob” was played up in it. So, Holmes wondered if somebody had robbed himself that day.

Holmes called to London. Watson was at home and it seemed that he had been waiting for the call. He obviously was alarmed by something and told that he already had heard of Tu-154 tragedy but he couldn’t say anything specific or definite about that. Holmes reminded him about September 7 and promised to return to London in a week.