Some ideas live much longer then people do, thus the conceptual power just couldn’t be autocratic at all; in this sense it is out of any democratic electoral procedures, but nevertheless it is on the top of the crowd-“elitist” pyramid indeed. One cannot reach this top using the democratic elections; but one can reach it if he remembers that the scheme of the pyramid’s construction is quite simple. Everybody works for himself in compliance with his measure of understanding; and in compliance with his measure of misunderstanding he work on those, who understand more. The conceptual power just doesn’t exist for modern crowd-“elitist” society, which discerns only three branches of power – legislative, executive and judicial. But if somebody in the crowd doesn’t know and understand something, things unfamiliar to him don’t stop to exist. And to make the crowd not to search for the conceptual power, even unfamiliar to it, the conceptual power itself invented the convenient way to hide itself. They told that the highest power in the society belongs to people. One can hardly imagine more cynical idea, because “people” is a “collective noun”, but not a “proper or common noun”, and any power in the society is somehow personified.

By the way, have you ever though about in whose honour does our Spanish town Al-Hesiras named? “Al” is an Arabic article, a heritage of Arabic dominion over Spain. And “Hesi-Ra” was one of the hierophants name. He was the leader of one of the high zhretses tens in the time of Pharaoh Josser. Thus we pay a tribute of memory to ancient hierophants, whose conceptual power reached even our times. But sorry, I have digressed a little. Let’s return to Trotsky and Trotskyites.

Have you paid attention to one the last testament’s words? “I will die being a revolutionist, Marxist, dialectical materialist and thus atheist”. I think that Trotsky’s materialistic atheism, which he put in the window, caused his death. In the middle of 20th century the fashion on the materialistic atheism become to come to naught, moreover it gave rise to the aversion between the common people. Thus it wasn’t promising for creating a crowd scenes and the conceptual power ruled the crowd during the whole global historical process using swing of peculiar “pendulum” from materialism to idealism and backwards. The crowd couldn’t notice such swings since its memory doesn’t exceed two weeks; and hierophants understanding its nature used this “pendulum” for maintenance of stability of ruling with the crowd-“elitist” conception. The main what they inserted into this process and what allowed them to be on top of the pyramid so long was the keeping of the atheism in society in any form. The deep understanding of objective processes in the Nature and society provided the knowledge monopoly. And they used not to force the society with knowledge and preferred keeping it in ignorance and urging it to this or that choice unnoticeably, each time giving the necessary leaders.

And they managed to save this monopoly while the full oscillation period of the “pendulum” included the live of whole generations, i.e. lasted for thousands or hundreds years. In the 20th century it evidently became being estimated by decades and entered the limits of live of one generation. This event caused the appearance of people, who could not just notice such phenomenon but even investigate and understand it, between those whom hierophants considered to be dunces from the crowd. The conception alternative to the crowd-“elitist” one has appeared as naturally predetermined consequence of this objective process.

And why couldn’t another crowd-“elitist” conception appear? – Pedro Colyado, the host, asked again.

You’re right, my friend, – continued Paolo. – In that period a great amount of crowd-“elitist” conceptions pretending to be new should have appeared. And they really appeared. The mass media became to promote them, since they understand that “…foolish people use to humbly follow the novelty[53]”. But I hope you understand that any kind of crowd-“elitism”, even the most exotic, was instantly adopted by global conceptual power, since it had the widest practical experience of ruling. The two alternative conceptions existence period was rightly called a period of conceptual indeterminacy by Andrew. And it is very dangerous period, because it can entail different catastrophes. By the main goal of the hierophants at the same time remains unchanged: maintain the stability of the crowd-“elitist” pyramid in any way.

The geopolitical evaluations of events happening in the world show that since the second half of 20th century the conditions were more propitious for the idealistic atheism. In other words, on the West as well as on the East there was everything necessary for successful progress of Trotskyism cleansed of the materialistic atheism, in which Trotsky had stagnated. But particularly promising situation for developing the Trotskyism based on the idealistic atheism arose in the Islamic world.

In this context Spain is interested by that it has gone through the conflict of the Islamic and Christian idealistic atheisms. I think that Trotskyites, who had time to change their face many times during the history, use so-called “Arabian terrorists” for the realization of ideas of permanent revolution. It isn’t a secret that in 1492 not only Arabs but also Jews[54], who under a cover of nominal Arabian power lent money lead the Spanish people to the public war, were driven out of Spain too. And if Islam had had real power in Spain there would not have been a place for usury in it. Koran prohibits usury and protections of usurers. And Spain could still have been an Islamic state, if Arabs hadn’t turned their backs on moral ethical norms, given them by Muhammad, and which are similar to the moral ethical norms taught by Christ.

After all of this it becomes simple to understand that Afghan Taliban, and Muamar Cadaffi’s socialism, and Islamic revolution in Iraq are just the different sorts of Islam-the-result-of-history, which, in spite of the variety of his forms, substantially doesn’t exceed the bounds of the idealistic atheism and easily fits in the permanent revolution process. As you see, the Fourth International is in a march.

Silence reigned among the presents. Everybody was reflecting upon what Andrew and Paolo had said.

The three “puzzled” from Russia are already familiar to me, – Holmes broke the silence at last. – But what do these strange calendars from “Chas Pick” mean?

We consider them to be the third “picnic’s” continuation, – commented Andrew. – Look here, – he moved the “Post Historical Picnic” nearer and marked its low right corner with his forefinger. – Do you see seven birds and an arrow showing their course? Together with the arrow there are eight “birds”. And now look to the calendar with the star falling into black water. There are the Moon and stars on the sky; there is moonlight trace on the sea, but it’s a bright day on the shore. A man sitting on the bench is feeding birds. How much are they? Eight as well as on the third “picnic”! Four of them have already landed and the fifth is just about to land. And as you know actually four aeroplanes tragically “landed” in the United States. And look on the stars: they have five, six or seven points. But on the ground and water there are only seven-point stars. The seven-point star is a symbol of Sufism. Two palms on the first and third “picnics” are Sufi symbols as well. These symbols link calendars and “picnics” together. Moreover, one seven-point star with wreckage and burning trace already has stuck into the ground; another is falling down the sea and third, reserved one, lies in the open bag of the strange person on the bench. I think that this picture is an original warning or omen of the past and future catastrophes. Since the last catastrophes were connected with airplanes, it seems to me that this picture predicts some aviation accident near some seaside resort: it follows from the promenade and the bench the strange person is sitting on. The date of the supposed catastrophe is hard to be determined, though… if to follow the same method one can see that the month of the catastrophes in New York and Washington is pointed by the number of stars in the sky. They are nine. The catastrophes took place in September – the ninth month. The pointer of the day one can see in the calendar. September 11 keeps within the width of the embankment fence. Together with the “black Tuesday”, which was on Sunday in 1994, it includes also September 18, 25 and October 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. Today is October 3, if nothing happens until the end of the day, one should wait for the catastrophe to happen on any other day indicated here.