For nearly the whole week Holmes was busy with the firm’s business in Madrid and rarely opened the “picnics” for thinking once again. His version was filling by new details but still was unstable. He was near to call Watson when the firm’s leaders suggested him to fly to Cairo on Friday, October 5. There the two-day conference of “Ernst & Young” representatives devoted to the nationalization of several big private companies was going to take place. Some tendency in the sphere of medium-sized and large businesses observed by Holmes for the last ten years showed that the International positions in the world are growing stronger. Interested for meeting some persons participating in the International’s world strategy development he agreed to continue his journey.

Holmes got two free days and apparently to vary his trip his satellite Mr. Antonio Ugarte, the firm’s Spanish official, suggested visiting El Escorial, the calm town where in the 16th century the official royal residence[47] was for some time situated. Holmes talked to Ugarte about the Spanish civil war and made a suggestion that the result of those events of 1936 was predetermined. Somebody, ruling the global historical process, wanted to see the developments variant alternative to that, which had taken place in Russia in 1917. And though some historians say that “the History doesn’t tolerate any conjunctive mood”, in the real history there are some forces that would like to see how the “conjunctive mood” is realized on practice.

By his views Antonio was far from the Trotskyites followers. He was still respecting General Franco who by his opinion didn’t let Hitler to engage Spain into the World War II. Attentively hearing Holmes’s version of the causes of the civil war he promised to make a meeting in El Escorial with interesting people. They were able to answer many questions about hidden motives of the events of 1936. Holmes took his suggestion with pleasure, since it was first time when he had a chance to visit a residence of Spanish kings. Situated 50 kilometres away from Madrid El Escorial was just buried in verdure. It was a nice sunny day and the air was uncommonly clean and clear. Tourists overfilled the public green space and the famous square.

Holmes and Antonio parked their car and for a long time walked down the narrow streets of the old town. After the midday they came to a house were small company had gathered. Antonio introduced Holmes to the master Pedro Coliado, full-bodied man with coal-black hair. Right away he invited his guests to the sitting room where two other guests had already sat and actively discussed something on Spanish.

Andrew Verov, – introduced himself not tall stocky man who was about forty.

Are you Russian? – For some reason asked Holmes.

Yes, Mr. Holmes, - answered Verov in English. – But I’ve been living in Spain for ten years.

Paolo Riego, – socially smiled the second one and added. – Spanish, but lived in Russia for some time.

When Holmes looked on the table they were sitting at he could hardly believe his eyes. There were three “picnics” and the copies of calendars on 1994 with some strange pictures from already-known Russian paper “Chas Pick”.

The guests looked at Holmes so as if they were sure that the “picnics” were familiar to him. He himself suddenly thought that he was a go-between in the discussion of some grandiose and formidable mysterious plot. The master served coffee and the talk, interrupted by arrival of the new guests, continued. Only that moment Holmes noticed that the guests weren’t discussing the picnics. They looked at the map of Madrid with a big wrench-looking hand crossing the city cornerwise and having its palm on the very central square. Holmes asked Antonio to translate him the discussion, but Andrew apologized and started to retell the matter of the discussion on good English.

My friend brought these picnics and some attendant pictures to me last year. He told about the matrix ruling methods that even in the extreme antiquity were used by zhretses in Atlantis. He told they were znakhars, I hope you understand the meaning of the word. They ruled the race of slaves using their monopoly on knowledge. Evidently these methods were efficient enough, since znakhars managed to form the crowd-“elitist” pyramid stable during the change of generation.

On the top of the pyramid sat the race of masters that consisted of nearly immortal demonic beings. And at its bottom was the race of slaves – half-animal–half-zombies. One could never escape this vicious infernal circle to the humaneness neither from the high nor from the low social level. Thus Atlantis ceased to exist as the dead state of the evolution that made a possibility of the next development impossible.

How could it be that having in their disposal such mighty methods of ruling Atlantes weren’t able to defend their civilization against the ruin after it had obtained the crowd-“elitist” pyramid stability? – Asked Holmes.

There are many different theories. One of them is based on the difference between the roles of conceptual categories and the generic memory in the human evolution. Its followers consider that in those ancient times people weren’t able to think by conceptual categories yet and got their own experience only thanks to their generic memory. The superior stage was achieved when one managed to transmit his own memory to his descendents as some “hereditary blood memory”. People redid ancestors’ actions as fluently as they remembered their own lives events. The ancestors’ cult developed in a form similar to that, which for many millennia existed in Ancient China. However, it was the very force of the memory that led to the destructive demonic cult of personality. The more power, which increased automatically during the succession of generation, obtained some hierarch the more he wanted to use it. And the conceptual system and the cultures of mutual understandings were either undeveloped or so perverted that they couldn’t help to avoid abusing the automatic generic power. But since Atlantes could magically influence on the nature governors’ abuses of their power created the terrible catastrophes, which lead to the ruin of the whole continent.

Nevertheless, since the society in Atlantis become stable, and thus in a certain sense untroubled, this fact should have been reflected in the culture of the modern civilization which also aspires to the stability and solving the problems. And it’s really reflected, but in two ways: one in the myths and legends of Ancient Greece and second in the Russian writer Ivan Efremov’s novel “Bull’s Hour”. The first reflection is well known on the West. It’s light and bright memory of the lost “Golden Age” of the biogenic civilization. According to this reflection on the top of the crowd-“elitist” pyramid called Olympus the immortal demonic gods sat. At its bottom were mortal men (slaves – speaking “animals”, free people – “biorobotic zombies” or just powerless mental-psychological cripples). Everything seems to be fine, but only for those, who see themselves between the future “Olympians”. But for those, who hasn’t reached the “Olympic” standard, the hopeless inferno – the endless Hell circles on the Earth, although probably passing by in the pleasant intoxication. Do you remember? “If people don’t find a way to the holy truth, long live to that madman who will evoke the Golden dreams over mankind!”

And now many people idealize this way of life and wish to return it. They choose a place in the “Olympic” elite and go in for “mental body-building”, developing their strength of mind and willpower using different mental practises.

As for me, though I know this doctrine, I don’t idealize such way of life. However this theory is interesting because it shows that each individual saves the freedom in choosing. In other words, it doesn’t lay on God the responsibility for the disasters and catastrophes, which people, deviating from the righteousness and abusing their abilities, cast on them themselves.